Che Guevara - Batista to Dominican Rep.
Time: Thursday Jan 1, 1959 at 03:00:00 AM
Place: Cuba
Details: At 3 am on January 1, 1959, upon learning that his generals were negotiating a separate peace with Guevara, Fulgencio Batista boarded a plane in Havana and fled for the Dominican Republic, along with an amassed "fortune of more than $300,000,000 through graft and payoffs".

Che Guevara-Radio Rebelde
Feb, 1958 - Cuba

Che Guevara-United States to stop selling arms to the Cuban government
Mar, 1958 - Cuba

Che Guevara-Cuba's Revolution
Sunday Nov 25, 1956 - Cuba

Che Guevara-A three-month tour
Friday Jun 12, 1959 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban government began an offensive to take San Blas
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 11:00:00 AM - San Blas, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Tank battle
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 10:00:00 AM - San Blas, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The 3rd Battalion surprise attack
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 11:00:00 PM - San Blas, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Searching For Scattered Brigade Survivors
Saturday Apr 22, 1961 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Delivering arms and equipment to the Girón airstrip
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 - Girón, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Principal Landing
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 01:00:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Rio Escondido was blew up and sank
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 09:30:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Landing at Blue Beach
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 07:30:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The messenger from Red Beach
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 10:00:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Slaughter of the Lost Battalion
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 02:30:00 PM - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Attacking a Cuban column of 12 private buses
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 05:00:00 PM - Punta Perdiz, Cuba

Raúl Castro-President Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba
Thursday Jan 1, 1959 - Cuba

John F. Kennedy-Bay of Pigs
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Cuba

Fidel Castro-The Bay of Pigs Invasion
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - The Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Fidel Castro-Castro forced the Brigade to Surrender
Thursday Apr 20, 1961 - The Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Evacuating retreating Brigade Soldiers From Beaches
Wednesday Apr 19, 1961 - Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Entering the Bay of Pigs
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 12:00:00 AM - Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-FAR Sea Fury crashed
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 08:30:00 AM - Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Losing Houston
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 06:50:00 AM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Army infantrymen and militiamen started an offensive
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 01:00:00 AM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Airdrops From four C-54s and 2 C-46s had Failled
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Retreating
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 05:00:00 AM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Army open Fire
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 08:00:00 PM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Cuban Troops and Militia Took Playa Larga
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 10:30:00 PM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Che Guevara-Bay of Pigs
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Cuba
On This Day - 1 January

George Washington-Slaves are Free
Thursday Jan 1, 1801 - Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S.

USA civil war-Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves
Friday Jan 1, 1808 - U.S

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Causes of events of 1848 in the Austrian Empire
Saturday Jan 1, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Austria)

Alfred Nobel-To Paris to further the work
Tuesday Jan 1, 1850 - Paris, France

Alfred Nobel-to United States
Wednesday Jan 1, 1851 - U.S.

Unification of Italy-Expedition of the Thousand
Sunday Jan 1, 1860 - Italy

Abraham Lincoln-Effective Emancipation Proclamation
Thursday Jan 1, 1863 - U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Emancipation Proclamation
Thursday Jan 1, 1863 - U.S.

Alfred Nobel-Nobel invented dynamite in 1867
Tuesday Jan 1, 1867 - Sweden

Unification of Germany-Bismarck negotiated with representatives of the southern German states
Sunday Jan 1, 1871 - Germany

Memorial day-The first official celebration of Confederate Memorial Day
Thursday Jan 1, 1874 at 12:00:00 PM - U.S.

Alfred Nobel-Nobel invented gelignite
Friday Jan 1, 1875 - Sweden

X-ray-Sending the news
Wednesday Jan 1, 1896 - Germany

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle won a place at St Cyr
Friday Jan 1, 1909 at 02:50:00 PM - France

Franklin D. Roosevelt-Taking his seat
Sunday Jan 1, 1911 - U.S.

