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International Monetary Fund - The first borrower

Time: Thursday May 8, 1947

Place: Washington D.C., U.S.

Details: On 8 May, France became the first country to borrow from it.



International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-First female Managing Director
Tuesday Jul 5, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Horst Köhler
Monday May 1, 2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Andorra became the 190th member
Friday Oct 16, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-First Managing Director
Monday May 6, 1946 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-False estimation
Nov, 2020 - U.S. and Worldwide
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Thursday Nov 1, 2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Rodrigo Rato
Monday Jun 7, 2004 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Discussion Paper
Monday May 20, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Ivar Rooth
Friday Aug 3, 1951 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Former Czechoslovakia was expelled in 1954
1954 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality
Jan, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned
Wednesday May 18, 2011 - United States
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Longest-serving Managing Director
Friday Jan 16, 1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Per Jacobsson
Wednesday Nov 21, 1956 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust
Monday Apr 13, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Largest borrowers
Jan, 2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Kristalina Georgieva
Tuesday Oct 1, 2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gita Gopinath
Gita Gopinath-Gopinath was appointed to the World Bank–International Monetary Fund High-Level Advisory Group (HLAG)
Jun, 2021 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gita Gopinath
Gita Gopinath-Chief economist of the International Monetary Fund
Oct, 2018 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Jacques de Larosière
Saturday Jun 17, 1978 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gita Gopinath
Gita Gopinath-Gita was named one of the top 25 economists under 45 by the International Monetary Fund
2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Pierre-Paul Schweitzer
Sunday Sep 1, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-$1 trillion mobilization
Mar, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-IMF began its financial operations
Saturday Mar 1, 1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-2013 Fiscal Monitor publication
Oct, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Johan Witteveen
Saturday Sep 1, 1973 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-IMF establishes its "oil facility"
Jun, 1974 - U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-IMF formally came into existence
Thursday Dec 27, 1945 - U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-World Bank establishes its "Third Window"
Jul, 1975 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-David Malpass was elected President of the World Bank
Thursday Apr 4, 2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Eugene "Gene" Robert Black Sr. became the President of the World Bank
1949 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Paul Dundes Wolfowitz served as the President of the World Bank
Wednesday Jun 1, 2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-$12 billion plan
Sep, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Kristalina Georgieva served as Acting President of the World Bank
Friday Feb 1, 2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Alden Winship "Tom" Clausen was President of the World Bank
Wednesday Jul 1, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-George David Woods served as President of the World Bank
Jan, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Robert Bruce Zoellick was the president of the World Bank
Sunday Jul 1, 2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Lewis Thompson Preston was President of the World Bank
Thursday Aug 1, 1991 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-First President of the World Bank Group
1946 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-James David Wolfensohn served as the president of the World Bank Group
Thursday Jun 1, 1995 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Robert McNamara became President of the World Bank
Monday Apr 1, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-World Bank launches Support
Thursday Apr 2, 2020 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-John J. McCloy served as the president
1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Barber Benjamin Conable Jr. was former President of the World Bank
Tuesday Jul 1, 1986 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Aid for the world's poorest countries
Saturday Dec 15, 2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-General Services Administrator Emily W. Murphy formally recognized Biden as the apparent winner of the 2020 election
Monday Nov 23, 2020 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Economic Development Institute
Friday Mar 11, 1955 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Achieve Universal Primary Education
2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-World Bank Administrative Tribunal was established
1980 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding-Goodwill Ambassador
Oct, 2017 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Voting powers at the World Bank were revised to increase the voice of developing countries
2010 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Third-World debt
1980s - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-The bank announced that to protect against deforestation
1991 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-For the first time, two non-US citizens were nominated
2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt-A Vice President
Mar, 1901 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Developing world debt rose at an average annual rate of 20%
1976 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-War on AIDS
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Reduce Child Mortality
2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-The largest recipients of world bank loans
Nov, 2018 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
2004 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt-Second Term
Tuesday Nov 8, 1904 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Millennium Development Goals targets
2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Congress transferred the library's public document distribution activities to the Department of the Interior
1859 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-John C. Frémont issued a martial edict freeing slaves of the rebels
Aug, 1861 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Jim Yong Kim was elected
Friday Apr 27, 2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-U.S. Phase III price controls begin
Thursday Jan 11, 1973 - U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-U.S. Federal oil depletion allowance eliminated for large producers
1975 - U.S.
Alan Turing
Alan Turing-Turing traveled to the United States
Nov, 1942 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Federal Reserve continues with its plan to raise interest rates
1929 - Eccles Building, Washington D.C., U.S.
Eminem-United States Secret Service said that it was "looking into" allegations that Eminem had threatened the President of the United States
Monday Dec 8, 2003 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-First major round of U.S. bank failures
Dec, 1930 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-The 1933 healing up
1933 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Mini-stock market crash occurs
Monday Mar 25, 1929 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Minor recession begins
Aug, 1929 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Federal Reserve's federal funds rate bottoms out at 1.5%
May, 1931 - Eccles Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-The 1932 situation
1932 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-The 1931 recession
1931 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Federal Reserve conducts open market transactions
Apr, 1932 - Eccles Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Federal Reserve begins lowering the discount rate
Friday Nov 1, 1929 - Eccles Building, Washington D.C., U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-The 1930 recession
1930 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Over $1.1 billion in hoarded cash was deposited into the banking system
Mar, 1933 - U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Federal Reserve's federal funds rate reaches 2%
Dec, 1930 - Eccles Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Crowd at New York's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression
Great Depression-Federal Reserve industrial production index rebounds to 85.5
Jul, 1933 - Eccles Building, Washington D.C., U.S.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Washington Conference (1943)
May, 1943 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Nixon's first significant victory in Congress
Wednesday May 19, 1948 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt-A President
Saturday Sep 14, 1901 - U.S.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk-Member of The United States NAS
2006 - Washington D.C., United States
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Diplomacy by Kissinger produces a disengagement agreement on the Syrian front
Friday May 31, 1974 - U.S.
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa-Frank Fitzsimmons
1967 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Final televised Address
Tuesday Jan 17, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Huawei logo - image
Huawei-The Department of Commerce's Reponse
Wednesday May 15, 2019 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-Securities Investor Protection Corporation was established
1970 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Banking hacks image
Banking Frauds and Hacks-Data processors International
2003 - U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Former President Barack Obama endorsed Biden
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020 - U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-A Televised Speech
Wednesday Apr 23, 1975 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Resignation
Friday Aug 9, 1974 - The White House, Washington D.C., U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-1952 United States presidential election
Tuesday Nov 4, 1952 - U.S.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving-Proclamation 3560
Tuesday Nov 5, 1963 - U.S.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Impeachment of Bill Clinton-A Sexual Relationship
Dec, 1997 - U.S.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving-First nationwide thanksgiving celebration
Thursday Nov 26, 1789 - U.S.

