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Unification of Italy - Unification process was precipitated by the revolutions of 1848

Time: Jan, 1848

Place: Italy

Details: The unification process was precipitated by the revolutions of 1848, and reached completion in 1871, when Rome was officially designated the capital of the Kingdom of Italy.



Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-The Parliament proclaimed Victor Emmanuel King of Italy
Sunday Mar 17, 1861 - Italy
Silvio Berlusconi Image
Silvio Berlusconi-A Prime Minister
Sunday Mar 27, 1994 - Italy
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-Garibaldi was at Cosenza
Friday Aug 31, 1860 - Italy
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Mussolini was re-baptized
1927 - Italy
Aramean funeral stele Louvre
Arameans-Rome had started annexing Etruscan cities
4th Century BC - Italy

January 1848

German revolutions of 1848–1849-The first major outbreak came in Palermo
Jan, 1848 - Palermo, Italy
Battle at Soufflot barricades at Rue Soufflot
Revolutions of 1848-Urban workers
Jan, 1848 - Europe
German revolutions of 1848–1849-Causes of events of 1848 in the Austrian Empire
Saturday Jan 1, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Austria)
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-The revolutionary disturbances began with a civil disobedience strike in Lombardy
Wednesday Jan 5, 1848 - Italy
Battle at Soufflot barricades at Rue Soufflot
Revolutions of 1848-Revolutions of 1848 Denmark
Jan, 1848 - Denmark


Algerian War Image
Algerian War-Integral part of France
1848 - Algeria
German revolutions of 1848–1849-The first major outbreak came in Palermo
Jan, 1848 - Palermo, Italy
Battle at Soufflot barricades at Rue Soufflot
Revolutions of 1848-Urban workers
Jan, 1848 - Europe
German revolutions of 1848–1849-Causes of events of 1848 in the Austrian Empire
Saturday Jan 1, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Austria)
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-The revolutionary disturbances began with a civil disobedience strike in Lombardy
Wednesday Jan 5, 1848 - Italy