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Madame de Pompadour's death

Time: Sunday Apr 15, 1764

Place: France

Details: Madame de Pompadour, King Louis XV of France's mistress, passed away at the age of 42.



Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Gaulle asserted again that he was at the disposal of the country
Monday May 19, 1958 - France
World War 1-France is in the war
World War 1-France is in the war
Monday Aug 3, 1914 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Reynaud demanded that France be released from the agreement which he had made with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Mar, 1940 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle had been earmarked for command of an armored division
Feb, 1940 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle wrote his youth dream
1930 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle targeted for death
Wednesday Aug 22, 1962 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle and his supporters won a comfortable majority
Nov, 1958 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle proposed to be appointed Secretary-General of the War Council
1940 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle created the Normandie-Niemen squadron
1942 - France
Claude-Louis-Hector de Villars's death
Claude-Louis-Hector de Villars's death
Thursday Jun 17, 1734 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rejoined his regiment
1914 - France
Thursday Aug 14, 1727 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle took up his place at St Cyr
Oct, 1910 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle attended another Anglo-French
Thursday Jun 13, 1940 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was given command of the 4th Armoured Division
Wednesday May 15, 1940 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Thirty soldiers died
1929 - France
George Washington
George Washington-The National Assembly of France granted Washington honorary French citizenship
Sunday Aug 26, 1792 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle received the Croix de Guerre
Monday Jan 18, 1915 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle promoted to sergeant
Sep, 1910 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle sought a constitutional amendment
Sep, 1962 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle attended the meeting of the Anglo-French Supreme War Council at the Chateau
Tuesday Jun 11, 1940 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle returned to command of the 10th company again
Oct, 1915 - France
Canon Camera
Cameras-First permanent Photo
1825 - France
Joan Brith
Joan Brith
Saturday Apr 23, 1464 - France
Louis XIV's death
Louis XIV's death
Sunday Sep 1, 1715 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was promoted to corporal
Apr, 1910 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
1958 - Paris, France
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-King Louis Philippe of France was forced to flee Paris
Wednesday Feb 23, 1848 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle mental adjutant
Dec, 1914 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Reynaud asked for a staff posting under De Gaulle
Oct, 1939 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle hosted a superpower summit
Tuesday May 17, 1960 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rejoined the 33rd Infantry Regiment as a sous-lieutenant
Oct, 1912 - France
Lady Liberty under a blue sky
Statue of Liberty-Completing the Head and Raising Francs
1878 - France
French Wars of Religion
French Wars of Religion
Friday Sep 29, 1567 - France
Theodelinda married Agilulf
Kingdom of the Lombards-Agilulf and Theodelinda developed a policy of strengthening their hold on Italian territory
594 - France
Fulton Image
Robert Fulton-Fulton met Robert R. Livingston
1801 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle made a renewed attempt to transform the politics in France
Wednesday Apr 9, 1947 - France
wedding of King Henry III of England and Louise de Lorraine-Vaudmont
wedding of King Henry III of England and Louise de Lorraine-Vaudmont
Thursday Feb 13, 1575 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-The 1804 French referendum
Nov, 1804 - France
Lady Liberty under a blue sky
Statue of Liberty-Statue was complete up to the Waist
1882 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle formed the Free French National Council
Sep, 1941 - France
 Henry IV's death
Henry IV's death
Friday May 14, 1610 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Bonaparte and his family fled to the French mainland
Jun, 1793 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Napoleon sailed for France
Saturday Aug 24, 1799 - France
Anne Henriette of France Birth
Anne Henriette of France Birth
Thursday Aug 14, 1727 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle took on ministerial responsibilities
1940 - France
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Martel's son Pepin became King of the Franks
751 - (Present Day France)