On This Day - 8 May

Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman-Birth
Thursday May 8, 1884 - Lamar, Missouri, U.S.
World War 1-The war in Italy
World War 1-The war in Italy
Saturday May 8, 1915 - Italy
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Image
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-21-day fast of self-purification
Monday May 8, 1933 - India
Algerian War Image
Algerian War-The Sétif Massacre
Tuesday May 8, 1945 - Algeria
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-VE Day
Tuesday May 8, 1945 - London, England, United Kingdom
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower, through SHAEF, commanded all Allied forces, and through his command of ETOUSA had administrative command of all U.S. forces on the Western Front north of the Alps
Tuesday May 8, 1945 - Europe
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Serious riots were in French Tunisia
Tuesday May 8, 1945 - Tunisia
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace-Victory in Europe Day
Tuesday May 8, 1945 - London, England, United Kingdom
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-the Avenue of the Righteous
Tuesday May 8, 1962 - Jerusalem, Israel
The Beatles Image
The Beatles-The Beatle's Last
Friday May 8, 1970 - U.S.
Kosovo War Image
Kosovo War-Milošević became President of the Presidency of Serbia
Monday May 8, 1989 - Serbia
Slobodan Milošević Image
Slobodan Milošević-The President of The Presidency of The Socialist Republic of Serbia
Monday May 8, 1989 - Serbia
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-The Facts of Death was published
Friday May 8, 1998 - London, England, United Kingdom
Java (programming language)-J2SE 1.3
Monday May 8, 2000 - California, U.S.
Prince Harry Image
Prince Harry-Entering The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Sunday May 8, 2005 - Camberley, England
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-A New logo (dubbed the "DC spin")
Sunday May 8, 2005 - U.S.
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-Quit drinking and had not used drugs
Tuesday May 8, 2007 - Argentina
Java (programming language)-JVM Finished
Tuesday May 8, 2007 - U.S.
Putin Image
Vladimir Putin-Second premiership
Thursday May 8, 2008 - Moscow, Russia
Prince Harry Image
Prince Harry-Harry's attachment Ending
Friday May 8, 2015 - The Royal Military College, Duntroon in Canberra, Australia
Harald V Image
Harald V-The King's Constitutional Status as Holy was dissolved
Tuesday May 8, 2018 - Norway
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Spain state on May 8
Friday May 8, 2020 - Spain
Saint Peter Canisius Brith
Saint Peter Canisius Brith
Sunday May 8, 1521 - Nijmegen
Miguel Costilla Birth
Miguel Costilla Birth
Tuesday May 8, 1753 - Guanajuato

May 1947

The World Bank
World Bank-First country to receive a World Bank loan
Friday May 9, 1947 - France
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-Released him
Sunday May 11, 1947 - Palermo, Italy


