Juan Carlos I - The People ratify on The New Constitution
Time: Wednesday Dec 6, 1978
Place: Spain
Details: In 1978, the government promulgated a new constitution that acknowledged Juan Carlos as rightful heir of the Spanish dynasty and king; specifically, Title II, Section 57 asserted Juan Carlos's right to the throne of Spain by dynastic succession in the Bourbon tradition, as "the legitimate heir of the historic dynasty" rather than as the designated successor of Franco. The Constitution was passed by the democratically elected Constituent Cortes, ratified by the people in a referendum (6 December) and then signed into law by the King before a solemn meeting of the Cortes.

Carlos Slim-Spanish Real Estate
Mar, 2015 - Spain

Plague-A new outbreak of bubonic plague occurs in Spain
1582 - Spain

Visa Inc.-Banco de Bilbao
1979 - Spain

Zara-Growing in Spain
1970s - Spain

Rafael Nadal-Rankin no.2
Monday Jul 25, 2005 - Spain

Operation Mincemeat- Martin's body pushed into the sea
Friday Apr 30, 1943 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Commander-in-chief and head of government
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-April 1936
Apr, 1936 - Spain

Plague-Plague ravages Spain
1647 - Spain

Francisco Franco-United kingdom and France officially recognized the Franco regime
Monday Feb 27, 1939 - Spain

Francisco Franco-A Detour to free the besieged garrison at the Alcázar of Toledo
Monday Sep 21, 1936 - Toledo, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Siege of the Alcázar
Sunday Sep 27, 1936 - Toledo, Spain

Zorilla's "Bire el Ojo" premieres in Toledo
Friday Aug 3, 1640 - Toledo

Francisco Franco-Graduated
1910 - Toledo, Spain

Francisco Franco-Spanish general election, 1936
Sunday Feb 16, 1936 - Spain

Amancio Ortega-Another Marriage
2001 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Battle of Jarama
Monday Feb 7, 1927 - Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-The First post-Franco Democratic Elections
Wednesday Jun 15, 1977 - Spain

Papa John's Pizza-Papa John's Started Operating In Spain
2016 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Resignation
Thursday May 31, 2018 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Real Madrid's New sporting director
Jul, 2011 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Military Coup attempted
Monday Feb 23, 1981 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Pro-Republican rally of 20,000 people confronted Blum
Saturday Aug 1, 1936 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Marriage
Monday Oct 22, 1923 - Spain

Benito Mussolini-Escaping to Spain
Wednesday Apr 25, 1945 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-French government declared that it would not send military aid
Monday Jul 27, 1936 - Spain

Sofia Kenin-First career top-ten victory
Friday Jun 22, 2018 - Mallorca, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Franco's Death
Thursday Nov 20, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Pablo Picasso-Education
1897 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-The Spanish Parliament ratifie on Juan as The Prince of Spain
Tuesday Jul 22, 1969 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-The rebels failed to take any major cities
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Various groups of officers got together to begin discussing the prospect of a coup
1936 - Spain

Juan Carlos I-Franco gives full control to Juan Carlos
Thursday Oct 30, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Juan Carlos King of Spain
Saturday Nov 22, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-The top Brazilian goalscorer in Champions League history
Tuesday Dec 4, 2012 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Expressed his desire to leave Real Madrid
Thursday Aug 29, 2013 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-The advisor To The President after Florentino Pérez was named president of Real Madrid
Monday Jun 1, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco proclaimed victory in a radio speech
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 - Spain

Carlos III Birth
Monday Jan 20, 1716 - Madrid

Spanish Civil War-Blum government provided aircraft to the Republicans
Friday Aug 7, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-General Dámaso Berenguer
Sunday Apr 12, 1931 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Death
Thursday Nov 20, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Spanish Civil War
Friday Jul 17, 1936 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Assistant Coach
2013 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Madrid fell to the Nationalists
Tuesday Mar 28, 1939 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-The Republican government under Giral resigned
Friday Sep 4, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-War in the North
Mar, 1937 - Spain

