Alfred Nobel - Nobel patented ballistite
Time: 1887
Place: Sweden
Details: In 1887, Nobel patented ballistite, a predecessor of cordite.
Zlatan Ibrahimović-Ibrahimović announced His International Retirement
Tuesday Jun 21, 2016 - Sweden
Eiffel Tower-Contract was signed
Saturday Jan 8, 1887 - France
Nikola Tesla-Tesla developed an induction motor that ran on alternating current
1887 - U.S.
Eiffel Tower-Work on the foundations started
Friday Jan 28, 1887 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Artists against the Eiffel Tower
Monday Feb 14, 1887 - France
Max Planck-1st Marriage
Mar, 1887 - Kiel, Holstein, Germany
Nikola Tesla-Tesla Electric Company
Apr, 1887 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Frederick Douglass-Douglass had a tour
1887 - England, Ireland, France, Italy, Egypt and Greece
Vladimir Lenin-Entering Kazan University
Monday Aug 1, 1887 - Kazan, Russian Empire
Wind turbine-The first electricity-generating wind turbine
1887 - Scotland, United Kingdom
Wind turbine-The first automatically operated wind turbine
Wednesday Aug 10, 1887 at 09:30:00 PM - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Birth
Wednesday Aug 17, 1887 - Saint Ann's Bay, Jamaica
Disasters with highest death tolls-1887 Yellow River Flood
Sep, 1887 - China
Eiffel Tower-Construction of the legs with scaffolding
Wednesday Dec 7, 1887 - Paris, France
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Later Review of Johnson's Impeachment
1887 - Washington D.C., U.S.