Canon Camera
Cameras-Marc Antoine Gaudin Design
1841 - France
Lady Liberty under a blue sky
Statue of Liberty-The French Idea
1865 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rank of the captain became permanent
Friday Sep 3, 1915 - France
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-France state on April 23
Thursday Apr 23, 2020 - France
Canon Camera
Cameras-The First photographic Camera
1839 - France
Leopold I signed peace with France
Leopold I signed peace with France
Sunday Feb 5, 1679 - France
Claude-Joseph Birth
Claude-Joseph Birth
Saturday May 10, 1760 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Grande Armée had grown to a force of 350,000 men
1805 - France
Charles VIII's death
Charles VIII's death
Thursday Apr 7, 1498 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Napoleon wrote to Corsican leader Pasquale Paoli
1789 - France
World War 1-USA reinforcement
World War 1-USA reinforcement
1918 - France
Nuclear power
Nuclear Power-First nuclear weapon test in France
Saturday Feb 13, 1960 - France
Algerian War Image
Algerian War-Pressure de Gaulle to abandon his demand to keep the Sahara
1961 - France
The Great Pyramid-Joseph Davidovits
1974 - France
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa-France 24 article suggested that the painting could be sold to help ease the national debt
2014 - France
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-France propose
Monday Jan 14, 1991 - France
Louis XIII's death
Louis XIII's death
Thursday May 14, 1643 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Bonaparte had become engaged to Désirée Clary
1795 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was promoted to the first lieutenant
Oct, 1913 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Napoleon prepared for an offensive campaign against Russia
Wednesday Jun 24, 1812 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Napoleon moved to the French mainland
1778 - France
Sofia Kenin Image 1
Sofia Kenin-Ranked 4th worldwide
Monday Mar 9, 2020 - France
Henry II of England
Henry II of England
Monday Mar 31, 1547 - France
Franois-Jean Birth
Franois-Jean Birth
Monday Jun 30, 1755 - France
Lady Liberty under a blue sky
Statue of Liberty-Early work Announcement
Sep, 1875 - France
German revolutions of 1848–1849-The revolutions spread from France
Mar, 1848 - France
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Charles Martel, had become the de facto rulers
8th Century - (Present Day France)
Battle of Arnay-le-Duc
Battle of Arnay-le-Duc
Saturday Jul 25, 1570 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle left Britain for France
Wednesday Jun 14, 1944 - France
Christine Lagarde
Christine Lagarde-Lagarde's apartment in Paris was raided by French Police
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle sent a memo to Weygand
Sunday Jun 2, 1940 - Paris, France
Yersinia pestis
Plague-French novelist Albert Camus publishes The Plague
1947 - France
The Reign of Louis XIV King of France started in 1654
The Reign of Louis XIV King of France started in 1654
Sunday Jun 7, 1654 - France
Battle at La Hogue
Battle at La Hogue
Thursday May 29, 1692 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Joseph Paul-Boncour the first political patron
1925 - France
Lady Liberty under a blue sky
Statue of Liberty-Working on The Project
1870 - France
Chocolate-The Chocolate Lombart
1760 - France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Napoleon expanded his Grande Armée to more than 450,000 men
1812 - France
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Pepin's son Charlemagne became King of the Franks and began an extensive expansion of the realm
768 - (Present Day France)
Marie-Anne de Mailly-Nesle's death
Marie-Anne de Mailly-Nesle's death
Tuesday Dec 8, 1744 - France
King Francis I's death
King Francis I's death
Monday Mar 31, 1547 - France
Bicycle-The Olivier Brothers
1865 - France
Louis XII's death
Louis XII's death
Friday Jan 1, 1515 - France
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Revolutionary France was at war with various parts of the Empire
1792 - France
World War 1-Removed Commander
World War 1-Removed Commander
Tuesday May 15, 1917 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle commanded the 10th company
Aug, 1915 - France
The second Fronde ended in 1650
The second Fronde ended in 1650
Thursday Sep 29, 1650 - France
Louis XIV was appointed as King of France in 1643
Louis XIV was appointed as King of France in 1643
Thursday May 14, 1643 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Philippe (The first De Gaulle child)
1921 - France
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky-His Wife's Death
1939 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-The growth of socialism and syndicalism, the legal separation of Church and State in 1905 De unwelcome to the De Gaulle family
1905 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle became a disciple of Émile Mayer
1938 - France
Françoise Bettencourt Meyers
Françoise Bettencourt Meyers-The Richest Woman in the World
Oct, 2019 - France

