Severo Ochoa - Joining University of Madrid
Time: 1923
Place: Madrid, Spain
Details: In 1923, he went to the University of Madrid Medical School, where he hoped to work with Cajal, but Cajal retired. He studied with father Pedro Arrupe, and Juan Negrín was his teacher.

Severo Ochoa-Isolating creatinine
1920s - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Education
1960 - Complutense University of Madrid, Av. Séneca, Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-MD thesis research
1930 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Twelve successful coups were carried out
19th Century - Spain

Severo Ochoa-Biochemistry career beginning
1927 - Madrid, Spain

Joanna Brith "Princess of Portugal"
Monday Jun 24, 1535 - Madrid

Severo Ochoa-Spanish Civil War
1935 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists started a general offensive
Sunday Mar 26, 1939 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-The Manager of Real Madrid
Monday Jan 4, 2016 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Ochowa's death
Monday Nov 1, 1993 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Restoration of the Bourbons
Tuesday Dec 29, 1874 - Spain

Spanish Flu-The "Spanish" Flu
May, 1918 - Madrid, Spain

Amancio Ortega-Torre Picasso
Dec, 2011 - Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid, Spain

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-The Spanish High Court Sentenced Abu Dahdah
Monday Sep 26, 2005 - Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon announced that he would intervene to mediate between the rival political factions in the country
Tuesday Feb 16, 1808 - Spain

International Monetary Fund-Former IMF Managing Director Rodrigo Rato was arrested
Thursday Apr 16, 2015 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-Spanish Citizenship
Thursday May 26, 2005 - Spain

World War II-Spanish Civil War ended
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 at 09 PM - Spain

Spanish Civil War-There were harsh reprisals against Franco's former enemies
1939 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Peace deal
Sunday Mar 5, 1939 - Spain

Severo Ochoa-Getting married
1932 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Supercopa de España
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Retirement
Sunday May 7, 2006 - Madrid, Spain

Francesco Totti-Win against Real Madrid
Wednesday Oct 30, 2002 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Prime Minister Casares Quiroga met General Juan Yagüe
Friday Jun 12, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-United Kingdom and France recognized the Franco regime
Sunday Feb 27, 1938 - Spain

Roman Empire-Augustus completed the conquest of Hispania
19 BC - Spain

FIFA World Cup-First Expansion
Tuesday Jul 13, 1982 - Spain

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Pact of Madrid
Wednesday Sep 23, 1953 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Returning to Madrid
1933 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Real Madrid Castilla
Jun, 2014 - Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-The French arrived in Madrid
Thursday Mar 24, 1808 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Francoist troops launched a major offensive toward Madrid
Sunday Nov 8, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Cristiano Ronaldo-To Glory - To Madrid
Friday Jun 26, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Diego Maradona-Three-day World Cup of Indoor Football tournament
Sep, 2006 - Spain

Lionel Messi-Champions league Clásico
Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-All-time top scorer in El Clásico
Sunday Mar 23, 2014 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-Team's greatest-ever score at Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
Saturday May 2, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-First Clásico
Saturday Nov 19, 2005 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-Substitutional in El Clásico
Saturday Nov 21, 2015 - Madrid, Spain

Diego Maradona-Chaos in the King's presence
Saturday May 5, 1984 - Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon entered Madrid
Sunday Dec 4, 1808 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spanish Constitution of 1931
Wednesday Dec 9, 1931 - Spain

Severo Ochoa-Spanish science policy authorities
1985 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Moving To Real Madrid
Tuesday Jul 10, 2001 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spanish Constitution of 1812
Thursday Mar 19, 1812 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Pact of Madrid
Wednesday Sep 23, 1953 - Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon appointed his brother as the new King of Spain
Monday Jun 6, 1808 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Black two years
Nov, 1933 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Military coup brought Miguel Primo de Rivera
1923 - Spain

Simón Bolívar-Bolívar was sent to Spain to follow his military studies in Madrid
1800 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-German involvement began days after fighting broke out
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Government tried to assist rural Spain by instituting an eight-hour day and redistributing land tenure to farm workers
1931 - Spain

