Winston Churchill - Vyacheslav Molotov arrived in London
Time: Wednesday May 20, 1942
Place: London, England, United Kingdom
Details: On 20 May, the Soviet Foreign Affairs minister, Vyacheslav Molotov, arrived in London and stayed until the 28th before going on to Washington. The purpose of this visit was to sign a treaty of friendship but Molotov wanted it done on the basis of certain territorial concessions re Poland and the Baltic States. Churchill and Eden worked for a compromise and eventually a twenty-year treaty was formalized but with the question of frontiers placed on hold. Molotov was also seeking a Second Front in Europe but all Churchill could do was confirm that preparations were in progress and make no promises on a date.

Winston Churchill-Balfour's government announced protectionist legislation
Oct, 1903 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill resigned as Prime Minister
Wednesday May 23, 1945 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-MacDonald resigned and was replaced as Prime Minister by Baldwin
Friday Jun 7, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill made a statement that created a famous nickname
Tuesday Aug 20, 1940 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill contacted Roosevelt
Wednesday May 27, 1942 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill returned to Britain
Thursday Jun 25, 1942 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Asquith resigned as Prime Minister and was succeeded by Lloyd George
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was appointed President of the Board of Trade
Wednesday Apr 8, 1908 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill again became Prime Minister
Friday Oct 26, 1951 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was involved in negotiations with Sinn Féin leaders
Dec, 1921 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill arrived home
Sunday Feb 7, 1943 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill declared war on Japan
Dec, 1941 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Asquith agreed under parliamentary pressure to form an all-party coalition government
May, 1915 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill's first tasks as a minister
1900s - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-British and American governments concluded the Destroyers for Bases Agreement
Sep, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill became Secretary of State for the Colonies
Feb, 1921 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill ordered the formation of both the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the Commandos
Jun, 1940 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill decided to restrict area bombing and sent a memorandum to General Ismay
Wednesday Mar 28, 1945 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Asquith called a War Council
Nov, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Lloyd George called a general election with voting
Saturday Dec 14, 1918 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Baldwin resigned and was succeeded as Prime Minister by Neville Chamberlain
Friday May 28, 1937 - London, England, United Kingdom

Great Depression-Ramsay MacDonald's Labor government raising taxes
Aug, 1931 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill became Under-Secretary of State for the Colonial Office
1900s - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Balfour resigned as Prime Minister and King Edward VII
Monday Dec 4, 1905 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill retired as Prime Minister
Tuesday Apr 5, 1955 - England, United Kingdom

David Cameron-Head of the political section of the Conservative Research Department
1991 - Downing Street, London, England

Winston Churchill-The government called the January 1910 general election
Jan, 1910 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill resigned from the Conservative Shadow Cabinet
Jan, 1931 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Obsession
Monday Jan 30, 1933 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill controversially albeit reluctantly restored the gold standard in his first budget at its 1914 parity
Apr, 1925 - England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Baldwin appointed him as Chancellor of the Exchequer
Thursday Nov 6, 1924 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill warned the government against appeasement and called for collective action to deter German aggression
1938 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-General Strike of 1926
May, 1926 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-People's Budget
Thursday Apr 29, 1909 - England, United kingdom

Winston Churchill-Matters came to a head
Feb, 1938 - London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Promotion to lieutenant
Thursday Jul 16, 1942 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip spent four months on the battleship HMS Ramillies
Jan, 1940 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip became the first lieutenant of HMS Wallace
Oct, 1942 - United Kingdom

Angelina Jolie-A Generous Donation
Sep, 2021 - London, England, U.K.

