Garry Kasparov - First win in a Superclass-level international tournament
Time: 1982
Place: Bugojno, Yugoslavia (Present Day Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Details: His first win in a superclass-level international tournament was scored at Bugojno, Yugoslavia in 1982.

Josip Broz Tito-Operation Rösselsprung
Thursday May 25, 1944 - Bosnia and Herzegovina (Yugoslavia)

Bosnian War-Operation Mistral 2
Friday Sep 8, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Republika Srpska
Wednesday Aug 12, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Republic of the Serbian People in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Thursday Jan 9, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Amanda
Tuesday Oct 25, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Deliberate Force
Wednesday Aug 30, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Corridor 92
Wednesday Jun 24, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Full-scale hostilities had broken out by 6 April
Monday Apr 6, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The First multi-party election
Sunday Nov 18, 1990 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The first military effort coordinated between the HVO and the ARBiH following the Washington Agreement
Thursday Nov 3, 1994 - Kupres, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The US unilaterally lifted the arms embargo
Saturday Nov 12, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Croatian War of Independence-The Croat-Bosniak conflict
Sunday Oct 18, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Resolution 808
Monday Feb 22, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Storm
Friday Aug 4, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Tuesday May 25, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Deny Flight
Monday Apr 12, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The ARBiH seized control of several villages in the area
Tuesday Jan 26, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Serbs killed the deputy prime minister of the ARBiH Hakija Turajlić
Friday Jan 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A no-fly zone over Bosnia-Herzegovina
Wednesday Mar 31, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Izetbegović and Boban signed a ceasefire agreement
Sunday Apr 25, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-First request for NATO air support
Saturday Mar 12, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-the US Senate adopted S. 2042
Thursday May 12, 1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bosnian War-The ARBiH secured the area northwest of the town
Tuesday Jun 15, 1993 - Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A conflict in Novi Travnik
Friday Jun 19, 1992 - Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The ARBiH attacked HVO units positioned east of the town
Wednesday Jun 9, 1993 - Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Boycott the referendums held on 29 February and 1 March 1992
Saturday Feb 29, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Vance-Owen Peace Plan
Jan, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The NATO air strikes were suspended to allow the implementation of an agreement with Bosnian Serbs for the withdrawal of heavy weapons from around Sarajevo
Thursday Sep 14, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Vance-Owen peace plan was rejected
Saturday May 15, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Clashes
Feb, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-NATO aircraft carried out an air strike against a Bosnian Serb tank
Thursday Sep 22, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A member State of the United Nations
Friday May 22, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Winter 94
Tuesday Nov 29, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The ARBiH offensive continued east of Travnik
Monday Jun 14, 1993 - Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-NATO became actively involved
Monday Feb 28, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The UN Security Council passed Resolution 836
Friday Jun 4, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Vrbas 92
Jun, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Military Cooperation
Tuesday Jul 21, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Sana
Wednesday Sep 13, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Southern Move
Sunday Oct 8, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Mujahideen forces attacked the village of Miletići
Saturday Apr 24, 1993 - Miletići, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Bosnian government ordered the JNA
Monday Apr 27, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Uzdol Killings
Tuesday Sep 14, 1993 - Uzdol, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-War in Bosnia escalated
Apr, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Summer 95
Tuesday Jul 25, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A Ceasefire in the area of central Bosnia
Saturday Jan 30, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Outnumbered HVO in the Zenica municipality was quickly defeated
Thursday Apr 15, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Serbs took 150 U.N. personnel hostage
Thursday Apr 14, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Neretva 93
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The HVO launched a spoiling attack on the village of Ahmići
Friday Apr 16, 1993 - Ahmići, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Čelebići prison
May, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Battle of Kupres
Friday Apr 3, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Armed conflicts occurred in Busovača
Jun, 1992 - Busovača, Bosnia and Herz

