Etruscan civilization - The Proto-Villanovan culture
Time: 1300 BC
Place: Italy
Details: The Proto-Villanovan culture was a late Bronze Age culture that appeared in Italy in the first half of the 12th century BC and lasted until the 10th century BC, part of the central European Urnfield culture system.

Benito Mussolini-Second assassination was failed
Sunday Oct 31, 1926 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Meeting of Francis I and Leo X
Sunday Dec 19, 1515 - Bologna, Italy

Etruscan civilization-The Villanovan culture was regarded as the oldest phase
900 BC - Bologna, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Bologna
534 BC - Bologna, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Felsina was an area around Bologna
10th Century BC - Bologna, Italy

Marcello Malpighi Birth
Friday Mar 10, 1628 - Crevalcore

World War II-Gothic Line
Mar, 1945 - Northern Italy

Orazio Tiberio Vecchi Brith
Wednesday Dec 6, 1550 - Modena

Francesco III d'Este Birth
Wednesday Jul 2, 1698 - Modena

Benito Mussolini-Turin massacre
Dec, 1922 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Gran Cavallo
Nov, 1494 - Ferrara, Italy

Giovanni Maria Bononcini Birth
Tuesday Sep 23, 1642 - Modena

Fido (dog)-More than 5,000 times
1940s - Central square of Luco di Mugello, Tuscany, Italy

Fido (dog)-Central square of Luco di Mugello
1942 - Central square of Luco di Mugello, Tuscany, Italy

Francesco Maria Guaitolirt Birth
Sunday Dec 29, 1563 - Carpi

Roman Empire-Tiberius died
Monday Mar 16, 37 - Miseno, Italy, Roman Empire

1957 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Fido (dog)-Birth
1941 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Fido (dog)-Carlo Soriani
Nov, 1941 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Fido (dog)-Fido died still waiting for his master
Monday Jun 9, 1958 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Fido (dog)-Awarded a gold medal
Saturday Nov 9, 1957 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Fido (dog)-Black Day
Thursday Dec 30, 1943 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Unification of Italy-The Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars
Friday Apr 20, 1792 - Northern Italy and Central Italy

Etruscan civilization-Orientalizing period within the Etruscan civilization
720 BC - Italy

Huns-The Battle of Faesulae
406 - Florence, Italy

Unification of Italy-The seat of government was moved to Florence
1865 - Italy

Lodovico Giustini Birth
Wednesday Dec 12, 1685 - Pistoia

Roman Republic-Third Samnite War
298 BC - Florence, Italy

Unification of Italy-The leader of the 1821 revolutionary movement in Piedmont
1821 - Italy

Cosimo III de' Medici Birth
Thursday Aug 14, 1642 - Florence

Unification of Italy-Revolts in Tuscany that were relatively nonviolent
Feb, 1848 - Florence, Italy

Mohamed Salah-To Fiorentina
Monday Feb 2, 2015 - Florence, Italy

Zlatan Ibrahimović-He scored in his Serie A debut
Saturday Sep 9, 2006 - Stadio Artemio Franchi, Viale Manfredo Fanti, Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Anonimo Fiorentino ("the anonymous Florentine") claims that Leonardo was living with the Medici and often worked in the garden of the Piazza San Marco, Florence
1480 - Piazza San Marco, Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist
1500 - Florence, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo obtained the position of instructor in the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence
1588 - Florence, Italy

Etruscan civilization-The start of Etruscan era
900 BC - Florence, Italy

Libraries-Laurentian Library
1571 - Florence, Italy

George Colman Birth
Friday Apr 18, 1732 - Florence

Leonardo da Vinci-Albiera Amadori died
1465 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-The Adoration of the Magi
Mar, 1481 - San Donato, Florence, Italy

Roman Republic-Tarquinius failed to regain the throne
508 BC - Florence, Italy

Francesco de Layolle Brith
Friday Mar 4, 1492 - Florence

Pazzi conspiracy
Friday Apr 26, 1478 - Florence

Galileo Galilei-Children
1600s - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Death
Wednesday Jan 8, 1642 - Arcetri, Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Now Italy)

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-The Gap Year
2000 - Chile and Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-High Renaissance
15th Century - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo's family moved to Florence
1466 - Florence, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo Bonaiuti
1370 - Florence, Italy

Unification of Italy-Mazzini became a member of the Carbonari
1827 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo's youth was spent in a Florence
1550s - Florence, Italy (then Republic of Florence)

The uprising in Florence
Thursday Nov 8, 1494 - Florence

Galileo Galilei-Family moved to Florence
1572 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Donatello's death
Thursday Dec 13, 1466 - Florence, Italy (then Republic of Florence)

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo became an apprentice
1469 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Pen-and-ink drawing of the Arno valley
1473 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Preaching a sermon
1614 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Statue of David
Jan, 1504 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Piero da Vinci (Father) died
1504 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo
Jan, 1503 - Florence, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Vincentio Reinieri
Mar, 1641 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Guild of Saint Luke
Sunday Oct 18, 1503 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo qualified as a master in the Guild of Saint Luke
1472 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo studied mathematics under Luca Pacioli
1490s - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-The Virgin and Child with St. Anne
1503 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo had 12 half-siblings
15th Century - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo received an independent commission
1478 - Chapel of St. Bernard, Palazzo Vecchio, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-The Battle of Anghiari
1505 - Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy

Accident of convent San Marco Florence
Thursday Apr 7, 1498 - Florence

Leonardo da Vinci-Portinari Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes arrived in Florence
1476 - Florence, Italy

Virat Kohli-Marrying a Anushka Sharma
Monday Dec 11, 2017 - Florence, Italy

Mona Lisa-Leonardo da Vinci had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo
1500s - Florence, Italy

Carlo Arrigoni Birth
Thursday Dec 5, 1697 - Florence

Libraries-National Central Library
1714 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Francesca Lanfredini died
1468 - Italy

Benito Mussolini-Massacre in Florence
Monday Jul 17, 1944 - Italy

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini's Birth
Sunday Jul 29, 1883 - Predappio, Forlì-Cesena, Italy

Mona Lisa-Raphael continued to borrow from Leonardo's painting
1506 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo was educated
1575 - Vallombrosa Abbey, Florence, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Greek writers started associating the name "Tyrrhenians" with the "Pelasgians"
6th Century BC - Italy

Etruscan civilization-Villanovan chronology within the Etruscan civilization
900 BC - Italy

Etruscan civilization-The earliest known examples of Etruscan writing
700 BC - Florence, Italy

Revolutions of 1848-Revolutions of 1848 in the Italian states
1848 - Italy

Kingdom of the Lombards-Justinian attempted to reassert imperial authority
1st Millenium - Ravenna, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Walk to Canossa
Jan, 1077 - Canossa Castle, Italy

Kingdom of the Lombards-King Alboin was assassinated
572 - Ravenna, Italy

Battle of Ravenna
Thursday Apr 11, 1512 - Ravenna

Prince Harry-The First Overseas Tour
Friday Apr 19, 1985 - Italy

Ancient China-From Yan to Yin
1300 BC - Yinxu, China