Leaning Tower of Pisa - Tower closed to Public
Time: Sunday Jan 7, 1990
Place: Pisa, Italy
Details: The tower was closed to the public on 7 January 1990.

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Reducing the Tilt
1989 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Third Halting
1284 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Government efforts towards The Tower
Thursday Feb 27, 1964 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The tower began to Sink
1178 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Beginning of the Construction
Wednesday Jan 5, 1172 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The Bell Chamber
1372 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The Seventh floor Completed
1319 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Surviving an Earthquake
1280 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Piazza del Duomo UNESCO World Heritage Site
1987 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The Largest Bell
1655 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The foundations of the tower were Laid
Thursday Aug 9, 1173 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Construction Continued
Tuesday Dec 27, 1233 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The Tower stopped moving for the first time in its History
2008 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The Reopen
Saturday Dec 15, 2001 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Galileo Galilei experiment using Pisa Tower
1590 - Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo enrolled at the University of Pisa for a medical degree
1580 - University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Swinging chandelier
1581 - University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo published a small book on the design of a hydrostatic balance he had invented
1586 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Birth
Saturday Feb 15, 1564 - Pisa (then part of the Duchy of Florence), Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Guido Speziale
Monday Feb 23, 1260 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Construction resumed under Di Simone
1272 - Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa-Giovanni di Simone
Saturday Apr 12, 1264 - Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo became an accomplished lutenist himself
1560s - Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo circulated his first account of the tides
1616 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Father's death
1591 - Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo was appointed to the chair of mathematics in Pisa
1589 - Pisa, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo moved from Anchiano to Vinci
1457 - Vinci, Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Birth
Wednesday Apr 14, 1452 - Anchiano, Italy

Lodovico Giustini Birth
Wednesday Dec 12, 1685 - Pistoia

Michael's death
Tuesday Apr 10, 1500 - Volterra

Roman Republic-Battle of Populonia
282 BC - Piombino, Livorno, Italy

Prince Harry-The First Overseas Tour
Friday Apr 19, 1985 - Italy

Roman Republic-Third Samnite War
298 BC - Florence, Italy

Unification of Italy-The seat of government was moved to Florence
1865 - Italy

Unification of Italy-Revolts in Tuscany that were relatively nonviolent
Feb, 1848 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Francesca Lanfredini died
1468 - Italy

Etruscan civilization-The start of Etruscan era
900 BC - Florence, Italy

Roman Republic-Tarquinius failed to regain the throne
508 BC - Florence, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Walk to Canossa
Jan, 1077 - Canossa Castle, Italy

Benito Mussolini-Massacre in Florence
Monday Jul 17, 1944 - Italy

The uprising in Florence
Thursday Nov 8, 1494 - Florence

Unification of Italy-Mazzini became a member of the Carbonari
1827 - Florence, Italy

Cosimo III de' Medici Birth
Thursday Aug 14, 1642 - Florence

Libraries-Laurentian Library
1571 - Florence, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Children
1600s - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-The Virgin and Child with St. Anne
1503 - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo
Jan, 1503 - Florence, Italy

Virat Kohli-Marrying a Anushka Sharma
Monday Dec 11, 2017 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo's family moved to Florence
1466 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Guild of Saint Luke
Sunday Oct 18, 1503 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo became an apprentice
1469 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Statue of David
Jan, 1504 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Portinari Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes arrived in Florence
1476 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Donatello's death
Thursday Dec 13, 1466 - Florence, Italy (then Republic of Florence)

Galileo Galilei-Galileo Bonaiuti
1370 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo had 12 half-siblings
15th Century - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Preaching a sermon
1614 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo's youth was spent in a Florence
1550s - Florence, Italy (then Republic of Florence)

Leonardo da Vinci-The Adoration of the Magi
Mar, 1481 - San Donato, Florence, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Vincentio Reinieri
Mar, 1641 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo studied mathematics under Luca Pacioli
1490s - Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Pen-and-ink drawing of the Arno valley
1473 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Death
Wednesday Jan 8, 1642 - Arcetri, Grand Duchy of Tuscany (Now Italy)