Xinhai Revolution-The First day of The First Year of The ROC.
Monday Jan 1, 1912 - China

Armenian Genocide-Typhoid inoculation
Saturday Jan 1, 1916 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)

Charles de Gaulle-The youngest daughter of General Charles de Gaulle
Sunday Jan 1, 1928 - Trier, Germany

Franklin D. Roosevelt-A Governor
Tuesday Jan 1, 1929 - New York, U.S.

Heinrich Himmler-SS-Obergruppenführer
Sunday Jan 1, 1933 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann Joined The Schutzstaffel (SS)
Friday Jan 1, 1937 - Germany

Atlantic Charter-Declaration by United Nations
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

World War II-Declaration by United Nations
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

United Nations-United Nations Declaration
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

Heinrich Himmler-Operation North Wind
Monday Jan 1, 1945 - Germany

Malcolm X-Prayer to God
Thursday Jan 1, 1948 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

Christine Lagarde-Birth
Sunday Jan 1, 1956 - Paris, France

Raúl Castro-Winning in Santiago de Cuba without a fight
Sunday Jan 1, 1956 at 06:00:00 PM - Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Raúl Castro-President Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba
Thursday Jan 1, 1959 - Cuba

Josip Broz Tito-Yugoslavia was the first communist country to open its borders to all foreign visitors
Sunday Jan 1, 1967 - Yugoslavia

Gary Ridgway-Ridgway's Graduation and marriage
Wednesday Jan 1, 1969 - 4424 South 188th Street, SeaTac, Washington 98188, United States

Muhammad Ali Clay-Mohammad Ali vs Patterson
Thursday Jan 1, 1970 - Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.

Monday Jan 1, 1973 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Brexit-UK joined Denmark and Ireland in becoming a member
Monday Jan 1, 1973 - Brussels, Belgium

Kosovo War-Kosovo was declared a Province
Tuesday Jan 1, 1974 - Kosovo

Ayman al-Zawahiri-1st Marriage
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 - Opera Square, Giza, Egypt

Plane Accidents-Air India Flight 855
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 - near the coast of Bombay, India

Virtual reality-David Em
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 at 05:33:00 PM - Massachusetts, U.S.

Juneteenth-Officially made a state holiday
Tuesday Jan 1, 1980 - Texas, U.S.

Kosovo War-4,000 Serbs moved from Kosovo to central Serbia
Thursday Jan 1, 1981 - Kosovo

Tuesday Jan 1, 1985 - Newbury, England, U.K.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Kenneth K.S. Dadzie
Wednesday Jan 1, 1986 - Geneva, Switzerland

Bill Gates-Marriage
Saturday Jan 1, 1994 - Medina, Washington, U.S.

Nelson Mandela-The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund
Sunday Jan 1, 1995 - Johannesburg, South Africa

World Trade Organization-World Trade Organization
Sunday Jan 1, 1995 - Geneva, Switzerland

Francesco Totti-To Sampdoria on Loan
Wednesday Jan 1, 1997 at 02 PM - Genoa, Italy

George Weah-Moving To Marseille
Monday Jan 1, 2001 - Marseille, France

Warren Buffett-Currency Market
Tuesday Jan 1, 2002 at 04:48:00 PM - U.S.

Lula da Silva-A President
Wednesday Jan 1, 2003 - Brazil

Justin Trudeau-The two-part CBC Television miniseries The Great War
Monday Jan 1, 2007 - Canada

Zlatan Ibrahimović-The League's Top goalscorer
Thursday Jan 1, 2009 - Italy

Bank of America-Bank of America purchased Merrill Lynch
Thursday Jan 1, 2009 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Colombian conflict-The Colombian Air Force bombed a Jungle Camp in Southern Colombia
Friday Jan 1, 2010 - Colombia

Bank of America-Brian Moynihan became President
Friday Jan 1, 2010 - U.S.

Symbian OS-Symbian terminated
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - Espoo, Finland

Bitcoin-From $13.30 rising to $770
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Robin Williams-After Deaths Films
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - U.S.