Bosnian War-Ceasefire came into effect
Thursday Oct 12, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Independence
Tuesday Mar 3, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Croat civilians and POWs were killed by the mujahideen
Tuesday Jun 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The number of refugees
Jun, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Una
Monday Sep 18, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-An ARBiH defeat
Thursday Jun 24, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Killings by the ARBiH in the village of Trusina
Friday Apr 16, 1993 - Trusina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-the North Atlantic Council approved the extension of Close Air Support to Croatia
Saturday Nov 19, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Josip Broz Tito-The Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ)
Thursday Nov 26, 1942 - Bosnia and Herzegovina (Yugoslavia)

Bosnian War-The large-scale removal of Bosnian-Serb heavy weapons
Thursday Feb 17, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Grabovica Killings
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Grabovica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The HVO held off an attack on Kreševo
Saturday Jul 3, 1993 - Kreševo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Future requests for air strikes would be carried out immediately
Sunday Feb 6, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Stupni Do Massacre
Saturday Oct 23, 1993 - Stupni Do, Bosnia and Herzegovina

World War 1-Assassination consequences
Sunday Jun 28, 1914 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Serb forces began shelling Sarajevo
Monday Apr 6, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The last JNA personnel left the city
Friday Jun 5, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Boutros-Ghali's ultimatum
Friday Jun 26, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The 20 June cease-fire
Saturday Jun 20, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-An ultimatum to the Bosnian Serbs
Sunday Feb 20, 1994 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-First casualty free day
Saturday Feb 12, 1994 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

United Nations-Worldwide ridicule
Mar, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

St. Patrick's Day-Sarajevo Irish Festival
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Cutting Sarajevo in two
Saturday May 2, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

United Nations-Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination
Sunday Jun 28, 1914 - Sarajevo, Kingdom of Serbia (Present-Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Ottoman Empire-Austria-Hungary officially annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina
1908 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Markale massacre
Saturday Feb 5, 1994 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Memorandum on the Sovereignty of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Tuesday Oct 15, 1991 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-VRS mortar attack on the Sarajevo Markale marketplace
Monday Aug 28, 1995 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ottoman Empire-Austria-Hungary unilaterally occupied the Ottoman provinces
1878 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-NATO aircraft attacked a target within the Sarajevo Exclusion Zone
Friday Aug 5, 1994 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Opposition to any type of ethnic division of Bosnia
Saturday Mar 28, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević denounced the Declaration of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Yugoslavia
1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Izetbegović was kidnapped
Sunday May 3, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Air strikes—at the request of the UN—against artillery and mortar positions in or around Sarajevo
Wednesday Feb 9, 1994 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Shelling on Sarajevo
Sunday May 24, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

NATO Establishment-The Organization Conducted its First Military Interventions
1992 - Bosnia (Now Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Bosnian War-The Sarajevo wedding shooting
Sunday Mar 1, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

World War 1-Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination
Sunday Jun 28, 1914 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Croatian War of Independence-Operation Summer 95
Tuesday Jul 25, 1995 - Dinara, Croatia

Iran–Iraq War-Cabinet Meeting
1982 - Baghdad, Iraq

Angela Merkel-1st Divorce
1982 - Germany

Nokia-Nokia's first mobile phone
1982 - Finland

Mother Teresa-37 children rescued
1982 - Beirut, Lebanon

Lula da Silva-First ran for office
1982 - São Paulo, Brazil

Lula da Silva-The Nickname
1982 - Brazil

Jim Carrey-Appearing on the televised stand-up show
1982 - New York, U.S.

Gary Ridgway-Ridgway was convicted of prostitution
1982 - Green River, Utah, United States

NATO Establishment-The Joining of Spain
1982 - Spain

Akio Morita-The First Japanese To Receive The Albert Medal
1982 - London, England

Statue of Liberty-Need of Restoration
1982 - New York, U.S.

Pablo Escobar: Narcos-Established drug network
1982 - Medellín, Colombia

Nuclear Power-The first commercial-scale breeder reactor in France
1982 - France

Samuel Little - Little was arrested in Pascagoula
1982 - Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

Microprocessor-WDC 65C02
1982 - Mesa, Arizona, U.S.

Microprocessor-The First Commercial, Single Chip, Fully 32-bit Microprocessor
1982 - California, U.S.

Virtual reality-Arari
1982 - Sunnyvale, California, United States

Nicaraguan Revolution-Contra Forces had begun carrying out Assassinations of Members of The Nicaraguan Government
1982 - Nicaragua

Computer animation-First film using Fractals
1982 - U.S.