Samsung wordmark (Logo) - image
Samsung-Moving To Seoul
1947 - Seoul, South Korea
Shimon Peres Main Image
Shimon Peres-Predecessor of the Israel Defense Forces
1947 - Israel
Margaret Thatcher Image
Margaret Thatcher-Graduation
1947 - Oxford, England
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Education
1947 - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.
Fidel Castro Image
Fidel Castro-The Party of the Cuban People
1947 - Havana, Cuba
The logo of Adidas with the three stripes - image
Adidas-The Brothers Split up
1947 - Germany
Alan Turing
Alan Turing-Turing Returned to Cambridge for a Sabbatical year
1947 - Cambridge, England
Incandescent light bulb with a medium-sized E27 (Edison 27 millimeter) male screw base - image
Incandescent light bulb-Coating the inside of lamps with silica
1947 - Florida, U.S.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-Woodrow Wilson High
1947 - Chesapeake Street, Northwest Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-John J. McCloy served as the president
1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Tour of South Africa
Saturday Feb 1, 1947 - South Africa
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-The US started putting pressure
Friday Feb 21, 1947 - Cuba
Communist troops in the Battle of Siping - Chinese Civil War Image
Chinese Civil War-Symbolic victory
Mar, 1947 - Yanan, China
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-IMF began its financial operations
Saturday Mar 1, 1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
NATO flag
NATO Establishment-The Treaty of Dunkirk
Tuesday Mar 4, 1947 - Dunkirk, France
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip had abandoned his Greek and Danish royal titles
Mar, 1947 - United Kingdom
First Indochina War COLLAGE - image
First Indochina War-The First occurrence was probably at The National Assembly
Friday Mar 21, 1947 - France
Current Bhutan flag
Flag of Bhutan-Mayeum Choying Wangmo
Mar, 1947 - Bhutan
Yersinia pestis
Plague-French novelist Albert Camus publishes The Plague
1947 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle made a renewed attempt to transform the politics in France
Wednesday Apr 9, 1947 - France
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-To Genoa
Friday Apr 11, 1947 - Genoa, Italy
Communist troops in the Battle of Siping - Chinese Civil War Image
Chinese Civil War-Shanghai Massacre
Saturday Apr 12, 1947 - Shanghai, China
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-Birth
Friday Apr 25, 1947 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
The World Bank
World Bank-First country to receive a World Bank loan
Friday May 9, 1947 - France
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-Released him
Sunday May 11, 1947 - Palermo, Italy
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Edinburgh Castle
1947 - Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Communist troops in the Battle of Siping - Chinese Civil War Image
Chinese Civil War-The Communists counterattacked
Monday Jun 30, 1947 - China
A laser beam used for welding
Laser-Willis E. Lamb and R.C. Retherford found apparent stimulated emission in hydrogen spectra
1947 - California, U.S.
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth engagement to Prince Philip
Wednesday Jul 9, 1947 - London, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-The Engagement
Thursday Jul 10, 1947 - Buckingham Palace, London, England, United Kingdom
Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco-Franco proclaimed Spain a monarchy
Saturday Jul 26, 1947 - Spain
Louis Armstrong Image
Louis Armstrong-Armstrong big band dissolved
Wednesday Aug 13, 1947 - New York, U.S.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Image
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-Disapproved Independence
Friday Aug 15, 1947 - India
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret fell in love
1947 - South Africa
Algerian War Image
Algerian War-Granted French citizenship to all Algerian subjects
Saturday Sep 20, 1947 - Algeria
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Became Anglican
Oct, 1947 - United Kingdom
Max Planck
Max Planck-Death
Saturday Oct 4, 1947 - Göttingen, Germany
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend requested the bedroom next to Margaret's
Oct, 1947 - Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
River Phoenix
River Phoenix-Phoenix's father
1947 - United States
The headquarters of the World Trade Organization
World Trade Organization-GATT was the only multilateral instrument governing international trade
Oct, 1947 - Geneva, Switzerland
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Titles
Thursday Nov 20, 1947 - United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip and Elizabeth were married in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey
Thursday Nov 20, 1947 - Westminster Abbey, London, England, United Kingdom
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Elizabeth's wedding
Thursday Nov 20, 1947 - London, England, United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth and Philip were married
Thursday Nov 20, 1947 - London, United Kingdom
United Nations
United Nations-General Assembly approved a resolution to partition Palestine
Saturday Nov 29, 1947 - U.S.
Old Computers - image
Computer-The Invention of The Bipolar Transistor
Dec, 1947 - Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
1947 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee-Getting married
Friday Dec 5, 1947 - New York, U.S,
Marilyn Monroe Image
Marilyn Monroe-First Appearance on Screen
Sunday Dec 7, 1947 - U.S.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-President of the National Playing Fields Association
1947 - United Kingdom
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa-A Deferment from Military Service in World War Ii
1947 - U.S.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip returned to the navy at first in a desk job at the Admiralty
1947 - Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London, England, United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II at NASA
Queen Elizabeth II-Princess Elizabeth went to southern Africa with her parents
1947 - South Africa