Historydraft Logo

BMW - Bavarian Auto Group became the importer of the BMW and Mini brands

Time: 2003

Place: Cairo, Egypt

Details: Bavarian Auto Group became the importer of the BMW and Mini brands in 2003.



Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill returned to Cairo
Monday Aug 17, 1942 - Cairo, Egypt
Occupition of Cairo in 1517
Occupition of Cairo in 1517
Friday Apr 13, 1517 - Cairo
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-1st Marriage
Sunday Jan 1, 1978 - Opera Square, Giza, Egypt
Demolished vehicles line Highway 80, also known as the "Highway of Death", the route fleeing Iraqi forces took as they retreated fom Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm Image
Gulf War-The Arab League own resolution
Friday Aug 3, 1990 - Cairo, Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Third period
1021 - Egypt
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Heads of the state of Algeria, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia discuss oil strategy in view of the progress in Arab-Israeli disengagement
Feb, 1974 - Middle East
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Second Cairo Conference
Saturday Dec 4, 1943 - Cairo, Egypt
Ronaldinho-World Cup U-17
Thursday Sep 4, 1997 - Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-School of Medicine for women
1832 - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Al-Hakim decreed that the Christians could no longer celebrate Epiphany or Easter
1004 - Egypt
Algerian War Image
Algerian War-Abbas flew to Cairo
Apr, 1956 - Cairo, Egypt
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Selim I established Ottoman rule in Egypt
Jan, 1517 - Egypt
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Exiting Egypt
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020 - Cairo, Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Interreligious relationships (First period)
1006 - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh 's mother
980s - Egypt
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-The Egyptian Islamic Jihadleader Leader
1991 - Egypt
Korean War Image
Korean War-The Cairo Conference
Monday Nov 22, 1943 - Cairo, Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Tantamani's attempt
660s BC - Lower Egypt
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Coward Damned
1882 - Egypt
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-A deal with Telecom Egypt
Friday Sep 8, 2006 - Cairo, Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Second period
1012 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Said Barakah was the fifth of the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Saturday Jul 3, 1277 - Egypt
Mother's Day-Mother's Day (Egypy)
Wednesday Mar 21, 1956 - Egypt
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Vodafone in Egypt
Nov, 1998 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Allied with the Egyptian leader Umar Makram
1801 - Egypt
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim was appointed Regent when his father became senile
Thursday Mar 2, 1848 - Egypt
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Zawahiri was sentenced to death in absentia
1999 - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-His inauguration
Friday Oct 14, 996 - Egypt
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim entry into Cairo
Saturday Dec 11, 1819 - Cairo, Egypt
Yersinia pestis
Plague-Plague epidemic
540 - Ethiopia, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Mamluk regiments constituted the backbone of Egypt's military
1174 - Cairo, Egypt
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha's death
Friday Nov 10, 1848 - Egypt
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Graduation
1974 - Cairo, Egypt
Magdi Yacoub
Magdi Yacoub-Graduation
1957 - Giza, Egypt
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Muhammad Ali Pasha revolted against Sultan Mahmud II
1831 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The war which led to the conquest of Egypt
1515 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Ottoman sultan Selim I captured Cairo
Thursday Dec 20, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qaitbay was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Friday Aug 7, 1496 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali informed Britain, and France that he intended to declare independence from the Ottoman Empire
Friday May 25, 1838 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Muzaffar Ahmad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Saturday Jan 13, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the Mamluk sultan in 1347
1347 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Qutuz had Hulagu's envoys killed
1260 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Inal was the 13th Burji Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Tuesday Mar 15, 1453 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1342
Sunday Jan 21, 1342 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali's mind became increasingly clouded
1843 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Timurbugha was the seventeenth Burji Sultan of Mamluk Egypt
Wednesday Dec 4, 1467 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Many Mamluks were appointed
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik as-Salih was the Mamluk sultan in 1351
Saturday Aug 21, 1351 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Bahri Mamluk sultan in 1341
Wednesday Jun 7, 1341 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mu'ayyad Shaykh was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1412
Friday Nov 6, 1412 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Mamluk rose to become sultan
15th Century - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-State of Law and Order
1830 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The Bahri dynasty or Bahriyya Mamluks
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The last of the Ayyubid sultans
1240 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mansur Ali was the second Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
1257 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Weapons Production
1830s - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Faraj was the second Sultan of the Burji dynasty of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria
