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Mobile Phones - The DynaTAC 8000X mobile phone

Time: Sunday Mar 6, 1983

Place: U.S.

Details: On 6 March 1983, the DynaTAC 8000X mobile phone launched on the first US 1G network by Ameritech. It cost $100M to develop, and took over a decade to reach the market. The phone had a talk time of just thirty-five minutes and took ten hours to charge. Consumer demand was strong despite the battery life, weight, and low talk time, and waiting lists were in the thousands.



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Red Summer-A. Mitchell Palmer reported to Congress on the threat that anarchists and Bolsheviks posed to the government
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Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Texas and all former Confederate states passed new constitutions or amendments that effectively disenfranchised black people
1908 - U.S.
Robin Williams 1996 Image
Robin Williams-First film role
Wednesday Aug 10, 1977 - U.S.
Juneteenth Flag
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On This Day - 6 March

A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Zhi of Han
Saturday Mar 6, 145 - Han, China
Aureus of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor
Roman Empire-A romur
Wednesday Mar 6, 222 - Rome
German revolutions of 1848–1849-A group of German liberals began to make plans for an election to a German national assembly
Monday Mar 6, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
First Sino-Japanese War Image
First Sino-Japanese War-Starting Preparations For The Capture of Taiwan
Wednesday Mar 6, 1895 - Sasebo, Nagasaki, Japan
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Marriage
Tuesday Mar 6, 1928 - Czech Republic


Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-To Feyenoord
1983 - Feyenoord, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-The Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) union association
1983 - Brazil
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-The Chief Livestock Specialist
1983 - The Soviet farm, Osh region, Soviet Union (now Kyrgyzstan)
Barack Obama Image
Barack Obama-Graduated
1983 - New York, U.S.
Microsoft Corporation current (2019) logo
Microsoft-Paul Allen resigned
1983 - Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.