Mozart - Receiving the commission for Idomeneo
Time: Nov, 1778
Place: Salzburg, Austria
Details: The only thing that brightened up for Mozart in 1779 had been a commission for a new opera from Munich. He was now 24. Idomeneo, who was now resident in Munich, had come as a commission from the Bavarian elector. Mozart had probably finished the recitations before he left home. Then he would have traveled to Munich to complete the arias only after meeting with the singers and practicing. Mozart was always keen to hear how a person would sing before he wrote them an aria.

Adolf Hitler-To Salzburg for medical assessment
Thursday Feb 5, 1914 - Salzburg, Austria-Hungary, Austria

Mozart-La finta semplice
1769 - Salzburg, Austria

Beethoven-Salzburg Statue
1842 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-The Bassoon Concerto
Wednesday Apr 6, 1774 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Leaving home with his mother
Tuesday Sep 23, 1777 - Salzburg, Austria

Sigismund von Neukomm Birth
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - Salzburg

Mozart-Mozart's first composed piece
1761 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Mozart's birth
Tuesday Jan 27, 1756 - No. 9 Getreidegasse, Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-His father's deaths
Thursday May 28, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-A visit to Salzburg with his wife
1783 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Receiving the post of Konzertmeister
Monday Nov 27, 1769 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Mozart and Metastasio
Saturday May 1, 1773 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-The Haffner Serenad
Sunday Jul 21, 1776 - Salzburg, Austria

Plague-Doctors learn how to help the patient recover by bursting the buboes
1361 - Europe

Martin Bormann-Bormann was appointed as Overseer of Renovations at The Berghof
1935 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Martin Bormann-Albert Bormann Left The Bunker complex and flew to the Obersalzberg
Monday Apr 23, 1945 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann was Named Executor of The Estate
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann left the Führerbunker
Tuesday May 1, 1945 at 11:00:00 PM - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Holy Roman Empire-Rudolf I thus lent Austria and Styria to his own sons
1282 - Austria and Styria, Holy Roman Empire

Charles de Téligny's death
Thursday Aug 24, 1572 - St. Bartholomew's

Adolf Hitler-Birth
Saturday Apr 20, 1889 - Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary, (Now Austria)

Visa Inc.-European Commission exempted Visa's multilateral interchange fees from Article 81 of the EC Treaty that prohibits anti-competitive arrangements
2002 - Europe

Visa Inc.-The agreement was amended in response to the feedback of European Commission
Monday Mar 21, 2016 - Europe

Mozart-Playing organ for the first time
1763 - Wasserburg am Inn, Bavaria, Germany

Napoleon-Austrian army crossed the Inn River and invaded Bavaria
Monday Apr 10, 1809 - Germany

Maria ruler of Austria (1740)
Thursday Oct 20, 1740 - Austria

Mozart-Idomeneo Premier
Thursday Jan 29, 1778 - Cuvilliés Theatre, Munich, Germany

George Washington-Treaty of Alliance
Feb, 1778 - U.S.

George Washington-Major Benjamin Tallmadge formed the Culper Ring at Washington's direction to covertly collect information about the British in New York
1778 - New York, U.S.

George Washington-General Clinton shipped 3,000 troops from New York to Georgia
1778 - Georgia, U.S.

Beethoven-First Public Performance
Mar, 1778 - Bonn, Germany

Mona Lisa-Isleworth Mona Lisa
1778 - Isleworth, London, England, United Kingdom

Mozart-Leaving Mannheim for Paris
Apr, 1778 - Paris, France

Mozart-Mozart meets Beethoven
Tuesday Apr 7, 1778 - Vienna, Austria

George Washington-British commander Howe
May, 1778 - U.S.

Mozart-His father's deaths
Thursday May 28, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

Napoleon-Napoleon moved to the French mainland
1778 - France

Mozart-Mozart resigns
Monday Jun 8, 1778 - Vienna, Austria

Mozart-His mother's death
Friday Jul 3, 1778 - Paris, France

Mozart-The Paris Symphony
Monday Jul 13, 1778 - Paris, France

Flag of the United States-Letter to Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
Saturday Oct 3, 1778 - (Present Day Southern Italy)

Anglo-French War (1778)
Friday Feb 6, 1778 - Britain

France announced war on Britain in 1778
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - the Kingdom of Great Britain

Sigismund von Neukomm Birth
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - Salzburg

Ugo Foscolo Birth
Friday Feb 6, 1778 - Zakynthos Island

Brummel Birth
Sunday Jun 7, 1778 - London

Bonaparte was appointed king of Holland (1778)
Wednesday Sep 2, 1778 - Holland