Jul, 1399 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Massacre of the Mamelukes
Friday Mar 1, 1811 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Ali Bey Al-Kabir declared independence from the Ottomans
1768 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Tuman bay II was the last Sultan of Egypt
Tuesday Oct 17, 1516 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Muzaffar was the 12th Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Apr, 1309 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Nahda
1820s - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir ad-Din Muhammad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Friday Nov 30, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The Mamluk Sultanate collapsed
Thursday Jan 25, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Qutuz was a military leader and the third Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Nov, 1259 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Yusuf dispatched a Bahri-led expedition to Egypt
1256 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Aybak was assassinated
Tuesday Apr 10, 1257 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Muzaffar was the Bahri Mamluk sultan in September 1346
Sep, 1346 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mansur Ali II was the Mamluk sultan in 1377
Saturday Mar 15, 1377 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Sha'ban was a Mamluk sultan in 1363
1363 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mansur Fakhr-ad-Din Uthman was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1453
Tuesday Feb 1, 1453 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-After Napoleon
1801 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Tuman bay I was the twenty fifth Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Friday Jan 25, 1501 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghuri was the second-to-last of the Mamluk Sultans
Saturday Apr 20, 1501 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Ashraf was the ninth Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Sunday Nov 12, 1290 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-As-Salih Hajji was the Mamluk sultan in 1382
1382 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Musta'in was the only Cairo-based caliph to hold political power as Sultan of Egypt
1406 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Mamluks End of power in Egypt
Thursday Jan 3, 1811 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Khushqadam was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt and Syria
Friday Jun 28, 1461 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Aybak had his Mu'izzi mamluks assassinate Aktay
1254 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Bahriyya Mamluks era
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Tensions between As-Salih Najm al-Din Ayyub and the Mamluks
1249 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Bilbay was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1467
Wednesday Oct 9, 1467 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Mamluk sultan in 1361
Tuesday Mar 17, 1361 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Baibars was the fourth Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Sunday Oct 24, 1260 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik as-Salih was the Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt in June 1342
Jun, 1342 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Kamil was the Mamluk sultan in August 1345
Aug, 1345 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Aybak was the first of the Mamluk sultans
Jul, 1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Janbalat was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1500
Saturday Jun 30, 1500 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The sultan Turanshah arrived in Egypt
Sunday Feb 27, 1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Tatar was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Wednesday Aug 29, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The Coptic decline in Egypt occurred under the Bahri sultans
1301 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Nationalization
1810s - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Barquq was the first Sultan of the Mamluk Burji dynasty of Egypt
1382 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Abu Sa'id Qansuh was the twenty third Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Monday Oct 31, 1498 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Jaqmaq was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1438
Sunday Sep 9, 1438 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Wali ruled until 1848
1848 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mu'ayyad Shihab al-Din Ahmad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1461
Tuesday Feb 26, 1461 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Barsbay was the ninth Burji Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Monday Apr 1, 1422 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali asked the Porte for the territory of Syria
1820s - Egypt


Michael Phelps Image
Michael Phelps-First American swimmer to win three different races in three different strokes at a national championship
2003 - Barcelona, Spain
Halimah Yacob
Halimah Yacob-Her World Woman of the Year Award
2003 - Singapore
Sooronbay Jeenbekov
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Graduating
2003 - Kyrgyz National Agrarian University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Caracas (Venezuela), March 5, 2014. The Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño, participated in the commemoration of the death of Commander Hugo Chávez Image
Bolivarian Revolution-Mission Robinson
2003 - Venezuela
1997 Asian financial crisis
1997 Asian financial crisis-The increasing tax revenues allowed the country to balance its budget and repay its debts
2003 - Thailand
Robin Williams 1996 Image
Robin Williams-Back to addiction
2003 - California, U.S.
Prince William and Duchess Kate of Cambridge visits Sweden 02 Image
Prince William-Catherine Middleton
2003 - England, United Kingdom
Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
Tesla, Inc.-GM Recalled all Its EV1 Electric Cars
2003 - U.S.
