Unification of Italy - The Italian Army crossed the papal frontier
Time: Sunday Sep 11, 1870
Place: Italy
Details: The Italian Army, commanded by General Raffaele Cadorna, crossed the papal frontier on 11 September and advanced slowly toward Rome, hoping that a peaceful entry could be negotiated.

Roman Republic-Rome the overall victory
Thursday Mar 15, 474 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
138 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Diego Maradona-Match for Peace
Monday Sep 1, 2014 - Rome, Italy

Heysel Stadium Events-1984 European Cup Final
Wednesday May 30, 1984 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy

Lionel Messi-Sad night at Rome
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018 - Rome, Italy

Lionel Messi-2009 UEFA Champions League
Wednesday May 27, 2009 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy

Diego Maradona-A Nightmare
Sunday Jul 8, 1990 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Tiberius and Gaius
130s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Republic-Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus assigned in the war with Veii
479 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Unification of Italy-Rome was declared Capital of Italy
Wednesday Mar 27, 1861 - Rome, Italy

Unification of Italy-Rome capitulated on 29 June 1849
Friday Jun 29, 1849 - Rome, Italy

Unification of Italy-Garibaldi declared that he would enter Rome as a victor or perish beneath its walls
1862 - Rome, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Battle of the Cremera
477 BC - Labaro, Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Pyrrhus returned to Italy
275 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Republic-Alliance between Rome and Carthage
270s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Etruscan civilization-The war between Clusium and Aricia
508 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Empire-Claudius had his wife executed
48 - Gardens of Lucullus, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire

Unification of Italy-Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy
Sunday Mar 17, 1861 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Opiter Verginius Tricostus
Friday Sep 1, 502 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Setting up four plebeian pontiffs
300 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Battle of the Colline Gate
82 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Marc'Antonio Pasqualini Birth
Friday Apr 25, 1614 - Rome

Roman Republic-Lucius Sergius Catilina
108 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Empire-Nerva died
Monday Jan 27, 98 - Gardens of Sallust, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire

Roman Republic-Marcus Manlius Capitolinus to had sided with the plebeians
385 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Rome was rent by internal dissension
480 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Rome was at war with three Italic tribes
494 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Servius Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus
500 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Etruscan civilization-Battle of the Allia
387 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Rome had established herself as the major power in Italy
4th Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Marcus Valerius Volusus
505 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cleopatra-Caesar was assassinated
Tuesday Mar 15, 44 BC - Rome, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Pope Paul IV
1555 - Rome, Italy, Holy Roman Empire

Winston Churchill-Churchill met Mussolini
1927 - Rome, Italy

Winston Churchill-King Victor Emmanuel sacked Mussolini
Tuesday Jul 25, 1944 - Rome, Italy

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle meet the Pope and the new Italian government
Friday Jun 16, 1944 - Rome, Italy

Libraries-Vatican Library
1475 - Vatican City

Unification of Italy-Victor Emmanuel arrived and took command
Tuesday Oct 9, 1860 - Italy

Libraries-Biblioteca Angelica
1604 - Rome, Italy

Libraries-Cortile del Belvedere
1505 - Vatican City

Unification of Italy-Lazio after the capture of Rome
1870 - Rome, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo spent much of his time living in the Belvedere Courtyard in the Apostolic Palace
Sep, 1513 - Apostolic Palace, Belvedere Courtyard, Vatican City (then Rome)

Roman Republic-Dionysia
487 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Diego Maradona-"Sell your ceiling then amigo"
1987 - Vatican City

Crusades-Pope Innocent III announced a new crusade "Fourth Crusade"
Saturday Aug 15, 1198 - Vatican City

Roman Republic-The Roman army of the late Republic
1st Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Armenian Genocide-30 countries have recognized the genocide
2021 - Worldwide

Roman Republic-Porsena attacked Rome
508 BC - Ponte Sublicio, Italy

Pope Francis-The pope has also continued the practice of having beatifications
Saturday Aug 16, 2014 - Vatican City

Halloween-Pope Gregory III
731 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)

609 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)

Halloween-All Hallows' Day was officially switched to 1 November
Thursday Nov 1, 835 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)

Crusades-Eugene III recently elected pope
Saturday Dec 1, 1145 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-First Consistory
Thursday Aug 29, 2019 at 03:11:00 PM - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Pope Benedict XIV authorized the publication of an edition of Galileo's complete scientific works which included a mildly censored version of the Dialogue
1741 - Rome, Italy (Now Vatican City)

Pope Francis-First Canonizations
Tuesday May 12, 2015 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-World Food Day
Monday Oct 16, 2017 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Galileo's earliest telescopic observations, Pope Benedict XVI praised his contributions to astronomy
Dec, 2008 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-Laudato si'
Thursday Jun 18, 2015 - Vatican City