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo qualified as a master in the Guild of Saint Luke
1472 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-High Renaissance
15th Century - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Piero da Vinci (Father) died
1504 - Florence, Italy

Francesco de Layolle Brith
Friday Mar 4, 1492 - Florence

Leonardo da Vinci-The Battle of Anghiari
1505 - Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo received an independent commission
1478 - Chapel of St. Bernard, Palazzo Vecchio, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Family moved to Florence
1572 - Florence, Italy

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-The Gap Year
2000 - Chile and Italy

George Colman Birth
Friday Apr 18, 1732 - Florence

Accident of convent San Marco Florence
Thursday Apr 7, 1498 - Florence

Mona Lisa-Leonardo da Vinci had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo
1500s - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-Albiera Amadori died
1465 - Italy

Carlo Arrigoni Birth
Thursday Dec 5, 1697 - Florence

Pazzi conspiracy
Friday Apr 26, 1478 - Florence

Leonardo da Vinci-Anonimo Fiorentino ("the anonymous Florentine") claims that Leonardo was living with the Medici and often worked in the garden of the Piazza San Marco, Florence
1480 - Piazza San Marco, Florence, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo obtained the position of instructor in the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno in Florence
1588 - Florence, Italy

Libraries-National Central Library
1714 - Florence, Italy

Leonardo da Vinci-The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist
1500 - Florence, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Greek writers started associating the name "Tyrrhenians" with the "Pelasgians"
6th Century BC - Italy

Mohamed Salah-To Fiorentina
Monday Feb 2, 2015 - Florence, Italy

Zlatan Ibrahimović-He scored in his Serie A debut
Saturday Sep 9, 2006 - Stadio Artemio Franchi, Viale Manfredo Fanti, Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy

Mona Lisa-Raphael continued to borrow from Leonardo's painting
1506 - Italy

Etruscan civilization-Orientalizing period within the Etruscan civilization
720 BC - Italy

Unification of Italy-The Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars
Friday Apr 20, 1792 - Northern Italy and Central Italy

Unification of Italy-Pope Pius IX granted a constitution to the Papal States
Monday Feb 21, 1848 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo was educated
1575 - Vallombrosa Abbey, Florence, Italy

Etruscan civilization-The earliest known examples of Etruscan writing
700 BC - Florence, Italy

Huns-The Battle of Faesulae
406 - Florence, Italy

Etruscan civilization-Villanovan chronology within the Etruscan civilization
900 BC - Italy

Unification of Italy-The leader of the 1821 revolutionary movement in Piedmont
1821 - Italy
On This Day - 7 January

Galileo Galilei-"Three fixed stars, totally invisible by their smallness"
Thursday Jan 7, 1610 - Italy

George Washington-Marriage
Sunday Jan 7, 1759 - U.S.

David Copperfield-A Visit to two Cities
Sunday Jan 7, 1849 - Norfolk, England, United Kingdom

Mexican Revolution-The Río Blanco Strike
Monday Jan 7, 1907 - Río Blanco, Veracruz, Mexico

Xinhai Revolution-Yili Uprising
Sunday Jan 7, 1912 - Yili, Xinjiang, China

Irish War of Independence-Anglo-Irish Treaty was then ratified in triplicate
Saturday Jan 7, 1922 - Ireland

World War II-100-250 km from Moscow
Wednesday Jan 7, 1942 - Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Harry S. Truman-The First U.S. hydrogen bomb
Wednesday Jan 7, 1953 - U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-Marilyn Monroe Productions Announcement
Friday Jan 7, 1955 - U.S.