Bernard Arnault-Loewe
1996 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Flu-The Flu Endpoint
1919 - Worldwide

Zinedine Zidane-Return to Real Madrid
Monday Mar 11, 2019 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-First goal for Madrid
Wednesday Aug 19, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Two government collapses
1934 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco feared an immediate French intervention against a potential Nationalist victory in Spain
1938 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Unsuccessful Attempt
Jan, 1937 - Madrid, Spain

Félix Lpez Birth
Sunday Nov 18, 1742 - Madrid

NATO Establishment-The Joining of Spain
1982 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Second Spanish Republic
Tuesday Apr 14, 1931 - Spain

Kaká-League Debut
Saturday Aug 29, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Popular front alliance was organised
Jan, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-The provisional government
Apr, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists occupied all Spanish territory
Friday Mar 31, 1939 - Spain

Kaká-Real Madrid Player
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-To Madrid
Monday Jun 8, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-King Amadeo I of the House of Savoy
1873 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Manuel Azaña became prime minister of a minority government
Oct, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spain was neutral in World War I
Saturday Jul 28, 1917 - Spain

Juan Carlos I-His Father formally renounced his claim to the throne
Saturday May 14, 1977 - Madrid, Spain

First Japanese Embassy to Europe
Friday Jan 30, 1615 - Madrid

Spanish Civil War-1933 Spanish general election
Sunday Nov 19, 1933 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Popular uprisings led to the overthrow of Queen Isabella II
1868 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Casares Quiroga refused an offer of help from the CNT and Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT)
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Government tried to assist rural Spain by instituting an eight-hour day and redistributing land tenure to farm workers
1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-German involvement began days after fighting broke out
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Simón Bolívar-Marriage
1802 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Left knee injury
Thursday Aug 5, 2010 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Iliotibial band syndrome
Mar, 2011 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Falangists in Madrid killed police officer Lieutenant José Castillo of the Guardia de Asalto
Sunday Jul 12, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Pact of Madrid
Wednesday Sep 23, 1953 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Retirement
Saturday Jun 1, 2019 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Flu-Struggling Against the Flu
1918 - Worldwide

Inca Empire-Royal approval
1529 - Spain

Simón Bolívar-Bolívar was sent to Spain to follow his military studies in Madrid
1800 - Madrid, Spain

Mona Lisa-"Woman by Leonardo da Vinci's hand" restoration
2012 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Church Ceremony
Tuesday Nov 25, 1975 - The Church of San Jerónimo el Real in Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon entered Madrid
Sunday Dec 4, 1808 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Francoist troops launched a major offensive toward Madrid
Sunday Nov 8, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-An Incident
May, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spanish Constitution of 1812
Thursday Mar 19, 1812 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Military coup brought Miguel Primo de Rivera
1923 - Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon appointed his brother as the new King of Spain
Monday Jun 6, 1808 - Spain

Kaká-Supercopa de España
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Moving To Real Madrid
Tuesday Jul 10, 2001 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spanish Constitution of 1931
Wednesday Dec 9, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Black two years
Nov, 1933 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Prime Minister Casares Quiroga met General Juan Yagüe
Friday Jun 12, 1936 - Spain

Francesco Totti-Win against Real Madrid
Wednesday Oct 30, 2002 - Madrid, Spain

Christopher returned to Spain
Wednesday Mar 15, 1493 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Real Madrid Castilla
Jun, 2014 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Victory was proclaimed
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Retirement
Sunday May 7, 2006 - Madrid, Spain
On This Day - 6 December

Abraham Lincoln-Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Wednesday Dec 6, 1865 - U.S.

