KFC - Kentucky Colonel
Time: 1936
Place: Kentucky, U.S.
Details: By 1936, this had proven successful enough for Sanders to be given the honorary title of Kentucky colonel by Governor Ruby Laffoon.

Gary Webb-Webb's first investigative work
1980 - Kentucky, United States

Gary Webb-Webb worked as a reporter at the Kentucky Post
1978 - Kentucky, United States

KFC-Not Just Chicken
1990s - Worldwide

KFC-The Official Name
1991 - Worldwide

Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's announced a Settlement With Schnatter
Tuesday Mar 5, 2019 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's Signed With ESPN Regional Television
Nov, 2006 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-The Company CEO resign's announcement
Thursday Dec 21, 2017 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-The Official Pizza Sponsor of The NFL
2010 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Announcing That Shaquille O'Neal Will Join Papa John's board of Directors
Friday Mar 22, 2019 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's Ended Their Sponsorship agreement With The NFL
Feb, 2018 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-The Company went Public
1997 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-The First National Pizza Chain To make Online Ordering available To all of its U.S. Customers
2002 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Announcing The investements of Starboard Value in Papa's Johnes
Monday Feb 4, 2019 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal joined the Papa John's board of directors
2019 - U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Entering The German Market
May, 2019 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-John Schnatter Filed a Lawsuit against Papa John's Pizza
Thursday Jul 26, 2018 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Pizza Hut Filed a Lawsuit against Papa John's
1997 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's State in The market
Saturday Jul 10, 2004 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-The Incident
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018 - U.S.

Kroger-Campus marketing agreement
Thursday Jan 5, 2017 - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

1991 - Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.

KFC-New Look
1950 - Kentucky, U.S.

KFC-The Idea
1939 - Kentucky, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Birth
Monday Feb 13, 1809 - Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.

May, 2002 - Louisville, Kentucky, United States

KFC-The Risk
2007 - Worldwide

KFC-Tricon Global Restaurants
Aug, 1997 - Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

KFC-Death of Creator
Tuesday Dec 16, 1980 - Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

1964 - Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

Gary Webb-Webb married Susan
1979 - Kentucky, United States

1994 - Worldwide

Thursday Mar 7, 2019 - Louisville, Kentucky, U.S

Muhammad Ali Clay-Birth
Saturday Jan 17, 1942 - Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-A tour
Monday Oct 13, 1952 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Thomas Lincoln bought or leased farms in Kentucky
1800s - Kentucky, U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Parents moved to Elizabethtown
1806 - Elizabethtown, Kentucky, U.S.

1970 - World

Chinese Civil War-Chiang was placed under house arrest
1936 - China

First Chechen War-Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
1936 - Chechnya, Russia

Heinrich Himmler-The SS as an Anti-Bolshevist Fighting Organization
1936 - Dachau, Bavaria, Germany

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Abwehrstelle II Commando VIII
1936 - Breslau (Now: Wrocław, Poland)

John Maynard Keynes-The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
1936 - England

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle approved of the rearmament for infantry support
1936 - Paris, France

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower was promoted to the rank of permanent lieutenant colonel
1936 - Manila, Philippines

Spanish Civil War-Popular front alliance was organised
Jan, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Various groups of officers got together to begin discussing the prospect of a coup
1936 - Spain

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini meeting with the German Ambassador
Jan, 1936 - Italy

Donald Trump-Fred and Mary were married
Saturday Jan 11, 1936 - New York, U.S.

Anna May Wong-Wong chronicled her experiences in a series of articles printed in U.S. newspapers
Jan, 1936 - U.S.