Prince Harry-Staff Officer Role
Friday Jan 17, 2014 - Horse Guards, London, England

Great Depression-Britain leaves the gold standard, and the pound sterling depreciates by 25%
Monday Sep 21, 1931 - London, England, United Kingdom

William Smith created the first detailed nationwide geological map
Thursday Mar 23, 1769 - Churchill

X-ray-The first to unknowingly produce X-ray
1785 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Asquith appointed Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty
Oct, 1911 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was tasked with overseeing Britain's naval effort when the First World War began
Aug, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill assumed full responsibility for Britain's aerial defense
Sep, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill threatened to resign as First Lord of the Admiralty
Dec, 1913 - London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were both appointed to the Privy Council
Sunday Nov 4, 1951 - London, England, United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned United Kingdom
Mar, 1958 - United Kingdom

Prince William-Royal ranks
Friday Jan 1, 2016 - London, United Kingdom

Black Friday-Total spending on online retail sites on Black Friday 2016 was £1.23bn
2016 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-The Duke of Edinburgh's Award in order to give young people
1956 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was flotilla leader HMS Wallace
Jun, 1942 - United Kingdom

Brexit-Labour Party won the February 1974 general election
Thursday Feb 28, 1974 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip returned to Britain
Sep, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom

Black Friday-Asda announced that it would not take part in the 2015 Black Friday
2015 - United Kingdom

Brexit-UK Supreme Court ruled in the Miller case that government could only invoke Article 50
Jan, 2017 - United Kingdom

Penicillin-The idea of using mold as a form of medical treatment was recorded by apothecaries
1640 - England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was promoted to commander
Monday Jun 30, 1952 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was appointed Minister of Munitions
Jul, 1917 - England, United Kingdom

Carlos the Jackal-Failed assassination
Sunday Dec 30, 1973 - Queen's Grove, St John's Wood, London, United Kingdom

John Maynard Keynes-Proposed to fill a vacancy in the Court of Directors of the Bank of England
Sep, 1941 - England

Winston Churchill-Lloyd George moved Churchill to the War Office
Jan, 1919 - England, United Kingdom

Magdi Yacoub-The Medical Research Team Led by Yacoub
Apr, 2007 - England

Winston Churchill-Churchill was promoted to lieutenant-colonel
Jan, 1916 - England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip served in the British forces
1940 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip's active naval career had ended
Jul, 1951 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Winston is back
Sunday Sep 3, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom

Audrey Hepburn-Hepburn became engaged to industrialist James Hanson
1952 - London, England, United Kingdom

Marcus Garvey-Traveled to England
Apr, 1928 - England, United Kingdom

Brexit-Boris Johnson became prime minister
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Duke of Windsor
Saturday Dec 12, 1936 - England, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle broadcast again
Monday Jun 24, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Marcus Garvey-Moving to London
Mar, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-Speaker of the House of Commons informed the House of Commons that a third meaningful vote could be held only on a motion that was significantly different from the previous one
Monday Mar 18, 2019 - United Kingdom

Tony Blair-Blair as a Prime Minister
Friday May 2, 1997 - England

Marcus Garvey-Sister joined him in London
Aug, 1912 - London, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Last act of his reign was the royal assent to His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936
Friday Dec 11, 1936 - England, United Kingdom

Brexit-Brexit postponed
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019 - United Kingdom

World War II-Anglo-German Naval Agreement
Tuesday Jun 18, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom

David Copperfield-Household Words
Sunday Mar 31, 1850 - United Kingdom

Brexit-The result was announced
Friday Jun 24, 2016 - United Kingdom

Penicillin-William Roberts observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of Penicillium glaucum
1874 - United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-British Government denounced the armistice
Sunday Jun 23, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-The last royal ceremony the Duke attended
1968 - England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-First communication between Queen and Congress
1991 - London, United Kingdom

David Cameron-Cameron submit his resignation to the Queen
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016 - London, England

George Washington-Royal Proclamation of 1763
1763 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-A Pray
1920s - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Worries
1920s - United Kingdom

Falklands War-War Cabinet
Tuesday Apr 6, 1982 - United Kingdom

Brexit-Tunnel Talks
Thursday Oct 17, 2019 - United Kingdom

Internet-Donald Davies became interested in data communications for computer networks
1965 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-King Edward VII planned to marry Simpson
Oct, 1936 - United Kingdom

Brexit-The UK joined the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), with the pound sterling pegged to the deutschmark
Oct, 1990 - United Kingdom

Brexit-Prime Minister May announced that the next vote on the withdrawal agreement
Sunday Feb 24, 2019 - United Kingdom

Symbian OS-Symbian Origin
1990s - London, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Letters Patent
Thursday May 27, 1937 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-The Centenary of Queen Mary's birth
1967 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Luftwaffe began bombing London
Saturday Sep 7, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
On This Day - 20 May