Leonardo da Vinci-Commissioned to paint the walls of the Sistine Chapel
1479 - Sistine Chapel, Vatican City (then Rome)

Pope Francis-Pope Francis signed a new apostolic constitution
Friday Dec 8, 2017 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Pope John Paul II expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was handled
Saturday Oct 31, 1992 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Nicola Cabibbo announced a plan to honor Galileo by erecting a statue of him inside the Vatican walls
Mar, 2008 - Vatican City

Holy Roman Empire-First German Pope
996 - Rome, Italy

Rwandan genocide-Pope Francis
Monday Mar 20, 2017 - Vatican City, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Plan to erect a statue of Galileo on the grounds of the Vatican had been suspended
Jan, 2009 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Pope Gregory XV died and was succeeded by Pope Urban VIII
Saturday Jul 8, 1623 - Rome, Papal States

Pope Francis-The Name
Saturday Mar 16, 2013 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-First Easter homily
Sunday Mar 31, 2013 - Vatican City

Amancio Ortega-philanthropy
2012 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-Met with Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria
Friday May 10, 2013 - Vatican City

Holy Roman Empire-Frederick III Holy Roman Emperor (Frederick III of Habsburg)
Friday Mar 19, 1452 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire

Pope Francis-A Pope
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 - Vatican City

Roman Empire-Temple of the Sun
Friday Dec 25, 274 - Rome

Byzantine Empire-Pope Innocent III broached the subject of a new crusade through legates and encyclical letters
1198 - Rome (Present-Day in Vatican)

Galileo Galilei-Cardinal Bellarmine had written that the Copernican system could not be defended without "a true physical demonstration"
1615 - Rome, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Henry VII is Holy Roman Emperor
Wednesday Jun 29, 1312 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman Empire-Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1519 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire

Libraries-Biblioteca Casanatense
1701 - Rome, Italy

Pope Francis-First Encyclical
Saturday Jun 29, 2013 - Vatican City

Roman Republic-The Decemviri sacris faciundis
376 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Tiberius' brother Gaius was elected
123 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Crusades-Gregory VIII issued the bull Audita tremendi calling for "Third Crusade"
Thursday Oct 29, 1187 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-Met with Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
Friday Jun 19, 2015 - Vatican City

Libraries-Biblioteca Vallicelliana
1565 - Rome, Italy

Valentine's Day-Removal of saint valentine from the roman catholic calendar of saints
1969 - Vatican City

Roman Republic-Senatus consultum ultimum was vested Pompey with dictatorial powers
Thursday Jan 7, 49 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Holy Roman Empire-Hildebrand
1080s - Rome, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Frederick II Holy Roman Empror
Sunday Nov 22, 1220 - Rome, Italy, Holy Roman Empire

Pope John Paul II-The death of Pope John Paul I
Thursday Sep 28, 1978 - Vatican City

Unification of Italy-The Bersaglieri entered Rome and marched down Via Pia
1870 - Rome, Italy

Cleopatra-Ptolemy XII decided to leave Rome
57 BC - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-An Astronomical Disputation on the Three Comets
1619 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo became embroiled in a controversy with Father Orazio Grassi
1619 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Discourse on Comets
1619 - Italy

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Italy Ministry of Health announced new guidelines
Thursday Feb 27, 2020 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo visited the Collegium Romanum
1611 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Marcus Horatius Pulvillus
457 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Pope John Paul II-Death
Saturday Apr 2, 2005 at 03:30:00 PM - Vatican City, Italy

Pope John Paul II-Unsuccessful Assassination
Wednesday May 13, 1981 - Vatican City
On This Day - 11 September

Ottoman Empire-Defeat at Zenta
Wednesday Sep 11, 1697 - Zenta (in modern Serbia)

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-The mass protest meeting
Tuesday Sep 11, 1906 - Johannesburg, South Africa

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Grandfather's death
Sunday Sep 11, 1921 - London, England, United Kingdom

Disasters with highest death tolls-1923 Great Kantō Earthquake
Tuesday Sep 11, 1923 at 02:58:00 AM - Japan

Hirohito-The Emperor response on the American advance through the Solomon Islands
Saturday Sep 11, 1943 - Tokyo, Japan

Igor Stravinsky-The Premiere of The Rake's Progress
Tuesday Sep 11, 1951 - Venice, Italy

The Beatles-The 11 September concert problem segregated
Friday Sep 11, 1964 - Florida, U.S.