On This Day - 15 April

Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Henry VI
Monday Apr 15, 1191 - Holy Roman Empire
Civil War USA Coll
USA civil war-Invitations to recapture the fort and other federal properties
Monday Apr 15, 1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln called on the states to send detachments totaling 75,000 troops
Monday Apr 15, 1861 - U.S.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving-The first official Canadian Thanksgiving
Monday Apr 15, 1872 - Canada
Hungarian–Romanian War (Romanian Cavalry in Budapest during the Hungarian-Romanian War of 1919) Image
Hungarian–Romanian War-The Hungarians Launched a Preemptive Attack.
Tuesday Apr 15, 1919 - Romania
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-Masseria assassination
Wednesday Apr 15, 1931 - Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Second Sino-Japanese War (Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces in Battle of Shanghai 1937) Image
Second Sino-Japanese War-The Battle of Yenangyaung
Wednesday Apr 15, 1942 - Yenangyaung, Burma
World War II
World War II-Operation Spring Awakening - Last German major offensive
Sunday Apr 15, 1945 - Lake Balaton, Kingdom of Hungary
The Holocaust-Bergen-Belsen was liberated
Sunday Apr 15, 1945 - Germany
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret was confirmed into the Church of England
Monday Apr 15, 1946 - England, United Kingdom
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-Sending reconnaissance sortie
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Baracoa, Cuba
Fidel Castro Image
Fidel Castro-The CIA Attack
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Cuba
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-Deception flight
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban national police Reaction
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Havana, Cuba
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-Air attacks on airfields
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 at 06:00:00 AM - San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba - Ciudad Libertad Airport, Havana, Cuba - Antonio Maceo Airport (SCU), Avenida al Aeropuerto Internacional Antonio Maceo Grajales, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Foreign Minister's Reaction
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 at 10:30:00 AM - New York City, U.S.
Mass shootings in the United States
Mass Shootings in the United States-Palm Sunday Massacre
Sunday Apr 15, 1984 - Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-Gates were opened
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 at 02 AM - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China 1988
1989 Tiananmen Square protests-Small Spontaneous gatherings to mourn Hu Yaobang
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 - Tian'anmen Square, Dongcheng, Beijing, China
Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China 1988
1989 Tiananmen Square protests-The Death of Hu Yaobang
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 - Beijing, China
Hong Kong independence flag
Hong Kong independence-Tiananmen Square crackdown
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 - Beijing, China
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-Events Build Up
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 at 03 PM - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-The crowd in the Leppings Lane Stand overspilled onto the pitch
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 at 03 PM - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-A 30-minute postponement
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 at 03 PM - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-The agreed upon protocol
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 at 03 PM - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-Declaration was not immediately performed
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 at 03 PM - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-A total of 42 ambulances arrived at the stadium
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
The Hillsborough Memorial
Hillsborough events-Deaths
Saturday Apr 15, 1989 - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-The Outnumbered HVO in the Zenica municipality was quickly defeated
Thursday Apr 15, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-The Bosnian government lines around Goražde broke
Friday Apr 15, 1994 - Goražde, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The headquarters of the World Trade Organization
World Trade Organization-Marrakesh Agreement
Friday Apr 15, 1994 - Marrakesh, Morocco
First Chechen War (A Chechen fighter stands near the government palace building during a short lull in fighting in Grozny, Chechnya) Image
First Chechen War-The Russians launched an offensive along the entire front
Saturday Apr 15, 1995 - Chechnya, Russia
(Second Chechen War) A Russian Mi-8 helicopter shot down by Chechen fighters near the Chechen capital, Grozny
Second Chechen War-The Government operation in Chechnya was officially over
Wednesday Apr 15, 2009 - Chechnya, Russia
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Vodafone Ghana
Wednesday Apr 15, 2009 - Accra, Ghana
Financial crisis of 2007–2008
Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Bill S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010
Thursday Apr 15, 2010 - U.S.
Black Friday
Black Friday-One man was wounded after being shot following Black Friday shopping
Friday Apr 15, 2011 - San Leandro, California, U.S.
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-Fast Five (2011)
Friday Apr 15, 2011 - U.S.
Kim Jong-un Image
Kim Jong-un-First public speech
Sunday Apr 15, 2012 - North Korea
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Announcing an Alliance With The National Association of Attorneys General
Monday Apr 15, 2013 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.
Carlos Slim
Carlos Slim-Carso Oil & Gas
Wednesday Apr 15, 2015 - Plaza Carso, Mexico City, Mexico
Bitcoin-Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 was released
Friday Apr 15, 2016 - U.S. and Worldwide
Best Buy opens its 800th store in Chicago, Illinois
Best Buy-Corie Barry, would replace Hubert Joly
Monday Apr 15, 2019 - U.S.
Bernard Arnault
Bernard Arnault-Charity
Monday Apr 15, 2019 - Parvis Notre-Dame – place Jean-Paul-II, Paris, France
KFC-Pandemic Consequence
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020 - U.K.
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Closure in France
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020 - Nanterre, France
Franoise d'Aubigné's death
Franoise d'Aubigné's death
Saturday Apr 15, 1719 - France
Christian V Birth
Christian V Birth
Sunday Apr 15, 1646 - Duborg Castle
John Carver's death
John Carver's death
Thursday Apr 15, 1621 - Plymouth Colony
Escaping of Hugo Grotius to France
Escaping of Hugo Grotius to France
Thursday Apr 15, 1621 - France
Pierre Poiret Birth
Pierre Poiret Birth
Sunday Apr 15, 1646 - Metz
William Cullen Birth
William Cullen Birth
Tuesday Apr 15, 1710 - Hamilton
King Louis XIV's invasion of Spain in 1689
King Louis XIV's invasion of Spain in 1689
Friday Apr 15, 1689 - Spain

