Severo Ochoa - Receiving a Nobel Prize
Time: 1959
Place: Stockholm, Sweden
Details: In 1959, Ochoa and Arthur Kornberg were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine "for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid".
Nobel Prize-Forming the Nobel Foundation
Friday Jun 29, 1900 - Stockholm, Sweden
Pelé-1958 World Cup
Sunday Jun 29, 1958 - Stockholm, Sweden
Nobel Prize-2007 Foundation's value
2007 - Stockholm, Sweden
Nobel Prize-Sveriges Riksbank Donation
1968 - Brunkebergstorg, Stockholm, Sweden
IBM-Nobel Prizes
1980s - Stockholm, Sweden
Sepp Blatter-Education
1959 - Lausanne, Switzerland
Harald V-Graduation From The Norwegian Military Academy
1959 - Oslo, Norway
The Beatles-Lennon at the Liverpool College of Art
Jan, 1959 - Liverpool, England
Stephen Hawking-University
1959 - Oxford, England
Raúl Castro-President Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba
Thursday Jan 1, 1959 - Cuba