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-King George V death
Monday Jan 20, 1936 - Sandringham House, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-King George V died
Monday Jan 20, 1936 - Sandringham Estate, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Edward VIII succeeded his father
Monday Jan 20, 1936 - London, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Edward broke with Custom
Tuesday Jan 21, 1936 - St James's Palace, Marlborough Road, London, United Kingdom

Francisco Franco-Spanish general election, 1936
Sunday Feb 16, 1936 - Spain

Francisco Franco-To the Canary Islands
Sunday Feb 23, 1936 - Canary Islands, Spain

Hirohito-The February 26 Incident
Wednesday Feb 26, 1936 - Tokyo, Japan

Hirohito-The February 26 Rebellion was suppressed
Saturday Feb 29, 1936 - Tokyo, Japan

Hachikō-Annual ceremony
Sunday Mar 8, 1936 - Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan

Sepp Blatter-Born
Tuesday Mar 10, 1936 - Visp, Canton of Valais, Switzerland

World War II-Re-militarization of the Rhineland
Mar, 1936 - Germany

Amancio Ortega-Birth
Saturday Mar 28, 1936 - Busdongo de Arbás, León, Spain

David Ben-Gurion-The 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine
1936 - Palestine

Lucky Luciano-Arrested
Friday Apr 3, 1936 - New York, U.S.

Lucky Luciano-A Bribe
Monday Apr 6, 1936 - Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.

Spanish Civil War-April 1936
Apr, 1936 - Spain

Lucky Luciano-Luciano's legal options had been exhausted
Friday Apr 17, 1936 - New York, U.S.

Lucky Luciano-To jail without bail
Saturday Apr 18, 1936 - New York, U.S.

Second Sino-Japanese War-Forming The Mongol Military Government
Tuesday May 12, 1936 - Chahar, China

Lucky Luciano-Pandering trial began
Wednesday May 13, 1936 - New York, U.S.

Francisco Franco-Discuss starting a military coup
Jun, 1936 - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Lucky Luciano-62 counts of compulsory prostitution
Sunday Jun 7, 1936 - U.S.

Spanish Civil War-Prime Minister Casares Quiroga met General Juan Yagüe
Friday Jun 12, 1936 - Spain

Heinrich Himmler-Chief of German Police and a State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior
Wednesday Jun 17, 1936 - Germany

Francisco Franco-Offering to quell the discontent in the Spanish Republican Army
Tuesday Jun 23, 1936 - Spain

Adolf Hitler-Spanish Civil War
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Waghya-The statue of Waghya was erected
1936 - India

Juneteenth-Texas State Fair served as a destination for celebrating the holiday, contributing to its revival
1936 - Dallas, Texas, U.S.

Flag of the United States-Star for Arkansas
Saturday Jul 4, 1936 - U.S.

Spanish Civil War-German involvement began days after fighting broke out
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-From the Canary Islands to Spanish Morocco
Saturday Jul 11, 1936 - Canary Islands, Spain

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Fatal Car Accident
Saturday Jul 11, 1936 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Spanish Civil War-Falangists in Madrid killed police officer Lieutenant José Castillo of the Guardia de Asalto
Sunday Jul 12, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Edward VIII-An Irish Fraudster
Thursday Jul 16, 1936 - Constitution Hill, near Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom

Francisco Franco-Spanish Civil War
Friday Jul 17, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Control over Spanish Morocco was all but certain
Friday Jul 17, 1936 - Morocco

Francisco Franco-The first days of the insurgency
Saturday Jul 18, 1936 - Spain and Morocco

Lucky Luciano-Sentenced to 30 to 50 years in state prison
Saturday Jul 18, 1936 - New York, U.S.

Spanish Civil War-Casares Quiroga refused an offer of help from the CNT and Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT)
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Air bridge to Seville
Monday Jul 20, 1936 - Seville, Spain

Francisco Franco-A plane crash
Monday Jul 20, 1936 - Estoril, Portugal

Spanish Civil War-The rebels failed to take any major cities
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Coup leader Sanjurjo was killed
Monday Jul 20, 1936 - Estoril, Portugal

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists captured the central Spanish naval base
Tuesday Jul 21, 1936 - Ferrol, Galicia, Spain

Edward VIII-Edward caused unease in government circles with actions
1936 - South Wales, United Kingdom

Francisco Franco-Coordinating junta was established
Friday Jul 24, 1936 - Burgos, Spain

Francisco Franco-Negotiate with the for more military support
Saturday Jul 25, 1936 - Spain

Buckingham Palace-King George VI and Queen Elizabeth allowed the hemline of daytime skirts to rise
1936 - London, England, United Kingdom