Juneteenth-Thirteenth Amendment ratified
Wednesday Dec 6, 1865 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Marie Curie-Curie gave birth to their Second Daughter
Tuesday Dec 6, 1904 - Paris, France

World War 1-Battle of Bucharest
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - Bucharest, Romania

Winston Churchill-Asquith resigned as Prime Minister and was succeeded by Lloyd George
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - London, England, United Kingdom

Irish War of Independence-Anglo-Irish Treaty
Tuesday Dec 6, 1921 - London, England, United Kingdom

Irish War of Independence-First internationally recognized head of an independent Irish government
Wednesday Dec 6, 1922 - Ireland

Winston Churchill-1923 United Kingdom general election
Thursday Dec 6, 1923 - United kingdom

Brunei revolt-Police Were Put on Full Alert
Thursday Dec 6, 1962 - Brunei

Internet-4-node network was connected
Saturday Dec 6, 1969 - U.S.

Robin Williams-First major performance
Saturday Dec 6, 1980 - U.S.

Iran–Iraq War-Going on the defensive
Saturday Dec 6, 1980 - Iran

Iran–Iraq War-Retaken The town of Bostan
Sunday Dec 6, 1981 - Bostan, Khuzestan Province, Iran

Robin Williams-Velardi's divorce
Tuesday Dec 6, 1988 - California, U.S.

Tony Hawk-First Child
Sunday Dec 6, 1992 - U.S.

Charles Antetokounmpo-Giannis birth (Fourth child)
Tuesday Dec 6, 1994 - Athens, Greece

Bolivarian Revolution-Winning The 1998 elections
Sunday Dec 6, 1998 - Venezuela

David Cameron-The Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition
Tuesday Dec 6, 2005 - London, England

New York Stock Exchange-NYSE's governing board voted to merge with rival Archipelago
Tuesday Dec 6, 2005 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Eminem-Curtain Call: The Hits
Tuesday Dec 6, 2005 - U.S.

Muhammad Yunus-NORAD Published a Statement Clearing Yunus and The Bank From any Allegations of Embezzlement
Monday Dec 6, 2010 - Oslo, Norway

Oculus-Oculus Touch
Tuesday Dec 6, 2016 - California, U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Wednesday Dec 6, 2017 - Jerusalem, Israel

Claude Fleury Birth
Thursday Dec 6, 1640 - Paris

James Elphinston Birth
Saturday Dec 6, 1721 - Edinburgh

Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon Birth
Saturday Dec 6, 1721 - Paris

Orazio Tiberio Vecchi Brith
Wednesday Dec 6, 1550 - Modena

Warren Hasting Birth
Saturday Dec 6, 1732 - Churchill
December 1978

Iranian Revolution-The Muharram protests
Friday Dec 1, 1978 - Iran

Iranian Revolution-Tasu'a and Ashura marches
Dec, 1978 - Iran

Iranian Revolution-Demoralization of The Army
Sunday Dec 10, 1978 - Lavizan barracks, Tehran, Iran

Atari, Inc.-Nolan Bushnell leaving
Dec, 1978 - California, U.S.

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Snowdon married Lucy Lindsay-Hogg
Friday Dec 15, 1978 - England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth II endured visiting Romania's communist leader
Saturday Dec 23, 1978 - United Kingdom

Iranian Revolution-The return To Civilian Rule
Wednesday Dec 27, 1978 - Iran

Garry Kasparov-A Turning point in his life
1978 - Minsk, Belarus

Garry Kasparov-The Soviet Chess Championship
1978 - Soviet Union, (Russia)

Ayman al-Zawahiri-1st Marriage
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 - Opera Square, Giza, Egypt

Angela Merkel-Education
1978 - Leipzig, East Germany

Silvio Berlusconi-Fininvest
1978 - Italy

Halimah Yacob-Graduation
1978 - Singapore

Slobodan Milošević-The Head of Beobanka
1978 - Serbia

Microprocessor-Motorola 6809
1978 - U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-John Von Neumann Theory prize
1978 - U.S.