Prince Harry-Supporting Wounded Service Personnel
Thursday Jan 1, 2015 - London, England

PlayStation Network-5-day extension to PlayStation Plus memberships
Thursday Jan 1, 2015 - Tokyo, japan

Prince William-Royal ranks
Friday Jan 1, 2016 - London, United Kingdom

Bitcoin-Prices rose and climbed up to $998
Sunday Jan 1, 2017 - U.S. and Worldwide

United Nations-Ninth Secretary-General
Sunday Jan 1, 2017 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Jair Bolsonaro-A President
Tuesday Jan 1, 2019 - Brazil

Bitcoin-The price fell to $3,747
Tuesday Jan 1, 2019 - U.S. and Worldwide

Roman Republic-Caesar presented an ultimatum to the senate
Friday Jan 1, 49 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cleopatra-Sosigenes of Alexandria
Sunday Jan 1, 45 BC - Alexandria, Egypt

Cleopatra-Octavian accused Antony
Saturday Jan 1, 33 BC - Rome, Italy

Bartolomé Esteban was appointed as president in 1660
Thursday Jan 1, 1660 - Seville

Go-Sai Birth
Friday Jan 1, 1638 - Japan

Daniel Finch's death
Sunday Jan 1, 1730 - Nottingham

The expulsion of the Jews from Austria
Friday Jan 1, 1515 - Austria

New Model Army in York
Thursday Jan 1, 1660 - York

Louis XII's death
Friday Jan 1, 1515 - France

The last bulwark in Naples lost in Louis XII era
Friday Jan 1, 1504 - Naples
1 January 1959

Raúl Castro-President Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba
Thursday Jan 1, 1959 - Cuba
January 1959

The Beatles-Lennon at the Liverpool College of Art
Jan, 1959 - Liverpool, England

Raúl Castro-President Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba
Thursday Jan 1, 1959 - Cuba

Che Guevara-Control the Capital
Friday Jan 2, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Che Guevara-Rally support in several large cities on his way to rolling victoriously
Thursday Jan 8, 1959 - Cuba

Fidel Castro-Castro reached Havana
Friday Jan 9, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle head of state
Jan, 1959 - France and Andorra

Raúl Castro-Marriage
Monday Jan 26, 1959 - Cuba

Che Guevara-Significant Speeches
Tuesday Jan 27, 1959 - Cuba

Sepp Blatter-Education
1959 - Lausanne, Switzerland

Harald V-Graduation From The Norwegian Military Academy
1959 - Oslo, Norway

The Beatles-Lennon at the Liverpool College of Art
Jan, 1959 - Liverpool, England

Stephen Hawking-University
1959 - Oxford, England

Raúl Castro-President Fulgencio Batista fled Cuba
Thursday Jan 1, 1959 - Cuba

Brunei revolt-Establishing a Legislature
1959 - Brunei

Ho Chi Minh-Hồ Chí Minh Informally chose Lê Duẩn to become the Next Party Leader
1959 - Vietnam

Algerian War-General Maurice Challe appeared to have suppressed major rebel resistance
1959 - Algeria

Igor Stravinsky-The Sonning Award
1959 - Copenhagen, Denmark

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Lecture fail
1959 - Columbia University, New York, U.S.

Cameras-The discovery of digital Camera sensor Basis
1959 - New Jersey, U.S.

Che Guevara-Control the Capital
Friday Jan 2, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Laser-The LASER, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
1959 - U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Diagnostic
1959 - Belmont, Massachusetts, U.S.

Che Guevara-Rally support in several large cities on his way to rolling victoriously
Thursday Jan 8, 1959 - Cuba

Fidel Castro-Castro reached Havana
Friday Jan 9, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle head of state
Jan, 1959 - France and Andorra

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle offered Algeria's self-determination
1959 - Algeria

Donald Trump-New York Military Academy
1959 - New York, U.S.