Christopher Paul Gardner-Unemployment breakthrough
1982 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Computer animation-Tron
1982 - U.S.

Kim Jong-un-Birth
Jan, 1982 - Pyongyang, North Korea

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Birth
Saturday Jan 9, 1982 - London, England, U.K.

Carlos the Jackal-Attack on the Superphénix French nuclear power station
Monday Jan 18, 1982 - Creys-Malville, France

Donald Trump-Trump was listed on the initial Forbes list of wealthy individuals in 1982
1982 - U.S.

Kosovo War-Why the Serbian Church is silent
Feb, 1982 - Kosovo

Computer animation-LINKS-1 Computer Graphics System
1982 - Japan

Internet-Peter Kirstein replaced the University College London transatlantic satellite links with TCP/IP over IPSS
1982 - London, England, United Kingdom

Carlos the Jackal-2 of the Group are arrested
Tuesday Feb 16, 1982 - The Hague, the Netherlands

Gulf War-Operation Undeniable Victory
Feb, 1982 - Iran

1982 - Macomb County, Michigan, U.S.

Christopher Paul Gardner-Homelessness
1982 - San Francisco, U.S.

Robin Williams-Wake up call
Friday Mar 5, 1982 - Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles, California, United States

Iran–Iraq War-Operation al-Fawz al-'Azim (Supreme Success)
Thursday Mar 18, 1982 - Iran

Iran–Iraq War-Operation Fath-ol-Mobeen (Undeniable Victory)
Sunday Mar 21, 1982 - Khuzestan Province, Iran

Carlos the Jackal-Bombing of the Paris-Toulouse
Monday Mar 29, 1982 - Paris, France

Iran–Iraq War-Closing The Kirkuk-Baniyas Pipeline
Apr, 1982 - Syria

Falklands War-Leach sent orders to a Royal Navy force carrying out exercises
Thursday Apr 1, 1982 - United Kingdom

Computer-The Grid Compass
Thursday Apr 1, 1982 - U.S.

Falklands War-Approval was given to form a task force to retake the islands
Friday Apr 2, 1982 - United Kingdom

Falklands War-The Conflict began
Friday Apr 2, 1982 - Falklands

Christopher Paul Gardner-Fatherhood
1982 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Falklands War-The United Kingdom's United Nations ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons put a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council
Saturday Apr 3, 1982 - New York, U.S.

Falklands War-Conqueror
Sunday Apr 4, 1982 - France

Falklands War-RFA Tidepool
Sunday Apr 4, 1982 - Arica, Chile

Falklands War-The British government dispatched a naval task force
Monday Apr 5, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-War Cabinet
Tuesday Apr 6, 1982 - United Kingdom

Falklands War-The First landings of SAS troops took place
Wednesday Apr 21, 1982 - Falklands

Carlos the Jackal-The car-bombing of the newspaper Al-Watan al-Arabi
Thursday Apr 22, 1982 - Paris, France

Thursday Apr 22, 1982 - Gama, Federal District, Brazil

Falklands War-A Submarine alert was sounded and operations were halted
Friday Apr 23, 1982 - Falklands

Iran–Iraq War-Operation Beit ol-Moqaddas
Friday Apr 23, 1982 - Khuzestan Province, Iran

Falklands War-The British forces regrouped and headed in to attack
Saturday Apr 24, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-Operation Paraquet
Sunday Apr 25, 1982 - South Georgia Island

Falklands War-The Submarine ARA Santa Fe was spotted on the surface
Sunday Apr 25, 1982 - South Georgia Island

Iran–Iraq War-Iran launched The offensive
Wednesday Apr 28, 1982 - Khuzestan Province, Iran

Falklands War-Black Buck 1
Saturday May 1, 1982 - Falklands

Statue of Liberty-Statue of Liberty–Ellis Island Centennial Commission
May, 1982 - New York, U.S.