Gulf War-Speech in US Congress
Tuesday Sep 11, 1990 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bin Laden-11 September attack
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-American Airlines Flight 11
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 07:59:00 AM - Logan Airport, East Boston and Winthrop, Massachusetts, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-United Airlines Flight 175
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:14:00 AM - Logan Airport, East Boston and Winthrop, Massachusetts, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:32:00 AM - Orville Wright Federal Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-United Airlines Flight 93
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:42:00 AM - Newark Liberty International Airport, Newark and Elizabeth, New Jersey, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-American Airlines Flight 11 (collision)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:46:00 AM - Lower Manhattan, New York City, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Slow and Confused Communication
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:53:00 AM - Orville Wright Federal Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-United Airlines Flight 175 (Collision)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:03:00 AM - Lower Manhattan, New York City, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-American Airlines Flight 77
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:20:00 AM - Washington Dulles International Airport, Dulles, Virginia, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Langley Air Force Base
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:30:00 AM - Langley Air Force, Virginia, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-American Airlines Flight 77 (Collision)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:37:00 AM - The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:42:00 AM - Orville Wright Federal Building, Washington D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-A Fire Caused by the Impact of United Airlines Flight 175
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:59:00 AM - Lower Manhattan, New York City, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Orders to Shoot Down Any Commercial Aircraft
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 10:20:00 AM - U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-The North Tower Collapsed
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 10:28:00 AM - Lower Manhattan, New York City, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-United Airlines Flight 93 (Crashing)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 10:03:00 AM - Near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Southeast of Pittsburgh, U.S.

Qasem Soleimani-September 11 attacks
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - U.S.

Statue of Liberty-The September 11 Attacks
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - New York, U.S.

Plane Accidents-September 11 terrorist attacks
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - New York, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Rapid Orders
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 02:40:00 PM - The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-7 World Trade Center Building
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 05:21:00 PM - 250 Greenwich Street Manhattan, New York 10006, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Casualties
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - The Pentagon and The World Trade Center, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Morning of September 11, 2001
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-2,833 Applications
Thursday Sep 11, 2003 - U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-The Pentagon Memorial
Thursday Sep 11, 2008 - The Pentagon Memorial in Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.

Michael Ballack-Ballack had a shin injury
Saturday Sep 11, 2010 - HDI Arena, Hannover, Germany

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-National September 11 Memorial
Sunday Sep 11, 2011 - Lower Manhattan, New York City, U.S.

Halimah Yacob-2015 Singaporean General Election
Friday Sep 11, 2015 - Singapore

Hong Kong independence-Chief Executive Carrie Lam denounced the pro-independence banners and posters, asserting the students' message ran counter to the "one country, two systems" principle and the Basic Law
Monday Sep 11, 2017 - Hong Kong, China

George Weah-His Final International Appearance as a Football Player
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 - The Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex, Monrovia, Liberia

Lula da Silva-Officially dropped out of the election
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018 - Brazil

Cristiano Ronaldo-Ronaldo made his second debut at Old Trafford
Saturday Sep 11, 2021 - Old Trafford, Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Cornelis de Houtman was killed
Saturday Sep 11, 1599 - Java

Go-Mizunoo's death
Wednesday Sep 11, 1680 - Japan

Herr Lorenz Stark Birth
Monday Sep 11, 1741 - Parchim

Algerian War-Crémieux decrees
1870 - Algeria

Statue of Liberty-Working on The Project
1870 - France

Unification of Italy-Lazio after the capture of Rome
1870 - Rome, Italy

Frederick Douglass-15th Amendment
Thursday Feb 3, 1870 - U.S.

Mona Lisa-The painting was moved from the Louvre to the Brest Arsenal
1870 - Brest, France

Vladimir Lenin-Birth
Friday Apr 22, 1870 - Simbirsk, Russian Empire

Rajputana famine of 1869-Famine ended
1870 - Rajputana, India

Frederick Douglass-Douglass started his last newspaper "the New National Era"
1870 - U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Alfred left Mary
1870 - Great Barrington, Massachusetts, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to Karlovac
1870 - Karlovac, Croatia

Unification of Germany-France mobilized and declared war against German states
Tuesday Jul 19, 1870 - Germany

Unification of Germany-Franco-Prussian War "Franco-German War"
Tuesday Jul 19, 1870 - France and Prussia

Bicycle-the Franco-Prussian war
Tuesday Jul 19, 1870 - France

Unification of Italy-Battle of Sedan
1870 - Sedan, Ardennes, France

Willem Einthoven-Returned to the Netherlands
1870 - Utrecht, Netherlands

Unification of Italy-The Bersaglieri entered Rome and marched down Via Pia
1870 - Rome, Italy

Unification of Italy-Capture of Rome
1870 - Rome, Italy

Bicycle-The bone-shaker
1870 - U.S.

FIFA World Cup-The First official international football match
Wednesday Nov 30, 1870 - Hamilton Crescent, Partick, Scotland