German revolutions of 1848–1849-The Grand Duke was forced to leave Karlsruhe
Sunday May 20, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Attacked Miskolc
Tuesday May 20, 1919 - Miskolc, Hungary

Joseph Goebbels-The ban on the NSDAP was lifted
Sunday May 20, 1928 - Berlin, Germany

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle delayed his retreat
Monday May 20, 1940 - Montcornet, France

World War II-Battle of Crete
Tuesday May 20, 1941 - Crete, Greece

Charles de Gaulle-French artillery and warplanes fired on demonstrators in Damascus
Sunday May 20, 1945 - Damascus, Syria

Conflict in Myanmar-Armed Resistance Movement
Tuesday May 20, 1958 - Shan State, Myanmar

Juan Carlos I-Endorsement of The Monarchy From Spain's Political Left
Friday May 20, 1977 - Zarzuela Palace, Carretera del Pardo, Madrid, Spain

Falklands War-New Zealand would make HMNZS Canterbury available for use where the British thought fit to release a Royal Navy vessel for the Falklands
Thursday May 20, 1982 - New Zealand

1989 Tiananmen Square protests-The Chinese Government declared Martial Law
Saturday May 20, 1989 - China

Hillsborough events-1989 FA Cup Final
Saturday May 20, 1989 - Wembley Stadium, London, England, United Kingdom

Johan Cruyff-1992 European Cup
Wednesday May 20, 1992 - London, England

Xanana Gusmão-The First President of Timor-Leste
Monday May 20, 2002 - Timor-Leste

SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-WHO refused to lift tourism warning!
Tuesday May 20, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009 - U.S.

Tesla, Inc.-Tesla and Toyota announced a partnership
Thursday May 20, 2010 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.

International Monetary Fund-Discussion Paper
Monday May 20, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Narendra Damodardas Modi-Resigned as the Chief Minister
Tuesday May 20, 2014 - India

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-300K Russian infections
Wednesday May 20, 2020 - Russia

Kevin Hart-Die Hart premiered
Thursday May 20, 2021 - U.S.
May 1942

World War II-Battle of the Coral Sea
Tuesday May 5, 1942 - Coral Sea

World War II-Battle of Madagascar
Tuesday May 5, 1942 - Madagascar

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower accompanied Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold
May, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom

World War II-Operation Fredericus
Tuesday May 12, 1942 - Izium and Barvinkove, Kharkov Oblast, U.S.S.R.

Second Sino-Japanese War-The Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign
Friday May 15, 1942 - Zhejiang, China - Jiangxi, China

World War II-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign
Friday May 15, 1942 - Zhejiang, Jiangxi, China

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski birth
Friday May 22, 1942 - Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A

Joseph Goebbels-The German city of Cologne was bombed
May, 1942 - Cologne, Germany

World War II-Battle of Gazala
Tuesday May 26, 1942 - Gazala, near Tobruk, Libya

Winston Churchill-Churchill contacted Roosevelt
Wednesday May 27, 1942 - United Kingdom

Pope John Paul II-Study for the priesthood
1942 - Karkow, Poland

Computer-The First "automatic electronic digital computer"
1942 - Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.

Antibiotic-The penicillin G
1942 - United Kingdom

Antibiotic-The Chemical Structure of Penicillin was First Proposed
1942 - United Kingdom

Atlantic Charter-Declaration by United Nations
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

Antibiotic-The Term Antibiotic was First Used
1942 - U.S.

Warren Buffett-Education
1942 - Rose Hill Elementary School, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

World War II-Declaration by United Nations
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

United Nations-United Nations Declaration
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

World War II-German first
Jan, 1942 - U.S., United Kingdom and U.S.S.R.

World War II-Operation Sledgehammer
1942 - U.S.

The Holocaust-Vyacheslav Molotov sent out diplomatic notes about German atrocities
Tuesday Jan 6, 1942 - Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle created the Normandie-Niemen squadron
1942 - France

World War II-100-250 km from Moscow
Wednesday Jan 7, 1942 - Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Stephen Hawking-Birth
Thursday Jan 8, 1942 - Oxford, England

Shep (American dog)-Shep was run over by a train
Monday Jan 12, 1942 - Fort Benton, Montana, U.S.

