FIFA World Cup - Qualification stage
Time: Sunday May 27, 1934
Place: Italy
Details: The 1934 World Cup was hosted by Italy and was the first World Cup to include a qualification stage. Sixteen teams qualified for the tournament, a number which would be retained until the expansion of the finals tournament in 1982.
Vittorio Alfieri Birth
Thursday Jan 16, 1749 - Italy
Benito Mussolini-Contraception a criminal offense during Mussolini's rule
1924 - Italy
Unification of Italy-Battle of Magenta
Apr, 1859 - Italy
Unification of Italy-Revolutionary sentiment in favor of a unified Italy began to experience a resurgence
1830s - Italy
Unification of Italy-Sardinia eventually won the Second War of Italian Unification
1859 - Italy
On This Day - 27 May
Byzantine Empire-Death of Simeon I
Tuesday May 27, 927 - Preslav, Bulgaria
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian force eventually captured Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha took Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre, Israel
Unification of Italy-Garibaldi's force laid siege to the Porta Termini of Palermo
Sunday May 27, 1860 - Palermo
1905 Russian Revolution-Russian Baltic Fleet was defeated
Saturday May 27, 1905 - Tsushima, Japan (Then China)
Chinese Civil War-Chiang launched a fifth campaign that involved the systematic encirclement of the Jiangxi Soviet region
1934 - China
Richard Nixon-Graduation
1934 - Whittier, California, U.S.
Marie Curie-Visiting Poland For The Last Time
1934 - Poland
Alan Turing-Graduation
1934 - Cambridge, England
Igor Stravinsky-The Stravinskys became French Citizens
1934 - Paris, France