Kaká-Left knee injury
Thursday Aug 5, 2010 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Falangists in Madrid killed police officer Lieutenant José Castillo of the Guardia de Asalto
Sunday Jul 12, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Popular uprisings led to the overthrow of Queen Isabella II
1868 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-1933 Spanish general election
Sunday Nov 19, 1933 - Spain

Kaká-Iliotibial band syndrome
Mar, 2011 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Victory was proclaimed
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spain was neutral in World War I
Saturday Jul 28, 1917 - Spain

Simón Bolívar-Marriage
1802 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-To Madrid
Monday Jun 8, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Flu-Struggling Against the Flu
1918 - Worldwide

Spanish Civil War-An Incident
May, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Manuel Azaña became prime minister of a minority government
Oct, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-King Amadeo I of the House of Savoy
1873 - Spain

Mona Lisa-"Woman by Leonardo da Vinci's hand" restoration
2012 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Church Ceremony
Tuesday Nov 25, 1975 - The Church of San Jerónimo el Real in Madrid, Spain

First Japanese Embassy to Europe
Friday Jan 30, 1615 - Madrid

Inca Empire-Royal approval
1529 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Second Spanish Republic
Tuesday Apr 14, 1931 - Spain

NATO Establishment-The Joining of Spain
1982 - Spain

Félix Lpez Birth
Sunday Nov 18, 1742 - Madrid

Spanish Civil War-Franco feared an immediate French intervention against a potential Nationalist victory in Spain
1938 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Casares Quiroga refused an offer of help from the CNT and Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT)
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Flu-The Flu Endpoint
1919 - Worldwide

Spanish Civil War-Unsuccessful Attempt
Jan, 1937 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Two government collapses
1934 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-The Republican government under Giral resigned
Friday Sep 4, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-The provisional government
Apr, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-War in the North
Mar, 1937 - Spain

Bernard Arnault-Loewe
1996 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Popular front alliance was organised
Jan, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-General Dámaso Berenguer
Sunday Apr 12, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Blum government provided aircraft to the Republicans
Friday Aug 7, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists occupied all Spanish territory
Friday Mar 31, 1939 - Spain

Kaká-First goal for Madrid
Wednesday Aug 19, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-League Debut
Saturday Aug 29, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Carlos III Birth
Monday Jan 20, 1716 - Madrid

Francisco Franco-Madrid fell to the Nationalists
Tuesday Mar 28, 1939 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Various groups of officers got together to begin discussing the prospect of a coup
1936 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Assistant Coach
2013 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Real Madrid Player
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Pablo Picasso-Education
1897 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco proclaimed victory in a radio speech
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-French government declared that it would not send military aid
Monday Jul 27, 1936 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Death
Thursday Nov 20, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Sofia Kenin-First career top-ten victory
Friday Jun 22, 2018 - Mallorca, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Endorsement of The Monarchy From Spain's Political Left
Friday May 20, 1977 - Zarzuela Palace, Carretera del Pardo, Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Marriage
Monday Oct 22, 1923 - Spain

BMW-First successful motorcycle after the failed Helios and Flink
1923 - Munich, Germany

Hirohito-The Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the army
1923 - Tokyo, Japan

Chinese Civil War-Membership base
1923 - China

Harry S. Truman-County Court judge
1923 - Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.

Marie Curie-She Wrote a Biography of Her Late Husband
1923 - Paris, France

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Foundation of the Republic of Turkey
1923 - Turkey

Irish War of Independence-Irish Civil War Ended
1923 - Ireland

Weimar Republic-The government defaulted on some payments
1923 - Germany

Ho Chi Minh-Quốc (Ho) left Paris for Moscow
1923 - Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Winston Churchill-Churchill spent much of the next six months at the Villa Rêve d'Or
1923 - Cannes, France

League of Nations-Klaipėda Revolt
Jan, 1923 - Klaipėda, Lithuania

New York Stock Exchange-Poor's Publishing introduced their "Composite Index"
1923 - U.S.

Vladimir Lenin-Retirement
Thursday Jan 4, 1923 - U.S.S.R.