Slobodan Milošević Image
Slobodan Milošević-Milošević was charged with ordering Ivan Stambolić's Murder
2003 - Serbia
Kaká-2003 Season
2003 - Milan, Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-Second Serie A Footballer of the Year Award
2003 - Italy
The logo of Adidas with the three stripes - image
Adidas-Adidas Filed a Lawsuit Challenging Fitness World
2003 - United Kingdom
Logo for American sportswear company Nike Inc.
Nike, Inc.-Nike acquired Converse
2003 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Lula da Silva Image
Lula da Silva-A President
Wednesday Jan 1, 2003 - Brazil
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-NYSE Composite Index was relaunched
2003 - New York, U.S.
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-US$44 Billion Worth of Microprocessors Were Manufactured and Sold
2003 - U.S.
Sofia Kenin Image 1
Sofia Kenin-Kenin began playing tennis
2003 - Florida, U.S.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-Rebounding from Financial Instability
2003 - Bellevue, Washington, U.S.
Google LLC
Google LLC-The Company Leased an Office Complex From Silicon Graphics
2003 - Mountain View, California, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Zuckerberg Built a Website Called "Facemash"
2003 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Harvard's "face book"
2003 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.
Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios-The SCI FI Channel and Reveille Productions agreed to develop two pilot films
Jan, 2003 - U.S.
Kobe Bryant Image
Kobe Bryant-Sexual assault
2003 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Banking hacks image
Banking Frauds and Hacks-Data processors International
2003 - U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-A new infection with SARS is confirmed in China
Sunday Jan 5, 2003 - China
Mamie Till at Emmett's funeral
Mamie Till-Till-Mobley died of heart failure
Monday Jan 6, 2003 - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Kobe Bryant Image
Kobe Bryant-NBA record for three-pointers
Tuesday Jan 7, 2003 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis
Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis-Back to Iraq
2003 - Iraq
Kobe Bryant Image
Kobe Bryant-Bryants' first child
Sunday Jan 19, 2003 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Garry Kasparov Image
Garry Kasparov-Deep Junior
Jan, 2003 - New York, U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-The Apprentice
2003 - U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-SEC filed a complaint against Xerox's auditors, KPMG
Wednesday Jan 29, 2003 - U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-The first international spreaded
Friday Jan 31, 2003 - Guangzhou, China
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-The Rock Returned
Thursday Jan 30, 2003 - Green Bay, Wisconsin, U.S.
Best Buy opens its 800th store in Chicago, Illinois
Best Buy-First global-sourcing office
Jan, 2003 - Shanghai, China
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes- Holmes founded "Real-Time Cures"
2003 - Stanford, California, United States
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-2003 New Election
Sunday Feb 9, 2003 - Siirt, Turkey
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Hong Kong Spread: First Patient Liu Jianlun
Friday Feb 21, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes changed the name of the company to Theranos 
Feb, 2003 - Palo Alto, California, United States
Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes discovered a wearable patch to monitor patients' blood
2003 - Stanford, California, United States
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS reaches Canda
Sunday Feb 23, 2003 - Toronto, Canada
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-No Way Out (2003)
Sunday Feb 23, 2003 - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Spreading though Taiwan
Tuesday Feb 25, 2003 - Taipei, Taiwan
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spread in Vietnam: First Patient
Wednesday Feb 26, 2003 - Vietnam
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Spreading to Singapore
Saturday Mar 1, 2003 - Novena, Singapore
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was Arrested
Saturday Mar 1, 2003 - Rawalpindi, Pakistan
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-Elfquest
Mar, 2003 - U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Hong Kong: consequences on medical staff
Tuesday Mar 4, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spread in Hong Kong: First Patient
Tuesday Mar 4, 2003 - Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS identification Carlo Urbani
Wednesday Mar 5, 2003 - Hanoi, Vietnam
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Containing in Vietnam: Hanoi French Hospital stops admission
Tuesday Mar 11, 2003 - Hanoi, Vietnam
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-WHO: First Global alert.