Spanish Civil War-French government declared that it would not send military aid
Monday Jul 27, 1936 - Spain

Adolf Hitler-A Four Year Plan to prepare Germany for war
Aug, 1936 - Germany

Adidas-The 1936 Summer Olympics
Saturday Aug 1, 1936 - Berlin, Germany

Spanish Civil War-Pro-Republican rally of 20,000 people confronted Blum
Saturday Aug 1, 1936 - Spain

Edward VIII-Edward and Simpson cruised the Eastern Mediterranean
Aug, 1936 - Eastern Mediterranean

Shep (American dog)-Master's death
Aug, 1936 - Fort Benton, Montana, U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Kursha-2 Fire
Monday Aug 3, 1936 - Meshchyora, Ryazan Oblast, Russia

Spanish Civil War-Blum government provided aircraft to the Republicans
Friday Aug 7, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Aircraft could freely pass from France into Spain if they were bought in other countries
Saturday Aug 8, 1936 - France

Shep (American dog)-Hopeful greeting
Monday Aug 10, 1936 - Fort Benton, Montana, U.S.

FIFA World Cup-No World Cup Due WWII
Thursday Aug 13, 1936 - Germany

Spanish Civil War-France signed the Non-Intervention Agreement
Friday Aug 21, 1936 - France

Alan Turing-Studying Under Alonzo Church at Princeton University
Sep, 1936 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Spanish Civil War-The Republican government under Giral resigned
Friday Sep 4, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists closed the French border to the Republicans
Saturday Sep 5, 1936 - Gipuzkoa, Spain

Spanish Civil War-San Sebastián was taken by Nationalist soldiers
Tuesday Sep 15, 1936 - San Sebastián, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Wander years
Sep, 1936 - Germany, England and U.S.

Severo Ochoa-Leading world's foremost biochemical facilities
1936 - Germany

Francisco Franco-Commander-in-chief and head of government
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Spain

Francisco Franco-A Detour to free the besieged garrison at the Alcázar of Toledo
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Toledo, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco was chosen as chief military commander at a meeting of ranking generals
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Salamanca, Spain

Jimmy Hoffa-Marriage
Thursday Sep 24, 1936 - Bowling Green, Ohio, U.S.

Spanish Civil War-Siege of the Alcázar
Sunday Sep 27, 1936 - Toledo, Spain

Silvio Berlusconi-Birth
Tuesday Sep 29, 1936 - Milan, Kingdom of Italy, Italy

Francisco Franco-Head of State
Thursday Oct 1, 1936 - Burgos, Spain

Spanish Civil War-General Franco was confirmed head of state and armies in Burgos
Thursday Oct 1, 1936 - Burgos, Spain

Josip Broz Tito-Tito married Bauer
Tuesday Oct 13, 1936 - Moscow, Russia

Edward VIII-King Edward VII planned to marry Simpson
Oct, 1936 - United Kingdom

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini agreement with Nazi Germany
Sunday Oct 25, 1936 - Italy

World War II-Rome–Berlin Axis
Oct, 1936 - Italy

Franklin D. Roosevelt-Second Term
Tuesday Nov 3, 1936 - U.S.

Spanish Civil War-Republican government was forced to shift from Madrid to Valencia
Friday Nov 6, 1936 - Valencia, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Francoist troops launched a major offensive toward Madrid
Sunday Nov 8, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Computer-The principle of The Modern Computer
Thursday Nov 12, 1936 - Germany

Edward VIII-Edward invited Prime Minister Baldwin
Monday Nov 16, 1936 - Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom

Adolf Hitler-Anti-Comintern Pact
Wednesday Nov 25, 1936 - Germany

World War II-Anti-Comintern Pact
Wednesday Nov 25, 1936 - Berlin, Germany

Alan Turing-Turing Published his Paper "On Computable Numbers, With an Application To The Entscheidungsproblem"
Monday Nov 30, 1936 - London, England

Edward VIII-Edward proposed an alternative solution
1936 - London, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Edward duly signed the instruments of abdication
Thursday Dec 10, 1936 - Fort Belvedere, Windsor Great Park, England, United Kingdom