Falklands War-The British lost the Type 42 destroyer HMS Sheffield to fire following an Exocet missile strike
Tuesday May 4, 1982 - Falklands

Iran–Iraq War-Iran Retake Susangerd Area
Tuesday May 11, 1982 - Susangerd, Khuzestan Province, Iran

Internet-South Korea's first Internet system
Friday May 14, 1982 - South Korea

Falklands War-The SAS carried out a raid on Pebble Island on the Falklands
Friday May 14, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-A Westland Sea King helicopter carrying the assigned team took off from HMS Invincible
Monday May 17, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-The Final British negotiating position was presented to Argentina
Tuesday May 18, 1982 - Argentina

Falklands War-New Zealand would make HMNZS Canterbury available for use where the British thought fit to release a Royal Navy vessel for the Falklands
Thursday May 20, 1982 - New Zealand

Falklands War-Operation Sutton
Friday May 21, 1982 - Falklands

Iran–Iraq War-The Iranians began The drive Towards Khorramshahr
Saturday May 22, 1982 - Khorramshahr, Khuzestan Province, Iran

Iran–Iraq War-The Liberation of Khorramshahr
Sunday May 23, 1982 - Khorramshahr, Khuzestan Province, Iran

Falklands War-Darwin and Goose Green Attack
Thursday May 27, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-The Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre defeated Argentine Special Forces at the skirmish at Top Malo House
Monday May 31, 1982 - Falklands

Iran–Iraq War-State of Iraqi Air Forces
Jun, 1982 - Syria

Falklands War-The Arrival of a further 5,000 British troops of the 5th Infantry Brigade
Tuesday Jun 1, 1982 - Falklands

Iran–Iraq War-The National Security Decision
Jun, 1982 - U.S.

Falklands War-Plans were drawn up for half the Welsh Guards to march light on the night of 2 June
Wednesday Jun 2, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-British forces launched a brigade-sized night attack against the heavily defended ring of high ground surrounding Stanley
Friday Jun 11, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-The conflict lasted 74 days and ended
Monday Jun 14, 1982 - Falklands

Falklands War-A Ceasefire was declared
Monday Jun 14, 1982 - Falklands

Iran–Iraq War-Ceasefire proposal
Sunday Jun 20, 1982 - Baghdad, Iraq

Falklands War-The British retook the South Sandwich Islands
Sunday Jun 20, 1982 - South Georgia Island

Princess Diana-First Baby
Monday Jun 21, 1982 - London, England, United Kingdom

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Baptized
Monday Jun 21, 1982 - Bradfield, England, U.K.

Prince William-Birth
Monday Jun 21, 1982 at 07:03:00 PM - London, United Kingdom

Prince William-Name announced
Monday Jun 28, 1982 - London, United Kingdom

Eiffel Tower-The original lifts between the second and third levels were replaced after 97 years in service
1982 - Paris, France

Jul, 1982 - Harrison, New York, U.S.

Diego Maradona-To Europe, "To Barca"
Sunday Jul 4, 1982 - Barcelona, Spain

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth found an intruder in the room with her
Friday Jul 9, 1982 - London, United Kingdom

Iran–Iraq War-Operation Ramadan
Tuesday Jul 13, 1982 - Basra, Iraq

FIFA World Cup-First Expansion
Tuesday Jul 13, 1982 - Spain

Iran–Iraq War-Iran try again further North
Friday Jul 16, 1982 - Basra, Iraq

Elon Musk-Estranged from his Father
1982 - Pretoria, South Africa

Vodafone-Racal-Millicom Ltd
Jul, 1982 - England, U.K.

Robin Williams-Leading Character
Friday Jul 23, 1982 - U.S.

Trivial Pursuit-The rights to the game were initially licensed
1982 - U.S.

Jimmy Hoffa-Legally Dead
Friday Jul 30, 1982 - U.S.

Prince William-Baptized
Wednesday Aug 4, 1982 - London, United Kingdom

Falklands War-War Cabinet dissolved
Thursday Aug 12, 1982 - United Kingdom

Angelina Jolie-Inspired
1982 - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Margaret Thatcher-The First British Prime Minister To Visit China
Sep, 1982 - Hong Kong, China

Wednesday Sep 8, 1982 - Henderson, Nevada, U.S.