Chichen Itza - Purchasing the Hacienda Chichén
Time: 1894
Place: Yucatán, Mexico
Details: In 1894 the United States Consul to Yucatán, Edward Herbert Thompson, purchased the Hacienda Chichén, which included the ruins of Chichen Itza. For 30 years, Thompson explored the ancient city. His discoveries included the earliest dated carving upon a lintel in the Temple of the Initial Series and the excavation of several graves in the Osario (High Priest's Temple).
Chichen Itza-Regional prominence
7th Century - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Final conquest
1588 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Developing of Chichen Itza
8th Century - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Trying to establish a capital
1532 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Later expeditions
1961 - Yucatán, Mexico
Second Boer War-British imperial interests were alarmed
1894 - South Africa
Marie Curie-Marie Was able to Earn a Second Degree
1894 - Paris, France
Marie Curie-Skłodowska Returned To Warsaw
1894 - Warsaw, Congress Poland, Russian Empire (Now Poland)
Xinhai Revolution-Xingzhonghui (Revive China Society)
1894 - Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.
Nikola Tesla-X-Rays
1894 - U.S.