Willem van Croij's death
Time: Saturday May 28, 1521
Place: Soria
Details: The Duke of Soria, Willem van Croij, passed away at the age of 62.

Justinian I-Justinian invaded Hispania
552 - Spain
On This Day - 28 May

George Washington-Battle of Jumonville Glen
Tuesday May 28, 1754 - Pennsylvania, U.S.

Mozart-His father's deaths
Thursday May 28, 1778 - Salzburg, Austria

George Washington-Governor Edmund Randolph of Virginia introduced Madison's Virginia Plan
Monday May 28, 1787 - Virginia, U.S.

Second Boer War-Orange Free State was annexed and renamed the Orange River Colony
Monday May 28, 1900 - South Africa

Winston Churchill-Second child
Sunday May 28, 1911 - London, England, United Kingdom

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels's speeches attacked the Catholic church as morally corrupt
Friday May 28, 1937 - Berlin, Germany

Winston Churchill-Baldwin resigned and was succeeded as Prime Minister by Neville Chamberlain
Friday May 28, 1937 - London, England, United Kingdom

World War II-Black May
Friday May 28, 1943 at 01:28:00 AM - Atlantic Ocean

Edward VIII-Death
Sunday May 28, 1972 - Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France

Colombian conflict-the creation of the Patriotic Union (Unión Patriótica)
Tuesday May 28, 1985 - Bogotá, Colombia

Slobodan Milošević-The 10th Congress of the Serbian League of Communists
Wednesday May 28, 1986 - Belgrade, Serbia

1989 Tiananmen Square protests-Protests in Hong Kong
Sunday May 28, 1989 - Hong Kong

Croatian War of Independence-A Military Parade and Review
Tuesday May 28, 1991 - Zagreb, Croatia

Hachikō-Hachikō Bark
Saturday May 28, 1994 - Japan

First Chechen War-Yeltsin even officially declared "victory"
Tuesday May 28, 1996 - Grozny, Chechnya, Russia

Second Chechen War-Bomb exploded in the Russian railway station of Pyatigorsk
Wednesday May 28, 1997 - Stavropol Krai, Russia

Nuclear Power-First nuclear weapon test in Pakistan
Thursday May 28, 1998 - Pakistan

Sepp Blatter-2002 Election
Tuesday May 28, 2002 - FIFA headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland

Kevin Hart-Soul Plane
Friday May 28, 2004 - California, U.S.

Justin Trudeau-Marriage
Saturday May 28, 2005 - Montreal, Canada

Colombian conflict-The 2006 Colombian Presidential Election
Sunday May 28, 2006 - Colombia

2008 Sichuan earthquake-27 May aftershocks
Wednesday May 28, 2008 - Qingchuan County and Ningqiang County, China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Quake lakes
Wednesday May 28, 2008 - China

Lionel Messi-2011 UEFA Champions League
Saturday May 28, 2011 - London, England, United Kingdom

Cristiano Ronaldo-2016 UEFA Champions League Final
Saturday May 28, 2016 - San Siro, Milan, Italy

Mark Zuckerberg-Honorary Degree
Sunday May 28, 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.

Francesco Totti-Final appearance for Roma
Sunday May 28, 2017 - Rome, Italy

Lula da Silva-A Formal investigation
Monday May 28, 2018 - Brazil

Pierre Séguier Birth
Saturday May 28, 1588 - Paris

Spanish Armada attacked England
Saturday May 28, 1588 - England
May 1521

Saint Peter Canisius Brith
Sunday May 8, 1521 - Nijmegen

Maya civilization-Soconusco fell to the Spanish
1521 - Soconusco, Veracruz, Mexico

Ottoman Empire-Suleiman the Magnificent captured Belgrade
1521 - Belgrade

Saint Peter Canisius Brith
Sunday May 8, 1521 - Nijmegen

The First Mass in the Philippines in 1521
Thursday Mar 31, 1521 - Limasawa

The Philippines under control by Ferdinand Magellan
Thursday Mar 31, 1521 - Philippines

Manuel I's death
Tuesday Dec 13, 1521 - Portugal

Pope Sixtus V Brith
Tuesday Dec 13, 1521 - Grottammare

Ferdinand discovered Cebu island
Thursday Apr 7, 1521 - Cebu