Mamluks - The Coptic decline in Egypt occurred under the Bahri sultans
Time: 1301
Place: Cairo, Egypt
Details: There were several instances of Egyptian Muslim protests against the wealth of Coptic Christians and their employment with the state. In 1301, the government ordered the closure of all churches. Coptic bureaucrats would often be restored to their positions after the moment of tension passed.

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Nationalization
1810s - Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Mu'ayyad Shihab al-Din Ahmad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1461
Tuesday Feb 26, 1461 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Jaqmaq was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1438
Sunday Sep 9, 1438 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Barsbay was the ninth Burji Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Monday Apr 1, 1422 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Bahriyya Mamluks era
1250 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Tatar was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Wednesday Aug 29, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Musta'in was the only Cairo-based caliph to hold political power as Sultan of Egypt
1406 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-The sultan Turanshah arrived in Egypt
Sunday Feb 27, 1250 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Barquq was the first Sultan of the Mamluk Burji dynasty of Egypt
1382 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Mamluk sultan in 1361
Tuesday Mar 17, 1361 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali asked the Porte for the territory of Syria
1820s - Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghuri was the second-to-last of the Mamluk Sultans
Saturday Apr 20, 1501 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Sha'ban was a Mamluk sultan in 1363
1363 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali acquiesced
Friday Nov 27, 1840 - Egypt

Mamluks-An-Nasir Faraj was briefly a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1405
1405 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Janbalat was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1500
Saturday Jun 30, 1500 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-An-Nasir ad-Din Muhammad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Friday Nov 30, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-The Mamluk Sultanate collapsed
Thursday Jan 25, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-After Napoleon
1801 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Wali ruled until 1848
1848 - Egypt

Mamluks-Ali Bey Al-Kabir declared independence from the Ottomans
1768 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Khushqadam was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt and Syria
Friday Jun 28, 1461 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Ashraf was the ninth Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Sunday Nov 12, 1290 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Abu Sa'id Qansuh was the twenty third Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Monday Oct 31, 1498 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Aybak was the first of the Mamluk sultans
Jul, 1250 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Mansur Fakhr-ad-Din Uthman was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1453
Tuesday Feb 1, 1453 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-State of Law and Order
1830 - Egypt

Mamluks-Tuman bay II was the last Sultan of Egypt
Tuesday Oct 17, 1516 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Mamluks End of power in Egypt
Thursday Jan 3, 1811 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Kamil was the Mamluk sultan in August 1345
Aug, 1345 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Massacre of the Mamelukes
Friday Mar 1, 1811 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Mu'ayyad Shaykh was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1412
Friday Nov 6, 1412 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-The last of the Ayyubid sultans
1240 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Mansur Ali was the second Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
1257 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Muzaffar was the 12th Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Apr, 1309 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Many Mamluks were appointed
1250 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali's mind became increasingly clouded
1843 - Egypt

Mamluks-As-Salih Hajji was the Mamluk sultan in 1382
1382 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Bahri Mamluk sultan in 1341
Wednesday Jun 7, 1341 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1342
Sunday Jan 21, 1342 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Mamluk rose to become sultan
15th Century - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-An-Nasir Yusuf dispatched a Bahri-led expedition to Egypt
1256 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Baibars was the fourth Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Sunday Oct 24, 1260 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Timurbugha was the seventeenth Burji Sultan of Mamluk Egypt
Wednesday Dec 4, 1467 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Tensions between As-Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub and the Mamluks
1249 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-An-Nasir Faraj was the second Sultan of the Burji dynasty of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria
Jul, 1399 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Muzaffar was the Bahri Mamluk sultan in September 1346
Sep, 1346 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the Mamluk sultan in 1347
1347 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik as-Salih was the Mamluk sultan in 1351
Saturday Aug 21, 1351 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Muzaffar Ahmad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Saturday Jan 13, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Qutuz was a military leader and the third Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Nov, 1259 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Inal was the 13th Burji Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Tuesday Mar 15, 1453 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali informed Britain, and France that he intended to declare independence from the Ottoman Empire
Friday May 25, 1838 - Egypt

