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Ferdinand discovered Cebu island

Time: Thursday Apr 7, 1521

Place: Cebu

Details: Ferdinand Magellan's fleet made it to Cebu.


On This Day - 7 April

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart-Mozart meets Beethoven
Tuesday Apr 7, 1778 - Vienna, Austria
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle married Yvonne Vendroux
Thursday Apr 7, 1921 - Calais Nord Notre-Dame, France
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-First assassination was failed
Wednesday Apr 7, 1926 - Italy
Communist troops in the Battle of Siping - Chinese Civil War Image
Chinese Civil War-Chiang and several other KMT leaders held a meeting during which they proposed that Communist activities
Thursday Apr 7, 1927 - China
The Holocaust-Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service was passed
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Bay of Pigs Invasion Image
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Saturday Apr 7, 1962 - Cuba
Josip Broz Tito Image
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Sunday Apr 7, 1963 - Yugoslavia
IBM-IBM System/360
Tuesday Apr 7, 1964 - U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
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Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Calling for Georgia to secede from the Soviet Union
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Rwandan genocide
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Rwandan genocide
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First Chechen War (A Chechen fighter stands near the government palace building during a short lull in fighting in Grozny, Chechnya) Image
First Chechen War-OMON and other federal forces killed at least 103 civilians while seizing the border village of Samashki
Friday Apr 7, 1995 - Samashki, Chechnya, Russia
Sherry Dyson
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Friday Apr 7, 2000 - U.S.
YouTube-YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in 2000
Monday Apr 7, 2008 - London, England, United Kingdom
Dwayne Johnson
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Logo of the American car manufacturer and technology company Tesla, Inc. - image
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John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby(1648)
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Charles VIII's death
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El Castillo (pyramid of Kukulcán)
Maya civilization-Soconusco fell to the Spanish
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Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
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Saint Peter Canisius Brith
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The Philippines under control by Ferdinand Magellan
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Willem van Croij's death
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