Algerian War-Lacoste summoned General Salan and General Massu
Monday Jan 7, 1957 - Algeria

1973 oil crisis-OPEC decides to freeze prices until April 1
Monday Jan 7, 1974 - Vienna, Austria

International Monetary Fund-Jamaica Accords
Wednesday Jan 7, 1976 - Kingston, Jamaica

Saturday Jan 7, 1989 at 07:55:00 AM - Tokyo, Japan

Ronald Reagan-Left hand Surgery
Saturday Jan 7, 1989 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bosnian War-Bratunac Killings
Thursday Jan 7, 1993 - Kravica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

First Chechen War-The First on a long list of Russian generals to be killed
Saturday Jan 7, 1995 - Chechnya, Russia

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Formal Presentation of the Charges
Thursday Jan 7, 1999 - Senate, Washington D.C., U.S.

Kobe Bryant-NBA record for three-pointers
Tuesday Jan 7, 2003 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Lionel Messi-2012 FIFA Ballon d'Or
Monday Jan 7, 2013 - Zürich, Switzerland

Dwayne Johnson-Rumble Opponent CM Punk
Monday Jan 7, 2013 - Tampa, Florida, U.S.

PlayStation-PlayStation Now (PS Now)
Tuesday Jan 7, 2014 - Tokyo, Japan

Qasem Soleimani-Burial procession for Soleimani in Kerman
Tuesday Jan 7, 2020 - Kerman, Iran

OnePlus-OnePlus unveiled the Concept One smartphone at CES 2020
Tuesday Jan 7, 2020 - Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.

Roman Republic-Senatus consultum ultimum was vested Pompey with dictatorial powers
Thursday Jan 7, 49 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Stephen Groombridge Birth
Tuesday Jan 7, 1755 - Goudhurst

Theodore Ivanovich's death
Wednesday Jan 7, 1598 - Russia
January 1990

Kosovo War-the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system
Jan, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Croatian War of Independence-The League of Communists broke up
Jan, 1990 - Croatia

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Mongolian Democratic Union began distributing Leaflets
Tuesday Jan 2, 1990 - Mongolia

Invasion of Panama-Noriega Surrendered To The U.S. Military
Wednesday Jan 3, 1990 - Panama City, Panama

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The Protesters Met on Square In Front of Lenin Museum
Sunday Jan 14, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Sükhbaatar Square demonstration
Sunday Jan 21, 1990 - Sukhbaatar Square, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Invasion of Panama-Operation Promote Liberty
Wednesday Jan 31, 1990 - Panama

Rwandan genocide-Civil Defense
1990 - Rwanda

Carlos the Jackal-To Sudan
1990 - Khartoum, Sudan

Kosovo War-the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system
Jan, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Croatian War of Independence-The League of Communists broke up
Jan, 1990 - Croatia

Rwandan genocide-Large numbers of grenades and munitions
1990 - Rwanda

Rwandan genocide-The RPF invaded
1990 - Rwanda

Nokia-Finnish Rubber Works split away from Nokia
1990 - Finland

Jair Bolsonaro-A Federal Deputy
1990 - Brazil

Slobodan Milošević-The 1990 Serbian Constitution
1990 - Belgrade, Serbia

Carlos Slim-Telmex
1990 - Mexico City, Mexico

Kaká-Began his career
1990 - São Paulo, Brazil

Chris McCandless: Into the Wild-Travels
1990 - U.S.

Nike, Inc.-Nike Moved Into Its Eight-Building World Headquarters Campus
1990 - Beaverton, Oregon, U.S.

Bernard Arnault-Divorce
1990 - France

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Mongolian Democratic Union began distributing Leaflets
Tuesday Jan 2, 1990 - Mongolia

Invasion of Panama-Noriega Surrendered To The U.S. Military
Wednesday Jan 3, 1990 - Panama City, Panama

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The Protesters Met on Square In Front of Lenin Museum
Sunday Jan 14, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Qasem Soleimani-1999 Student Revolt
1990 - Iran

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Sükhbaatar Square demonstration
Sunday Jan 21, 1990 - Sukhbaatar Square, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Invasion of Panama-Operation Promote Liberty
Wednesday Jan 31, 1990 - Panama

Croatian War of Independence-The Serb Democratic Party
Feb, 1990 - Croatia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Monopoly on political power
Wednesday Feb 7, 1990 - Russia

Nelson Mandela-Mandela's Release
Sunday Feb 11, 1990 - Cape Town, South Africa

Internet-ARPANET's goals had been fulfilled
1990 - U.S.