Mamluks-Tuman bay I was the twenty fifth Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Friday Jan 25, 1501 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-The Bahri dynasty or Bahriyya Mamluks
1250 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Bilbay was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1467
Wednesday Oct 9, 1467 - Egypt

Mamluks-Ottoman sultan Selim I captured Cairo
Thursday Dec 20, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik as-Salih was the Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt in June 1342
Jun, 1342 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Replacement Request
1805 - Egypt

Mamluks-The war which led to the conquest of Egypt
1515 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Weapons Production
1830s - Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Aziz Jamal ad-Din Yusuf was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1438
Thursday Jun 7, 1438 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Qaitbay was the eighteenth Burji Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Friday Jan 31, 1468 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Qutuz had Hulagu's envoys killed
1260 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Mansur Ali II was the Mamluk sultan in 1377
Saturday Mar 15, 1377 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Aybak had his Mu'izzi mamluks assassinate Aktay
1254 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-An-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qaitbay was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Friday Aug 7, 1496 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Nahda
1820s - Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Ashraf was was the Mamluk sultan from August 1341
Saturday Aug 5, 1341 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Aybak was assassinated
Tuesday Apr 10, 1257 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Salih promoted large numbers of his original and newly recruited Mamluks
1240 - Cairo, Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-First Penal Legislation
1829 - Egypt

Ottoman Empire-Muhammad Ali Pasha revolted against Sultan Mahmud II
1831 - Egypt

Mamluks-Mamluk regiments constituted the backbone of Egypt's military
1174 - Cairo, Egypt

Plague-Plague epidemic
540 - Ethiopia, Egypt

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim entry into Cairo
Saturday Dec 11, 1819 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Said Barakah was the fifth of the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Saturday Jul 3, 1277 - Egypt

Vodafone-Vodafone in Egypt
Nov, 1998 - Cairo, Egypt

Ottoman Empire-Coward Damned
1882 - Egypt

Ayman al-Zawahiri-Zawahiri was sentenced to death in absentia
1999 - Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Allied with the Egyptian leader Umar Makram
1801 - Egypt

Ayman al-Zawahiri-Joining the Muslim Brotherhood
1965 - Cairo, Egypt

Mother's Day-Mother's Day (Egypy)
Wednesday Mar 21, 1956 - Egypt

Winston Churchill-Second Cairo Conference
Saturday Dec 4, 1943 - Cairo, Egypt

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Disappearance
Feb, 1021 - Egypt

Ronaldinho-World Cup U-17
Thursday Sep 4, 1997 - Egypt

Vodafone-A deal with Telecom Egypt
Friday Sep 8, 2006 - Cairo, Egypt

Ottoman Empire-Selim I established Ottoman rule in Egypt
Jan, 1517 - Egypt

Ayman al-Zawahiri-The Egyptian Islamic Jihadleader Leader
1991 - Egypt

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-School of Medicine for women
1832 - Egypt

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh 's mother
980s - Egypt

Vodafone-Exiting Egypt
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020 - Cairo, Egypt

1973 oil crisis-Heads of the state of Algeria, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia discuss oil strategy in view of the progress in Arab-Israeli disengagement
Feb, 1974 - Middle East

Ancient Egypt-Tantamani's attempt
660s BC - Lower Egypt

Occupition of Cairo in 1517
Friday Apr 13, 1517 - Cairo

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Interreligious relationships (First period)
1006 - Egypt

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim was appointed Regent when his father became senile
Thursday Mar 2, 1848 - Egypt

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Al-Hakim decreed that the Christians could no longer celebrate Epiphany or Easter
1004 - Egypt

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Third period
1021 - Egypt

Mamluks-Qalāwūn aṣ-Ṣāliḥ was the seventh of the Mamluk sultan
Nov, 1279 - Egypt