First Sudanese Civil War - The Coup d'état of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Abboud
Time: 1958
Place: Southern Sudan
Details: The government was unable to take advantage of rebel weaknesses because of their own factionalism and instability. The first independent government of Sudan, led by Prime Minister Ismail al-Azhari, was quickly replaced by a stalemated coalition of various conservative forces, which was in turn overthrown in the coup d'état of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Abboud in 1958.

First Sudanese Civil War-The Creation of an Interim Government In 1964
Oct, 1964 - Southern Sudan

First Sudanese Civil War-Aggrey Jaden Left The Movement
1969 - Southern Sudan (then the Sudan)

Sony Corporation-Changing The Name To Sony
Jan, 1958 - Tokyo, Japan

Mao Zedong-The Great Leap Forward
Jan, 1958 - China

IKEA-The First Möbel-IKÉA Store
1958 - Älmhult, Småland, Sweden

Akio Morita-Renaming The Company
1958 - Tokyo, Japan

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Signs of dissatisfaction with the British increased on both sides with Turkish Cypriots now forming Volkan
1958 - Cyprus

Algerian War-The French Army shifted its tactics
1958 - Algeria

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Screening room incident
1958 - U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski entered Harvard on a scholarship
1958 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.

Visa Inc.-Test at first went smoothly, but then BofA panicked when it confirmed rumors that another bank was about to initiate its own drop
1958 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Frank Sinatra-Releasing The Album "Come Fly with Me"
Monday Jan 6, 1958 - U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
1958 - Paris, France

Malcolm X-Marriage
Jan, 1958 - Detroit, Michigan, U.S.

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Turkish Cypriot response to this plan was a series of anti-British demonstrations in Nicosia
Monday Jan 27, 1958 - Nicosia, Cyprus

Cypriot intercommunal violence-British soldiers opened fire against a crowd of Turkish Cypriot rioters
Monday Jan 27, 1958 - Cyprus

The Beatles-The Joining of George Harrison
Feb, 1958 - Liverpool, England

Che Guevara-Radio Rebelde
Feb, 1958 - Cuba

Harald V-The oath To the Constitution of Norway
Friday Feb 21, 1958 - Oslo, Norway

Raúl Castro-Commander in the Cuban Revolution
Thursday Feb 27, 1958 - Oriente Province, Cuba

Nelson Mandela-1st Divorce
Mar, 1958 - South Africa

Che Guevara-United States to stop selling arms to the Cuban government
Mar, 1958 - Cuba

Pope Francis-Society of Jesus
Tuesday Mar 11, 1958 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned United Kingdom
Mar, 1958 - United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher-Conservative safe seat
Apr, 1958 - Finchley, London, England

Richard Nixon-The Goodwill Tour of South America
Sunday Apr 27, 1958 - Montevideo, Uruguay

Freddie Mercury-The Hectics
1958 - Panchgani, Mumbai, India

Warren Buffett-Third Child
Sunday May 4, 1958 - Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Algerian War-May 1958 crisis
Tuesday May 13, 1958 - France

Christmas Island-The United Kingdom's Christmas Island Act Was Given Royal assent
Wednesday May 14, 1958 - Christmas Island

Charles de Gaulle-Gaulle asserted again that he was at the disposal of the country
Monday May 19, 1958 - France

Conflict in Myanmar-Armed Resistance Movement
Tuesday May 20, 1958 - Shan State, Myanmar

Algerian War-French paratroopers from the Algerian corps landed on Corsica
Saturday May 24, 1958 - Corsica, France

Cypriot intercommunal violence-The British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was expected to propose a plan to resolve the Cyprus issue
Jun, 1958 - Cyprus

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle became Prime Minister
Sunday Jun 1, 1958 - France

Algerian War-I have understood you
Wednesday Jun 4, 1958 - Algeria

Cypriot intercommunal violence-A bomb exploded at the entrance of the Turkish Embassy in Cyprus
Saturday Jun 7, 1958 - Cyprus

Fido (dog)-Fido died still waiting for his master
Monday Jun 9, 1958 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Cypriot intercommunal violence-The crisis reached a climax
Thursday Jun 12, 1958 - Cyprus

Nelson Mandela-2nd Marriage
Saturday Jun 14, 1958 - Bizana, South Africa

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy was Executed
Monday Jun 16, 1958 - Budapest, Hungary

W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois visited Russia and China
1958 - Russia and China

Fido (dog)-La Domenica del Corriere commemorated Fido with a poignant cover story
Sunday Jun 22, 1958 - Milan, Italy

Raúl Castro-Kidnapping 36 hostages
Thursday Jun 26, 1958 - The North Coast of Oriente Province, Cuba

Pelé-1958 World Cup
Sunday Jun 29, 1958 - Stockholm, Sweden

Laser-Bell Labs filed a patent application for their proposed optical maser
1958 - U.S.

Pope John Paul II-Youngest bishop in Poland
Friday Jul 4, 1958 - Lakes region of northern Poland, Poland

James Bond-Casino Royale comic book was published
1958 - London, England, United Kingdom

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower sent 15,000 Marines and soldiers to Lebanon
Jul, 1958 - Lebanon

Buckingham Palace-Queen abolished the presentation parties for débutantes
1958 - London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Charles-The Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester
Saturday Jul 26, 1958 - Wales, UK

Neil Armstrong-The ARPA canceled its funding to "Man In Space Soonest"
Friday Aug 1, 1958 - Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

Algerian War-All Algerians including women were registered for the first time on electoral rolls to participate in a referendum to be held on the new constitution
Sep, 1958 - Algeria

Visa Inc.-Bank of America (BofA) launched its BankAmericard credit card program
Sep, 1958 - Fresno, California, U.S.

Nuclear Power-USS Bainbridge
Monday Sep 1, 1958 - U.S.

Laser-Prokhorov independently proposed using an open resonator, the first published appearance (in the USSR) of this idea
1958 - U.S.S.R.

Christmas Island-The Commonwealth Cabinet Decision 1573
Tuesday Sep 9, 1958 - Christmas Island

Computer-The First working integrated example
Friday Sep 12, 1958 - Texas, U.S.

Christmas Island-The Island was Officially Placed Under The Authority of The Commonwealth of Australia
Wednesday Oct 1, 1958 - Christmas Island

Neil Armstrong-Neil became an Employee of NASA
Wednesday Oct 1, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Algerian War-De Gaulle visited Constantine
Oct, 1958 - Algeria

Bank of America-BankAmericard
1958 - U.S.

James Bond-Moonraker was adapted for broadcast on South African radio
1958 - South Africa

Juan Trippe-Pan Am's First Scheduled Jet Flight
Sunday Oct 26, 1958 - Paris, France

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower created NASA as a civilian space agency
Wednesday Oct 29, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Neil Armstrong-Project "Mercury"
Wednesday Nov 5, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle and his supporters won a comfortable majority
Nov, 1958 - France

Xerox-The Name
1958 - New York, U.S.

Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Born
Sunday Nov 16, 1958 - Biy-Myrza, Kirghiz SSR, Soviet Union (now Kyrgyzstan)

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret met the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones
1958 - United Kingdom

Raúl Castro-Capturing Maffo
Tuesday Dec 30, 1958 - Maffo, Contramaestre, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Batista Resigned and Fled into Exile
Wednesday Dec 31, 1958 - Cuba

Fidel Castro-Batista's Escape
Wednesday Dec 31, 1958 - Cuba

Indira Gandhi-The President of The Congress
1958 - New Delhi, India