April 1764

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart meets King George III in London
Monday Apr 23, 1764 - London, United Kingdom
John Abernethy Birth
John Abernethy Birth
Tuesday Apr 3, 1764 - London


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-First published music
1764 - Paris, France
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart meets King George III in London
Monday Apr 23, 1764 - London, United Kingdom
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart in Ranelagh Gardens
Friday Jun 29, 1764 - Royal Hospital Chelsea, Chelsea, London SW3 4SR, United Kingdom
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart meets J. C. Bach
1764 - London, United Kingdom
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Composing his first two symphonies
Sunday Aug 5, 1764 - 180 Ebury Street, London, United Kingdom
Robert Craufurd Birth
Robert Craufurd Birth
Saturday May 5, 1764 - Newark Castle
Benjamin Latrobe Birth
Benjamin Latrobe Birth
Tuesday May 1, 1764 - Yorkshire
Élisabeth Birth
Élisabeth Birth
Thursday May 3, 1764 - Versailles
Francesco Algarotti's death
Francesco Algarotti's death
Thursday May 3, 1764 - Russia
John Barrow Birth
John Barrow Birth
Tuesday Jun 19, 1764 - Ulverston
John Abernethy Birth
John Abernethy Birth
Tuesday Apr 3, 1764 - London
Franz Gerl Birth
Franz Gerl Birth
Friday Nov 30, 1764 - Austria
Friedrich Heine Birth
Friedrich Heine Birth
Saturday Sep 15, 1764 - Leipzig
Paolo Parenti Birth
Paolo Parenti Birth
Saturday Sep 15, 1764 - Naples
Gottfried Rieger Birth
Gottfried Rieger Birth
Tuesday May 1, 1764 - Opavice