Xerox - Paul Allaire became Xerox executive
Time: 1990
Place: U.S.
Details: In 1990, Paul Allaire, a Xerox executive since 1966, succeeded David Kearns, who had reached mandatory retirement age. Allaire disentangled Xerox from the financial services industry.
Xerox-New deal was reached that additionally canceled the Fujifilm transaction
Sunday May 13, 2018 - U.S.
Xerox-Burns became the first African American woman to head a company the size of Xerox
Thursday May 21, 2009 - U.S.
Xerox-Xerox completed the acquisition of XMPie
Nov, 2006 - U.S.
Xerox-Xerox Corporation announced that its auditors, KPMG LLP
Thursday May 31, 2001 - U.S.
Xerox-Xerox Tower
1968 - Rochester, New York, U.S.
Rwandan genocide-The RPF invaded
1990 - Rwanda
Rwandan genocide-Civil Defense
1990 - Rwanda
Croatian War of Independence-The League of Communists broke up
Jan, 1990 - Croatia
Kosovo War-the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system
Jan, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)
Rwandan genocide-Large numbers of grenades and munitions
1990 - Rwanda