Sigismund von Neukomm Birth
Time: Friday Jul 10, 1778
Place: Salzburg
Details: Austrian composer and royal chaplain master Sigismund von Neukomm was born in Salzburg in 1778.

Mozart-La finta semplice
1769 - Salzburg, Austria

Adolf Hitler-To Salzburg for medical assessment
Thursday Feb 5, 1914 - Salzburg, Austria-Hungary, Austria

Mozart-Receiving the commission for Idomeneo
Nov, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

Beethoven-Salzburg Statue
1842 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Mozart's birth
Tuesday Jan 27, 1756 - No. 9 Getreidegasse, Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Mozart's first composed piece
1761 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Leaving home with his mother
Tuesday Sep 23, 1777 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-The Bassoon Concerto
Wednesday Apr 6, 1774 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-His father's deaths
Thursday May 28, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-A visit to Salzburg with his wife
1783 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Receiving the post of Konzertmeister
Monday Nov 27, 1769 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-Mozart and Metastasio
Saturday May 1, 1773 - Salzburg, Austria

Mozart-The Haffner Serenad
Sunday Jul 21, 1776 - Salzburg, Austria

Plague-Doctors learn how to help the patient recover by bursting the buboes
1361 - Europe

Martin Bormann-Bormann was appointed as Overseer of Renovations at The Berghof
1935 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Martin Bormann-Albert Bormann Left The Bunker complex and flew to the Obersalzberg
Monday Apr 23, 1945 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann was Named Executor of The Estate
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann left the Führerbunker
Tuesday May 1, 1945 at 11:00:00 PM - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Holy Roman Empire-Rudolf I thus lent Austria and Styria to his own sons
1282 - Austria and Styria, Holy Roman Empire

Charles de Téligny's death
Thursday Aug 24, 1572 - St. Bartholomew's

Adolf Hitler-Birth
Saturday Apr 20, 1889 - Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary, (Now Austria)

Visa Inc.-European Commission exempted Visa's multilateral interchange fees from Article 81 of the EC Treaty that prohibits anti-competitive arrangements
2002 - Europe

Visa Inc.-The agreement was amended in response to the feedback of European Commission
Monday Mar 21, 2016 - Europe

Mozart-Playing organ for the first time
1763 - Wasserburg am Inn, Bavaria, Germany

Napoleon-Austrian army crossed the Inn River and invaded Bavaria
Monday Apr 10, 1809 - Germany

Maria ruler of Austria (1740)
Thursday Oct 20, 1740 - Austria
On This Day - 10 July

Roman Empire-Hadrian died
Thursday Jul 10, 138 - Baiae, Italy, Roman Empire (Present-Day Bacoli, Campania, Italy)

Kingdom of the Lombards-Charlemagne was King of the Lombards
Wednesday Jul 10, 774 - Pavia, Italy

Vladimir Lenin-Marriage
Sunday Jul 10, 1898 - Eastern Siberia, Russian Empire

Red Summer-Longview race riot
Thursday Jul 10, 1919 - Longview, Texas, U.S.

Irish War of Independence-The IRA ambushed British forces
Sunday Jul 10, 1921 - Belfast, Northern Ireland

World War II-Britain is under attack
Wednesday Jul 10, 1940 - United Kingdom

World War II-First Battle of Smolensk
Thursday Jul 10, 1941 - Smolensk, U.S.S.R.

The Holocaust-Jedwabne pogrom
Thursday Jul 10, 1941 - Jedwabne, Poland

World War II-Operation Husky
Saturday Jul 10, 1943 - Sicily, Italy

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-The Engagement
Thursday Jul 10, 1947 - Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom

Disasters with highest death tolls-Khait landslide
Sunday Jul 10, 1949 - Tajikistan

Korean War-Protracted Armistice Negotiations
Tuesday Jul 10, 1951 - Kaesong, North Korea

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers-Birth
Friday Jul 10, 1953 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Pelé-To New York Cosmos
Thursday Jul 10, 1975 - New York, U.S.

