Microprocessor - The Origination of The project That Produced The 4004
Time: 1969
Place: California, U.S.
Details: The project that produced the 4004 originated in 1969, when Busicom, a Japanese calculator manufacturer, asked Intel to build a chipset for high-performance desktop calculators.
Richard Nixon-McGovern Secured The Democratic Nomination
Saturday Jun 10, 1972 - California, U.S.
Best Buy-The company acquired Magnolia Hi-Fi, Inc.
Dec, 2000 - California, Washington, and Oregon, U.S.
Microprocessor-Introducing The First 16-bit Single-Chip Microprocessor
1975 - California, U.S.
Atari, Inc.-Tramel accusation
Sunday Jul 1, 1984 - California, U.S.
Richard Nixon-Losing The 1962 California Gubernatorial Election
Tuesday Nov 6, 1962 - California, U.S.
Vietnam War-Troops Withdrawals
1969 - Vitnam
Iran–Iraq War-Iranian delegation
1969 - Iraq
Margaret Thatcher-Her First Visit To The Soviet Union
1969 - Moscow, Russia
Shimon Peres-Minister of Immigrant Absorption
1969 - Israel
Lula da Silva-Marriage
1969 - Brazil