Robin Williams-Mork & Mindy
1978 - U.S.

Robin Williams-My Favorite Orkan
1978 - U.S.

Pablo Escobar: Narcos-Rise to prominence
1978 - Norman's Cay, Bahamas

Plane Accidents-Air India Flight 855
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 - near the coast of Bombay, India

Microprocessor-Intel introduced The 8086
1978 - California, U.S.

Nicaraguan Revolution-The administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter Cut Off aid To the Somoza Regime
1978 - Nicaragua

Virtual reality-David Em
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 at 05:33:00 PM - Massachusetts, U.S.

Warren Buffett-Charlie Munger Joined Buffett
1978 - Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Computer animation-Apple II
1978 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump attracted public attention
1978 - New York, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Bundy traveled by train to Ann Arbor, Michigan
Monday Jan 2, 1978 - Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.

Iranian Revolution-The article "Iran and Red and Black Colonization"
Friday Jan 6, 1978 - Iran

Ted Bundy-Bundy arrived in Tallahassee
Sunday Jan 8, 1978 - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

Nicaraguan Revolution-Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal was Murdered
Tuesday Jan 10, 1978 - Nicaragua

Ted Bundy-Bundy reverted to his old habits
1978 - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Iranian Revolution
Jan, 1978 - Iran

Ted Bundy-Bundy entered FSU's Chi Omega sorority house
Sunday Jan 15, 1978 - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Margaret Bowman
Sunday Jan 15, 1978 at 02 AM - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Lisa Levy
Sunday Jan 15, 1978 - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Kathy Kleiner and Karen Chandler
Sunday Jan 15, 1978 - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Cheryl Thomas
Sunday Jan 15, 1978 - Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.

Nicaraguan Revolution-A General Strike Called For The End of The Somoza Regime
Monday Jan 23, 1978 - Nicaragua

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski's first explosive operation
1978 - Chicago, Illinois, United States

Ted Bundy-Leslie Parmenter
Wednesday Feb 8, 1978 - Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Kimberly Dianne Leach
Wednesday Feb 8, 1978 - Lake City, Florida, U.S.

Theodore Roosevelt-Father's death
Thursday Feb 9, 1978 - U.S.

Internet-International Packet Switched Service (IPSS)
1978 - United Kingdom and U.S.

Ted Bundy-Bundy driving westward across the Florida Panhandle
Sunday Feb 12, 1978 - Florida, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Ted was stopped by Pensacola police officer David Lee
Wednesday Feb 15, 1978 at 01 AM - Florida, U.S.

Iranian Revolution-Demonstrations broke out in various different cities
Friday Feb 17, 1978 - Tabriz, Iran

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret's visit to Tuvalu was cut short by an illness
1978 - Tuvalu

Jackie Chan-1st major breakthrough
Wednesday Mar 1, 1978 - Hong Kong, China

1973 oil crisis-Amoco Cadiz tanker runs aground off the coast of France
Mar, 1978 - France

Hillsborough events-Safety certificate
1978 - Hillsborough Stadium, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Decree nisi for their divorce was granted
Wednesday May 24, 1978 - United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret was taken ill
May, 1978 - England, United Kingdom

Ted Kaczynski-The package burst on the policeman
Thursday May 25, 1978 - Chicago, Illinois, United States

DC Comics-Raising the price from 35 cents to 50 cents
Jun, 1978 - U.S.

Robin Williams-First Marriage
Jun, 1978 - California, U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Iran and Saudi Arabia block efforts of OPEC price hawks to fix the price of OPEC oil in a currency more stable than the U.S. dollar
Jun, 1978 - Vienna, Austria

International Monetary Fund-Jacques de Larosière
Saturday Jun 17, 1978 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Juneteenth-Milwaukee celebration was described as drawing over 100,000 attendees
Monday Jun 19, 1978 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-Marriage
Tuesday Jul 4, 1978 - Turkey

Incandescent light bulb-Albon Man started Electro-Dynamic Light Company
Saturday Jul 8, 1978 - New York, U.S.