Raúl Castro-Marriage
Monday Jan 26, 1959 - Cuba

Che Guevara-Significant Speeches
Tuesday Jan 27, 1959 - Cuba

Algerian War-De Gaulle was elected president
Feb, 1959 - France

Computer-Kilby's patent application
Friday Feb 6, 1959 - Texas, U.S.

Internet-A Patent application for time-sharing
Feb, 1959 - England, United Kingdom

1959 - Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.

Raúl Castro-The Minister of Defence
Monday Feb 16, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Castro took on the role of Prime Minister
Monday Feb 16, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Fidel Castro-The Prime Minister of Cuba
Monday Feb 16, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

Visa Inc.-Drops began
Mar, 1959 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Ho Chi Minh-Confirming a "People's War" on the South
1959 - Vietnam

Ruby Bridges-Bridges attended a segregated kindergarten
1959 - New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

James Bond-Goldfinger was published
Monday Mar 23, 1959 - London, England, United Kingdom

Mao Zedong-The Secret meeting
Wednesday Mar 25, 1959 - Shanghai, China

Laser-Gould continued developing the idea, and filed a patent application
Apr, 1959 - U.S.

Lucky Luciano-Gambino became the most powerful
Saturday Apr 4, 1959 - New York, U.S.

Fidel Castro-The First Agrarian Reform
May, 1959 - Havana, Cuba

World Trade Organization-Dillon Round: 1960–62
May, 1959 - Geneva, Switzerland

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-The predominantly-Chinese Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP), the state's first political party which was founded in June 1959
Jun, 1959 - Sarawak, Malaysia

Visa Inc.-BofA was dropping cards in Los Angeles
Jun, 1959 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Che Guevara-Second Marriage
Tuesday Jun 2, 1959 - Tarara, Havana, Cuba

Russell Bufalino-Barbara's Death
Jun, 1959 - New York, U.S.

Internet-UNESCO-sponsored conference on Information Processing
1959 - Paris, France

Che Guevara-A three-month tour
Friday Jun 12, 1959 - Cuba

Ho Chi Minh-North Vietnam invaded Laos
Jul, 1959 - Laos

Mao Zedong-The Lushan Conference
Thursday Jul 2, 1959 - Lushan, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China

Flag of the United States-Alaska joined the U.S. flag
Saturday Jul 4, 1959 - U.S.

Nuclear Power-USS Long Beach
Tuesday Jul 14, 1959 - U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-The Nun's Story
1959 - U.S.

Richard Nixon-The Opening of The American National Exhibition in Moscow
Friday Jul 24, 1959 - Moscow, Russia

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower was aboard the maiden flight of Air Force One
Wednesday Aug 26, 1959 - U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Complained of dizziness and had to have his blood pressure checked
Saturday Aug 29, 1959 - England, United Kingdom

Che Guevara-Guevara's return
Sep, 1959 - Cuba

Severo Ochoa-Receiving a Nobel Prize
1959 - Stockholm, Sweden

Colombian conflict-The Investigation of Colombia's Internal Security Situation
Oct, 1959 - Colombia

Visa Inc.-The entire state had been saturated with over 2 million credit cards
Oct, 1959 - California, U.S.

Margaret Thatcher-The 1959 Election
Thursday Oct 8, 1959 - Finchley, London, England

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret and Antony became engaged
Oct, 1959 - England, United Kingdom

Rwandan genocide-The Rwandan Revolution
Nov, 1959 - Rwanda

Rwandan genocide-A Hutu sub-chief, was attacked close to his home
Sunday Nov 1, 1959 - Byimana, Rwanda

Shimon Peres-First elected to the Knesset
Tuesday Nov 3, 1959 - Israel

Xerox-Xerox 914
1959 - U.S.

Visa Inc.-Williams resigned
Dec, 1959 - California, U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-Green Mansions
1959 - U.S.

Vietnam War-Military Deaths until 1959
1959 - Vietnam