Wednesday Mar 12, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spread in Vietnam: First Patient
Thursday Mar 13, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
PlayStation logo
PlayStation-The Sony PSX
2003 - Tokyo, Japan
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-WHO: Intense Global Health alert
Saturday Mar 15, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa-Research in 2003
2003 - Harvard University, Massachusetts, U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spread in Hong Kong: Consequences
Mar, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spread in Vietnam: Hanoi French Hospital Staff infections
Mar, 2003 - Vietnam
John Forbes Nash Image
John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Honorary in Economics
Wednesday Mar 19, 2003 - Naples, Italy
George W. Bush
George W. Bush-Iraq invasion
Thursday Mar 20, 2003 - Iraq
(Second Chechen War) A Russian Mi-8 helicopter shot down by Chechen fighters near the Chechen capital, Grozny
Second Chechen War-New Chechen constitution was passed in a referendum
Sunday Mar 23, 2003 - Chechnya, Russia
Yersinia pestis
Plague-An outbreak of plague is reported in Algeria
2003 - Algeria
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Hong Kong: Educational classes cancellation
Thursday Mar 27, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Singapore: Educational classes cancellation
Thursday Mar 27, 2003 - Singapore
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Carlo Urbani death
Friday Mar 28, 2003 - Bangkok, Thailand
United Nations
United Nations-United States invaded Iraq
Saturday Mar 29, 2003 - Iraq
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Hong Kong: Massive Building outbreak!
Sunday Mar 30, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-WrestleMania XIX
Sunday Mar 30, 2003 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-The Rock Appreciation Night
Monday Mar 31, 2003 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Alan Turing
Alan Turing-Turing's work at Bletchley Park was named an IEEE Milestone
Tuesday Apr 1, 2003 - Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS: Chinese outbreak status
Wednesday Apr 2, 2003 - Guangdong, China
(Second Chechen War) A Russian Mi-8 helicopter shot down by Chechen fighters near the Chechen capital, Grozny
Second Chechen War-The 2003 Constitution granted the Chechen Republic a significant degree of autonomy
Wednesday Apr 2, 2003 - Chechnya, Russia
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through China: Releasing Data
Friday Apr 4, 2003 - China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through Singapore: School Closure Extension
Friday Apr 4, 2003 - Singapore
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS reaches Manila Philippines
Sunday Apr 6, 2003 - Manila, Philippines
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through Hong Kong: So far!
Tuesday Apr 8, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through Hong Kong: James Salisbury (American's Death)
Wednesday Apr 9, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading by global air confirmation
Friday Apr 11, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan-23 no more in Miami Heat
Friday Apr 11, 2003 - Miami, Florida, U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Containing in Vietnam: Hanoi French Hospital shutting
Friday Apr 11, 2003 - Hanoi, Vietnam
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Breaking Genetic code of the virus
Saturday Apr 12, 2003 - British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS New infections in Canda
Saturday Apr 12, 2003 - Toronto, Canada
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS reaches India
Wednesday Apr 16, 2003 - Dinner, a village near Bangalore, India
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan-Final Match
Wednesday Apr 16, 2003 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-The virus has a name SARS
Wednesday Apr 16, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS spreading through China: More transparency
Sunday Apr 20, 2003 - China
Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal wanted a contract extension with a pay raise on his remaining three years
2003 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Hong Kong: Schools reopening
Tuesday Apr 22, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS spreading through Beijing: Schools closure
Wednesday Apr 23, 2003 - Beijing, China
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-WHO Travel Advisories Updates
Wednesday Apr 23, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland
Caracas (Venezuela), March 5, 2014. The Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Ricardo Patiño, participated in the commemoration of the death of Commander Hugo Chávez Image
Bolivarian Revolution-Mission Mercal
Thursday Apr 24, 2003 - Venezuela
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS spreading through Taiwan
Friday Apr 25, 2003 - Taipei, Taiwan
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through China: Closing entertainment venues
Friday Apr 25, 2003 - Beijing, China
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-Backlash (2003)
Sunday Apr 27, 2003 - Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S.
Huawei logo - image
Huawei-Partnering with 3Com on a joint venture
May, 2003 - Hangzhou, China
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-Diego Junior met Maradona
May, 2003 - Italy
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-FIFA moves women's world cup to USA
Saturday May 3, 2003 - Zurich, Switzerland
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Infections dropping in Hong Kong
Sunday May 4, 2003 - Hong Kong, China
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan-Fired
Wednesday May 7, 2003 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Virus Microscope Infection
SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-WHO refused to lift tourism warning!
Tuesday May 20, 2003 - Geneva, Switzerland