Hirohito-The Emperor pressed Sugiyama four times to launch an Attack on Bataan
Tuesday Jan 13, 1942 - Tokyo, Japan

Muhammad Ali Clay-Birth
Saturday Jan 17, 1942 - Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.

Frank Sinatra-Dorsey Eventually relented
Monday Jan 19, 1942 - U.S.

Adolf Hitler-The records of the Wannsee Conference
Tuesday Jan 20, 1942 - Germany

Christmas Island-The First Attack by The Japanese on The Island
Tuesday Jan 20, 1942 - West White Beach, Christmas Island

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler in charge of Jews Extermination
Tuesday Jan 20, 1942 - Germany

The Holocaust-Wannsee Conference
Tuesday Jan 20, 1942 - Berlin, Germany

Stan Lee-Joining the army
1942 - U.S.

World War II-Battle of Rabaul
Friday Jan 23, 1942 - Rabaul, New Britain

Second Sino-Japanese War-Mission 204
Feb, 1942 - China

World War II-Battle of Singapore
Sunday Feb 8, 1942 - Singapore

The Holocaust-Szlama Ber Winer escaped from the Chełmno concentration camp
Feb, 1942 - Poland

World War II-The Bombing of Darwin
Thursday Feb 19, 1942 - Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

World War II-Battle of the Java Sea
Friday Feb 27, 1942 - Java Sea

Josip Broz Tito-The Second Proletarian Brigade
Sunday Mar 1, 1942 - Yugoslavia

Christmas Island-A Japanese Naval Group Shelled The Island
Saturday Mar 7, 1942 - Christmas Island

Christmas Island-The Mutiny of The Indian Troops
Tuesday Mar 10, 1942 - Christmas Island

Labor day-Significant workers' strike
1942 - Bahamas

Penicillin-The first patient was treated for streptococcal sepsis with US-made penicillin produced by Merck & Co.
Saturday Mar 14, 1942 - U.S.

Indira Gandhi-Marriage
Wednesday Mar 25, 1942 - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Christmas Island-The Island Surrendered To The Japanese Fleet
Tuesday Mar 31, 1942 - Christmas Island

World War II-Indian Ocean raid
Tuesday Mar 31, 1942 - Indian Ocean and Ceylon

Desmond Doss: Hacksaw Ridge-World War II service
Wednesday Apr 1, 1942 - Virginia, U.S.

Penicillin-People began using it to treat infections
1942 - U.S.

Penicillin-The chemical structure of penicillin was first proposed
1942 - Oxford, England, United Kingdom

World War II-Battle of Yenangyaung
Saturday Apr 11, 1942 - Yenangyaung, Burma

Second Sino-Japanese War-The Battle of Yenangyaung
Wednesday Apr 15, 1942 - Yenangyaung, Burma

Anna May Wong-New Chinese Recipes
1942 - U.S.

Anna May Wong-Anti-Japanese propaganda
1942 - U.S.

World War II-Doolittle Raid
Saturday Apr 18, 1942 - Greater Tokyo Area, Japan

Ronald Reagan-National Duty
Saturday Apr 18, 1942 - U.S.

John F. Kennedy-PT-109
Friday Apr 24, 1942 - Tulagi Island, Solomon Islands

World War II-Japan's next plan
Apr, 1942 - Japan

World War II-Battle of the Coral Sea
Tuesday May 5, 1942 - Coral Sea

World War II-Battle of Madagascar
Tuesday May 5, 1942 - Madagascar

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower accompanied Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold
May, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom

World War II-Operation Fredericus
Tuesday May 12, 1942 - Izium and Barvinkove, Kharkov Oblast, U.S.S.R.

Second Sino-Japanese War-The Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign
Friday May 15, 1942 - Zhejiang, China - Jiangxi, China

World War II-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign
Friday May 15, 1942 - Zhejiang, Jiangxi, China

Audrey Hepburn-Uncle's execution
1942 - Netherlands

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski birth
Friday May 22, 1942 - Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A

Joseph Goebbels-The German city of Cologne was bombed
May, 1942 - Cologne, Germany

World War II-Battle of Gazala
Tuesday May 26, 1942 - Gazala, near Tobruk, Libya

Winston Churchill-Churchill contacted Roosevelt
Wednesday May 27, 1942 - United Kingdom

John Maynard Keynes-Rewarded for his service with a hereditary peerage
Jun, 1942 - England

World War II-Aleutian Islands Campaign
Wednesday Jun 3, 1942 at 07:50:00 AM - Aleutian Islands, Territory of Alaska, U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower returned to Washington
Wednesday Jun 3, 1942 - Washington D.C., U.S.

