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Hirohito - The February 26 Incident

Time: Wednesday Feb 26, 1936

Place: Tokyo, Japan

Details: The assassination of moderate Prime Minister was followed by an attempted military coup in February 1936, the February 26 incident, mounted by junior Army officers of the Kōdōha faction who had the sympathy of many high-ranking officers including Prince Chichibu (Yasuhito), one of the Emperor's brothers. This revolt was occasioned by a loss of political support by the militarist faction in Diet elections. The coup resulted in the murders of a number of high government and Army officials.



Hirohito-The February 26 Rebellion was suppressed
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Hirohito-Emperor Hirohito signed an imperial rescript condemning to death American fliers
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On This Day - 26 February

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February 1936

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Hirohito-The February 26 Rebellion was suppressed
Saturday Feb 29, 1936 - Tokyo, Japan


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