Heysel Stadium Events-Increased the sentences of 11 fans
1990 - London, England, United Kingdom

Galileo Galilei-Speech delivered at the Sapienza University of Rome
Thursday Feb 15, 1990 - Rome, Italy

Ciro Immobile-Birth
Tuesday Feb 20, 1990 - Torre Annunziata, Italy

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Elections for the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia
Sunday Mar 4, 1990 - Russia

Croatian War of Independence-50,000 Serbs rallied at Petrova Gora
Sunday Mar 4, 1990 - Petrova Gora, Serbia

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The MDU and Three Other Reform Organizations Held a Joint Outdoor Mass Meeting
Sunday Mar 4, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Democratic Union Launched a Hunger Strike
Wednesday Mar 7, 1990 - Sükhbaatar Square, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Iran–Iraq War-Withdrawing The Iranian ambassador From Iraq
Thursday Mar 8, 1990 - Baghdad, Iraq

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Jambyn Batmönkh Decided to Dissolve The Politburo and To Resign
Friday Mar 9, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Elbegdorj announced The News of Politburo Resignation
Friday Mar 9, 1990 at 10:00:00 PM - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Voted to split
Sunday Mar 25, 1990 - Estonia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Estonia as an independent state
Friday Mar 30, 1990 - Estonia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-First democratic multi-party elections
Apr, 1990 - Slovenia

Tony Hawk-Marriage
Apr, 1990 - U.S.

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Estonian Prime Minister
Tuesday Apr 3, 1990 - Estonia

Kosovo War-Responsibility for public security was again assigned to Serbia
Wednesday Apr 18, 1990 - Kosovo

Croatian War of Independence-The First Free Elections
Sunday Apr 22, 1990 - Croatia

Donald Trump-Taj Mahal
Apr, 1990 - Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.

Garry Kasparov-The Democratic Party of Russia
May, 1990 - Russia

Vladimir Putin-Adviser on international affairs to the Mayor
May, 1990 - Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Russia

Chris McCandless: Into the Wild-University Graduation
1990 - Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-The Restoration of independence
Friday May 4, 1990 - Latvia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Latvia's Prime Minister
Monday May 7, 1990 - Latvia

Microsoft-Windows 3.0
Friday May 11, 1990 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

Croatian War of Independence-A Tense Atmosphere Prevailed
Sunday May 13, 1990 - Zagreb, Croatia

Croatian War of Independence-The Weapons of The TO of Croatia
Monday May 14, 1990 - Croatia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR
Tuesday May 29, 1990 - Russia

Warren Buffett-A Billionaire
Tuesday May 29, 1990 - U.S.

Croatian War of Independence-The New Croatian Parliament
Wednesday May 30, 1990 - Croatia

Slobodan Milošević-Plans by Milošević to carve out territory from Croatia to the local Serbs had begun
Jun, 1990 - Croatia

Marlon Brando-Son murdering daughter's boyfriend
Monday Jun 4, 1990 - U.S.

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Struggle emerged between the RSFSR and the Soviet Union
Tuesday Jun 12, 1990 - Russia

Berlin Wall-East German military officially began dismantling the Wall
Wednesday Jun 13, 1990 - Berlin, East Germany, Germany

Central Park Jogger Case-Central Park Five
Jun, 1990 - U.S.

Kosovo War-Serbian authorities closed the Kosovo Assembly
Tuesday Jun 26, 1990 - Kosovo

Croatian War of Independence-Regarding Croatia and Slovenia
Wednesday Jun 27, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Library of Congress-The National Digital Library
1990 - Washington D.C., U.S.