World War II-Battle of Midway
Thursday Jun 4, 1942 - Midway Atoll, U.S.

Hirohito-The Battle of Midway
Thursday Jun 4, 1942 - Midway Atoll

Penicillin-Just enough US penicillin was available to treat ten patients
Jun, 1942 - U.S.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was flotilla leader HMS Wallace
Jun, 1942 - United Kingdom

Shep (American dog)-Funeral
Jun, 1942 - Fort Benton, Montana, U.S.

Richard Nixon-Lieutenant Junior Grade In The U.S Naval Reserve
Monday Jun 15, 1942 - U.S.

Winston Churchill-Churchill had returned to Washington
Wednesday Jun 17, 1942 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-1st Marriage
Friday Jun 19, 1942 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower returned to London as Commanding General, European Theater of Operations
Tuesday Jun 23, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill returned to Britain
Thursday Jun 25, 1942 - United Kingdom

Fido (dog)-Central square of Luco di Mugello
1942 - Central square of Luco di Mugello, Tuscany, Italy

World War II-Case Blue
Sunday Jun 28, 1942 - Voronezh and Rostov to Stalingrad, Kuban, Caucasus, U.S.S.R.

Heinrich Himmler-Generalplan Ost
Jul, 1942 - Germany

Alan Turing-Turing Devised a Technique Termed Turingery
Jul, 1942 - Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom

World War II-First Battle of El Alamein
Wednesday Jul 1, 1942 - El Alamein, Egypt

John Maynard Keynes-Baron Keynes, of Tilton, in the County of Sussex
Tuesday Jul 7, 1942 - England

The Holocaust-Over 107,000 Dutch Jews were deported
Jul, 1942 - Netherlands

John F. Kennedy-First Command
Sunday Jul 12, 1942 - U.S.

The Holocaust-Resistance groups were formed
Jul, 1942 - Poland

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Promotion to lieutenant
Thursday Jul 16, 1942 - United Kingdom

The Holocaust-Polish leaders in Warsaw had learned about the mass killing of Jews in Auschwitz
Jul, 1942 - Poland

Hirohito-The American advance through the Solomon Islands
Aug, 1942 - Solomon Islands

World War II-Operation Pedestal
Monday Aug 3, 1942 - Mediterranean Sea near Malta

World War II-Operation Watchtower
Friday Aug 7, 1942 - Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-The Quit India speech
Saturday Aug 8, 1942 - Mumbai, India

Winston Churchill-Churchill was in Moscow
Wednesday Aug 12, 1942 - Moscow, U.S.S.R. (Present-Day Moscow, Russia)

The Holocaust-Germans began building additional camps and gas chambers
1942 - Poland

Desmond Doss: Hacksaw Ridge-Marriage
Monday Aug 17, 1942 - Virginia, U.S.

Winston Churchill-Churchill returned to Cairo
Monday Aug 17, 1942 - Cairo, Egypt

Operation Mincemeat- Battle of Alam el Halfa
Aug, 1942 - Egypt

World War II-Dieppe Raid
Wednesday Aug 19, 1942 - Dieppe, France

Adolf Hitler-Battle of Stalingrad
Sunday Aug 23, 1942 - Stalingrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (Then Volgograd, Russia)

World War II-Battle of Stalingrad
Sunday Aug 23, 1942 - Stalingrad, U.S.S.R. (Present Day Volgograd, Russia)

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini's older son was murdered
Wednesday Aug 26, 1942 - Italy

Hong Kong independence-First Opium War
Saturday Aug 29, 1942 - Hong Kong, China

World War II-Battle of Alam el Halfa
Sunday Aug 30, 1942 - El Alamein, Egypt

Hirohito-Emperor Hirohito signed an imperial rescript condemning to death American fliers
Sep, 1942 - Tokyo, Japan