Cypriot intercommunal violence - The island was annexed by the United Kingdom
Time: 1914
Place: Cyprus
Details: In 1914, after the Ottoman Empire joined World War I on the side of the Central Powers, the island was annexed by the United Kingdom.
Cypriot intercommunal violence-Signs of dissatisfaction with the British increased on both sides with Turkish Cypriots now forming Volkan
1958 - Cyprus
Cypriot intercommunal violence-A bomb exploded at the entrance of the Turkish Embassy in Cyprus
Saturday Jun 7, 1958 - Cyprus
Cypriot intercommunal violence-Sir Hugh Mackintosh Foot replaced Sir John Harding as the British Governor of Cyprus
Tuesday Oct 22, 1957 - Cyprus
Cypriot intercommunal violence-Engaged in heavy fighting with the Turkish Cypriots
Wednesday Nov 15, 1967 - Cyprus
Ptolemaic Kingdom-Ptolemy occupied Corinth
306 BC - Cyprus
First Indochina War-Phan Bội Châu was imprisoned
1914 - Vietnam
Josip Broz Tito-Broz was arrested
1914 - Novi Sad, Serbia
Adolf Hitler-To Munich
1914 - Munich, Germany
Francisco Franco-Rif War
1914 - Morocco
Marie Curie-The Radium Institute
1914 - Paris, France