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Snowdens' divorce was finalized
Tuesday Jul 11, 1978 - England, United Kingdom

Russell Bufalino-The Extortion Attempt
Tuesday Aug 8, 1978 - New York, U.S.

Iranian Revolution-Martial law was declared in Isfahan
Thursday Aug 10, 1978 - Isfahan, Iran

Nicaraguan Revolution-The FSLN Staged a Massive Kidnapping Operation
Tuesday Aug 22, 1978 - Nicaragua

Kobe Bryant-Birth and Early Life
Wednesday Aug 23, 1978 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Iranian Revolution-Appointment of Jafar Sharif-Emami as prime minister
Saturday Aug 26, 1978 - Iran

Iranian Revolution-The large march of Eid-e-Fitr
Sunday Sep 3, 1978 - Tehran, Iran

Iranian Revolution-The Shah declared martial law in Tehran and 11 other major cities
Thursday Sep 7, 1978 - Tehran, Iran

Iranian Revolution-Workers' strike at Tehran's main oil refinery
Friday Sep 8, 1978 - Tehran, Iran

Iranian Revolution-Government workers' strike at Tehran's
Tuesday Sep 12, 1978 - Tehran, Iran

1973 oil crisis-Muslim leader Noori was arrested
Sep, 1978 - Iran

Severo Ochoa-U.S. National Medal of Science
1978 - U.S.

Jimmy Carter-Camp David Accords
Sunday Sep 17, 1978 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Pope John Paul II-The death of Pope John Paul I
Thursday Sep 28, 1978 - Vatican City

Iranian Revolution-The General Strike
Sep, 1978 - Iran

Ruhollah Khomeini-Visit to Paris
Friday Oct 6, 1978 - Paris, France

1973 oil crisis-Pipeline fire drops Iraqi production from 600,000 barrels per day to 300,000 barrels per day
Oct, 1978 - Iraq

Pope John Paul II-A Pope
Sunday Oct 22, 1978 - Vatican City

Indira Gandhi-The Chikmagalur Constituency Election
Oct, 1978 - Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India

Mikhail Gorbachev-Secretary of the Central Committee
Nov, 1978 - Russia

Iranian Revolution-agreement for a draft constitution that would be "Islamic and democratic"
Wednesday Nov 1, 1978 - Paris, France

Best Buy-Sound of Music operated nine stores throughout Minnesota
1978 - Minnesota, U.S.

Iranian Revolution-The Day Tehran Burned
Saturday Nov 4, 1978 - Tehran, Iran

Iranian Revolution-Appointment of a military government
Sunday Nov 5, 1978 - Iran

Diving horse-Loading of the pier
1978 - Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.

Iranian Revolution-The Muharram protests
Friday Dec 1, 1978 - Iran

Iranian Revolution-Tasu'a and Ashura marches
Dec, 1978 - Iran

Iranian Revolution-Demoralization of The Army
Sunday Dec 10, 1978 - Lavizan barracks, Tehran, Iran

Atari, Inc.-Nolan Bushnell leaving
Dec, 1978 - California, U.S.

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Snowdon married Lucy Lindsay-Hogg
Friday Dec 15, 1978 - England, United Kingdom

Jimmy Hoffa-F.I.S.T.
1978 - U.S.

Gary Webb-Webb worked as a reporter at the Kentucky Post
1978 - Kentucky, United States

Pedro López (serial killer)-López increased at murder and abduction
1978 - Peru

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth II endured visiting Romania's communist leader
Saturday Dec 23, 1978 - United Kingdom

Iranian Revolution-The return To Civilian Rule
Wednesday Dec 27, 1978 - Iran

Nintendo-Gunpei Yokoi Idea
1978 - Kyoto, Japan

Indira Gandhi-Arresting Indira
1978 - India