Kosovo War - the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system
Time: Jan, 1990
Place: Serbia (Yugoslavia)
Details: In January 1990, the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system.
Kosovo War-NATO started its bombing campaign against Yugoslavia
Wednesday Mar 24, 1999 at 07:00:00 PM - Yugoslavia
Kosovo War-Multi-party elections were held in Serbia
Sunday Dec 9, 1990 - Serbia
Slobodan Milošević-The Serbian Economy began growing
1997 - Serbia
Slobodan Milošević-The Hyperinflation
Jan, 1994 - Serbia
Huns-The Hunnic language
6th Century - Balkans
January 1990
Croatian War of Independence-The League of Communists broke up
Jan, 1990 - Croatia
Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Mongolian Democratic Union began distributing Leaflets
Tuesday Jan 2, 1990 - Mongolia
Invasion of Panama-Noriega Surrendered To The U.S. Military
Wednesday Jan 3, 1990 - Panama City, Panama
Leaning Tower of Pisa-Tower closed to Public
Sunday Jan 7, 1990 - Pisa, Italy
Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The Protesters Met on Square In Front of Lenin Museum
Sunday Jan 14, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Rwandan genocide-Civil Defense
1990 - Rwanda
Rwandan genocide-Large numbers of grenades and munitions
1990 - Rwanda
Croatian War of Independence-The League of Communists broke up
Jan, 1990 - Croatia
Rwandan genocide-The RPF invaded
1990 - Rwanda
Carlos the Jackal-To Sudan
1990 - Khartoum, Sudan