Weimar Republic-French and Belgian occupied the Ruhr region
1923 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Bank clerk in Cologne
1923 - Cologne, Germany

Treaty of Versailles- American forces were withdrawn from the Rhineland
Wednesday Jan 24, 1923 - Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Chinese Civil War-Joint statement by Sun and Soviet representative Adolph Joffe in Shanghai pledged Soviet assistance to China's unification
Friday Jan 26, 1923 - China

Donald Trump-E. Trump & Son
1923 - Queens and Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Irish War of Independence-British were detaining 263 men on Argenta, which was moored in Belfast Lough
Feb, 1923 - Belfast, Northern Ireland

Spanish Civil War-Military coup brought Miguel Primo de Rivera
1923 - Spain

Weimar Republic-Gustav Stresemann was appointed Chancellor of Germany
1923 - Germany

Louis Armstrong-His first studio recordings were with Oliver for Gennett Records on April 5–6, 1923.
Thursday Apr 5, 1923 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-The trial finally came to court
May, 1923 - U.S.

Mao Zedong-The Third Congress of the Communist Party
Tuesday Jun 12, 1923 - Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Marcus Garvey-The jurors found Garvey himself guilty
Monday Jun 18, 1923 - New York City, New York, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-The circulation of The Crisis had declined to 60,000
1923 - U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Du Bois described Garvey as "a little fat black man"
1923 - U.S.

Walt Disney-Moving To Hollywood
Jul, 1923 - Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to Hotel Pennsylvania
1923 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Mexican Revolution-Villa's Assassination
Friday Jul 20, 1923 - Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico

Heinrich Himmler-Joining The Nazi Party
1923 - Munich, Germany

Shimon Peres-Birth
Thursday Aug 2, 1923 - Wiszniew, Poland (now Vishnyeva, Belarus)

Gustav Stresemann-Becoming Chancellor and Foreign Minister
Monday Aug 13, 1923 - Wiemar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Chichen Itza-Excavation and restoration of Chichen Itza
1923 - Yucatán, Mexico

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was dismissed from the bank
Aug, 1923 - Cologne, Germany

Disasters with highest death tolls-1923 Great Kantō Earthquake
Tuesday Sep 11, 1923 at 02:58:00 AM - Japan

Albrecht Kossel-The Honorary Degree
1923 - Edinburgh, Scotland

Marcus Garvey-Judge Martin Manton awarded Garvey bail for $15,000
Sep, 1923 - U.S.

Gustav Stresemann-The passive resistance against the Occupation
Wednesday Sep 26, 1923 - Wiemar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Bank of America-Bank of America name first appeared
1923 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Walt Disney-Founding the Disney Brothers Studio
Tuesday Oct 16, 1923 - 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Envoy Extraordinary
1923 - Liberia

Francisco Franco-Marriage
Monday Oct 22, 1923 - Spain

Gustav Stresemann-Removing SPD/KPD governments
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Ottoman Empire-Republic of Turkey was established
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Turkey

Gustav Stresemann-Hyperinflation and a new currency
Nov, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Adolf Hitler-Bürgerbräukeller
Thursday Nov 8, 1923 - Munich, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Hitler's trial for treason began in the wake of his failed attempt to seize power
Thursday Nov 8, 1923 - Munich, Germany

Saturday Nov 10, 1923 - Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, Japan

Adolf Hitler-Arrested
Sunday Nov 11, 1923 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Stresemann's cabinet resignation
Nov, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Assuming the position as Foreign Minister
Friday Nov 30, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Winston Churchill-1923 United Kingdom general election
Thursday Dec 6, 1923 - United kingdom

Mother's Day-Protesting "Philadelphia"
1923 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Mother's Day-Mother's Day (Czech Republic)
1923 - Czech Republic

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini sent Italian forces to invade Corfu
1923 - Greece

Joseph Goebbels-Diary entries of mid-December 1923 forward show Goebbels was moving towards the Völkisch nationalist movement
Dec, 1923 - Rheydt, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels had a lack of income from his literary works
1923 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels began his diaries
1923 - Germany

Hirohito-Daisuke Namba attempted to assassinate Hirohito
Thursday Dec 27, 1923 - Tokyo, Japan