Plane Accidents-Tupolev Tu-154B-2, Aeroflot Flight 7425
Wednesday Jul 10, 1985 - Uchkuduk, Uzbek SSR, Soviet Union

FIFA World Cup-A 32 teams World Cup
Friday Jul 10, 1998 - France

Zinedine Zidane-Moving To Real Madrid
Tuesday Jul 10, 2001 - Madrid, Spain

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Meeting with Condoleezza Rice
Tuesday Jul 10, 2001 - U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's State in The market
Saturday Jul 10, 2004 - Jeffersontown, Kentucky, U.S.

Narendra Damodardas Modi-2006 Mumbai train bombings
Monday Jul 10, 2006 - Mumbai, India

iOS-iOS App Store
Thursday Jul 10, 2008 - U.S.

Johan Cruyff-Stripped of this title
Saturday Jul 10, 2010 - Barcelona, Spain

LeBron James-To Heat Officially
Saturday Jul 10, 2010 - Miami, Florida, U.S.

Nintendo-Iwata death
Friday Jul 10, 2015 - Kyoto, Japan

Reddit-Pao resigned as CEO
Friday Jul 10, 2015 - San Francisco, California, United States

Eminem-Kings Never Die
Friday Jul 10, 2015 - U.S.

Reddit-Huffman's return as the company's chief
Friday Jul 10, 2015 - San Francisco, California, United States

Cristiano Ronaldo-To the Bianconeri
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018 - Turin, Italy

Tham Luang cave rescue-Four boys and coach was rescued
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018 - Pong Pha, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai 57130, Thailand

Lionel Messi-Gold in the land of Silver "first major international title"
Saturday Jul 10, 2021 - Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

France announced war on Britain in 1778
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - the Kingdom of Great Britain

Battle of Northampton
Tuesday Jul 10, 1460 - York

Bartholomus Ziegenbalg Birth
Friday Jul 10, 1682 - Saxony

William I's death
Tuesday Jul 10, 1584 - Delft

Jan van Brakel's death
Monday Jul 10, 1690 - Chatham

Roger Cotes Birth
Friday Jul 10, 1682 - Burbage

Frideric Handel Birth
Saturday Jul 10, 1762 - London
10 July 1778

France announced war on Britain in 1778
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - the Kingdom of Great Britain
July 1778

Mozart-His mother's death
Friday Jul 3, 1778 - Paris, France

Mozart-The Paris Symphony
Monday Jul 13, 1778 - Paris, France

France announced war on Britain in 1778
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - the Kingdom of Great Britain

Mozart-Idomeneo Premier
Thursday Jan 29, 1778 - Cuvilliés Theatre, Munich, Germany

George Washington-Treaty of Alliance
Feb, 1778 - U.S.

George Washington-Major Benjamin Tallmadge formed the Culper Ring at Washington's direction to covertly collect information about the British in New York
1778 - New York, U.S.

George Washington-General Clinton shipped 3,000 troops from New York to Georgia
1778 - Georgia, U.S.

Beethoven-First Public Performance
Mar, 1778 - Bonn, Germany

Mona Lisa-Isleworth Mona Lisa
1778 - Isleworth, London, England, United Kingdom

Mozart-Leaving Mannheim for Paris
Apr, 1778 - Paris, France

Mozart-Mozart meets Beethoven
Tuesday Apr 7, 1778 - Vienna, Austria

George Washington-British commander Howe
May, 1778 - U.S.

Mozart-His father's deaths
Thursday May 28, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

Napoleon-Napoleon moved to the French mainland
1778 - France

Mozart-Mozart resigns
Monday Jun 8, 1778 - Vienna, Austria

Mozart-His mother's death
Friday Jul 3, 1778 - Paris, France

Mozart-The Paris Symphony
Monday Jul 13, 1778 - Paris, France

Flag of the United States-Letter to Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
Saturday Oct 3, 1778 - (Present Day Southern Italy)

Mozart-Receiving the commission for Idomeneo
Nov, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

Ugo Foscolo Birth
Friday Feb 6, 1778 - Zakynthos Island

Brummel Birth
Sunday Jun 7, 1778 - London

Bonaparte was appointed king of Holland (1778)
Wednesday Sep 2, 1778 - Holland

Anglo-French War (1778)
Friday Feb 6, 1778 - Britain

France announced war on Britain in 1778
Friday Jul 10, 1778 - the Kingdom of Great Britain