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Nikola Tesla - Tesla conducted experiments with a large coil operating in the megavolts range

Time: 1899

Place: Colorado, U.S.

Details: There, Tesla conducted experiments with a large coil operating in the megavolts range, producing artificial lightning (and thunder) consisting of millions of volts and discharges of up to 135 feet (41 m) in length, and at one point, inadvertently burned out the generator in El Paso, causing a power outage. The observations he made of the electronic noise of lightning strikes led him to (incorrectly) conclude that he could use the entire globe of the Earth to conduct electrical energy.



Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-It has been hypothesized that he may have intercepted Guglielmo Marconi's European experiments
Jul, 1899 - Colorado, U.S.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla set up an experimental station at high altitude
1899 - Colorado, U.S.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla observed unusual signals from his receiver which he speculated to be communications from another planet
Dec, 1899 - Colorado, U.S.
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Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Aspen trial judge granted the request, but in other place
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The Second Boer War
Second Boer War-First phase of the War
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Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill sailed from Bombay
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The Hillsborough Memorial
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1899 - Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Yersinia pestis
Plague-Plague is first introduced in Latin America in Paraguay
1899 - Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill spoke at Conservative meetings
Jun, 1899 - Oldham, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom