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Neil Armstrong - Promotion

Time: Saturday May 9, 1953

Place: U.S.

Details: He was promoted to lieutenant (junior grade) on May 9, 1953.



Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-US$44 Billion Worth of Microprocessors Were Manufactured and Sold
2003 - U.S.
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong-Anna May Wong Productions
Mar, 1924 - U.S.
Canon Camera
Cameras-MegaVision Tessera
1987 - U.S.
Computer animation-Breakout Year
1991 - U.S.
Staphylococcus aureus - Antibiotics Test plate
Antibiotic-The Term Antibiotic was First Used
1942 - U.S.

On This Day - 9 May

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Wagner left Dresden for Switzerland to avoid arrest
Wednesday May 9, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Switzerland)
German revolutions of 1848–1849-German composer Richard Wagner engaged in the revolution in Dresden
Wednesday May 9, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Dresden, Saxony, Germany)
German revolutions of 1848–1849-Uprisings occurred in the Rhenish
Wednesday May 9, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill had won the doubters over and his successor as party leader was a formality
Thursday May 9, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
The World Bank
World Bank-First country to receive a World Bank loan
Friday May 9, 1947 - France

May 1953

First Indochina War COLLAGE - image
First Indochina War-General Henri Navarre replaced Salan as supreme commander of French forces
May, 1953 - French Indochina (Now Vietnam)
Tony Blair Image
Tony Blair-Birth
Wednesday May 6, 1953 - Edinburgh, Scotland
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle withdrew again from active politics
May, 1953 - France


Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman-The Korean War Ended
1953 - South Korea
Howard Hughes 1938 Image
Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Howard Hughes Medical Institute
1953 - Miami, Florida, U.S.
Howard Hughes 1938 Image
Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Involved with a high profile lawsuit
1953 - U.S.
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman-The First U.S. hydrogen bomb
Wednesday Jan 7, 1953 - U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-French asked Eisenhower for help in French Indochina against the Communists
1953 - U.S.