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Memorial day - First civil war grave decorated

Time: Monday Jun 3, 1861

Place: Warrenton, Virginia, U.S.

Details: On June 3, 1861, Warrenton, Virginia, was the location of the first Civil War soldier's grave ever to be decorated, according to a Richmond Times-Dispatch newspaper article in 1906. This decoration was for the funeral of the first soldier killed in action during the Civil War, John Quincy Marr, who died on June 1, 1861, during a skirmish at Battle of Fairfax Courthouse in Virginia.



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On This Day - 3 June

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June 1861

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(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
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Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
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Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
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Abraham Lincoln
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