1990 - Kraków, Poland

Gulf War-Threatened to take military action
Jul, 1990 - Iraq

Berlin Wall-East Germany adopted the West German currency
Sunday Jul 1, 1990 - East Germany, Germany

Kosovo War-Serbia approved the new amendments to the Constitution of Serbia
Sunday Jul 1, 1990 - Serbia

Kosovo War-Kosovo Assembly declared Kosovo an independent republic within Yugoslavia
Monday Jul 2, 1990 - Kosovo

Kosovo War-The Serbian Assembly dissolved the Kosovo Assembly
Thursday Jul 5, 1990 - Kosovo

Diego Maradona-A Nightmare
Sunday Jul 8, 1990 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Yeltsin resigned
Thursday Jul 12, 1990 - Russia

Gulf War-Saddam's government laid out its combined objections to the Arab League
Sunday Jul 15, 1990 - Iraq

Kosovo War-The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)
Tuesday Jul 17, 1990 - Serbia

Gulf War-The Army had been stood down
Thursday Jul 19, 1990 - Kuwait

James Bond-Brokenclaw was published
Jul, 1990 - United Kingdom

Gulf War-The US Ambassador
Wednesday Jul 25, 1990 - Baghdad, Iraq

Croatian War of Independence-Sovereignty and Autonomy of the Serb people in Croatia
Wednesday Jul 25, 1990 - Srb, Croatia

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-Mongolia's first free multi-party elections
Sunday Jul 29, 1990 - Mongolia

Gulf War-Discussions
Tuesday Jul 31, 1990 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Croatian War of Independence-An Unrecognized mono-ethnic referendum
Aug, 1990 - Croatia

Gulf War-The Iraqi response
Thursday Aug 2, 1990 - Kuwait City, Kuwait

Gulf War-Invasion
Thursday Aug 2, 1990 - Kuwait

Gulf War-The Arab League own resolution
Friday Aug 3, 1990 - Cairo, Egypt

Gulf War-Resolution 661
Monday Aug 6, 1990 - Iraq

Gulf War-Operation Desert Shield
Tuesday Aug 7, 1990 - Saudi Arabia

Gulf War-The US Navy dispatched two naval battle groups
Tuesday Aug 7, 1990 - The Persian Gulf

Gulf War-Kuwait's governor
Wednesday Aug 8, 1990 - Kuwait

Kosovo War-Several amendments to the federal Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Wednesday Aug 8, 1990 - Yugoslavia

Gulf War-Saddam's solution
Sunday Aug 12, 1990 - Kuwait

Gulf War-Western hostages
Thursday Aug 23, 1990 - Iraq

Gulf War-The Tin Cup Trip
Sep, 1990 - Saudi Arabia and nine countries

Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The People's Great Khural (upper house) First Met
Monday Sep 3, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Kosovo War-Kosovar Albanians observed a 24-hour general strike
Tuesday Sep 4, 1990 - Kosovo

Kosovo War-the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo was promulgated
Friday Sep 7, 1990 - Kosovo

Gulf War-Speech in US Congress
Tuesday Sep 11, 1990 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Kosovo War-The new controversial Serbian Constitution was promulgated
Friday Sep 28, 1990 - Serbia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-a constitutional amendment
Friday Sep 28, 1990 - Slovenia

Rwandan genocide-Rwigyema led a force of over 4,000 rebels from Uganda, advancing 60 km into Rwanda
Oct, 1990 - Rwanda

NATO Establishment-German Reunification
Wednesday Oct 3, 1990 - Germany

Apple Inc.-Macintosh Classic
Monday Oct 15, 1990 - U.S.

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-Peace agreement formally ending the insurgency was ratified at Wisma Bapa Malaysia in the state capital Kuching
Wednesday Oct 17, 1990 - Kuching, Malaysia

Audrey Hepburn-Hepburn went to Vietnam
Oct, 1990 - Vietnam