Great Depression - London Stock Exchange crashes
Time: Friday Sep 20, 1929
Place: London, England, United Kingdom
Details: The London Stock Exchange crashes after the collapse of Hatry Group on charges of fraud and forgery. £24 million in value is wiped out. The collapse shakes the confidence of American investors in the security of overseas investments.

Prince Charles-1st Marriage
Wednesday Jul 29, 1981 - St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was transferred by ambulance to St Bartholomew's Hospital to continue treatment for an infection
Monday Mar 1, 2021 - St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip underwent a successful procedure for his heart condition
Wednesday Mar 3, 2021 - London, England, United Kingdom

Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell enrolled at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London
1850 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Prince Charles birth
Sunday Nov 14, 1948 - London, United Kingdom

Marcus Garvey-Mohamed Ali began employing Garvey's services as a writer for the magazine
1914 - England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Casino Royale comic book was published
1958 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Daily Express approached Ian Fleming to adapt his stories into comic strips
1957 - London, England, United Kingdom

Irish War of Independence-Anglo-Irish Treaty
Tuesday Dec 6, 1921 - London, England, United Kingdom

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Succeeding The Queen
Jun, 2019 - London, England, U.K.

Apr, 2012 - London, England, U.K.

Richard Branson-Branson sold his Virgin Mobile company to NTL:Telewest
Tuesday Jul 4, 2006 - United Kingdom

James Bond-Never Dream of Dying was published
2001 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Never Send Flowers was published
Friday Jul 16, 1993 - United Kingdom

James Bond-Carte Blanche was published
Friday May 27, 2011 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-DoubleShot was published
Friday May 5, 2000 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Zero Minus Ten was published
1997 - United Kingdom

James Bond-The Facts of Death was published
Friday May 8, 1998 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Scorpius was published
Wednesday Jun 1, 1988 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-The Man from Barbarossa was published
1991 - United Kingdom

James Bond-The Man with the Red Tattoo was published
Friday May 3, 2002 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Cold was published
Friday May 3, 1996 - United Kingdom

James Bond-Death Is Forever was published
1992 - United Kingdom

James Bond-SeaFire was published
Aug, 1994 - United Kingdom

James Bond-Brokenclaw was published
Jul, 1990 - United Kingdom

James Bond-Win, Lose or Die was published
1989 - London, England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Trigger Mortis was published
Wednesday Sep 9, 2015 - London, England, United Kingdom

John Roger's death
Friday Feb 4, 1555 - London

Winston Churchill-End of the beginning
Tuesday Nov 10, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-The Earth shot Prize
Dec, 2019 - London, England, U.K.

International Monetary Fund-UK called to pledge £150 billion to the IMF catastrophe relief fund
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020 - England, United Kingdom

April Fools' Day-Nun's Priest's Tale
1390s - England

Bicycle-Safety Bicycle
1885 - London, England, U.K.

Internet-International Packet Switched Service (IPSS)
1978 - United Kingdom and U.S.

Symbian OS-67% of the global smartphone market share
2006 - Southwark, London, United Kingdom

Symbian OS-S60
Nov, 2001 - Southwark, London, United Kingdom

Symbian OS-Symbian Ltd.
1998 - Southwark, London, United Kingdom

Symbian OS-Difficult to develop
2000s - Southwark, London, United Kingdom

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-RCOG
Feb, 2018 - London, England, U.K.

Angelina Jolie-A Private Ceremony
Oct, 2014 - London, England, U.K.

Henry James Pye Birth
Saturday Feb 20, 1745 - London

Coverture-The Common Law
19th Century - England

Diego Maradona-Maradona was chosen number 1 in The Greatest 10 World Cup players of all time
Monday Mar 22, 2010 - London, England, United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-The QUEEN's sister married to a divorced man (even though the innocent party) would be irrevocably disqualified from playing her part in the essential royal function
Wednesday Oct 26, 1955 - London, England, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was asked to tone down his attacks on Pétain
Oct, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-Britain would fund the Free French, with the bill to be settled after the war
Wednesday Aug 7, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth engagement to Prince Philip
Wednesday Jul 9, 1947 - London, United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Daily Express published an editorial demanding that Buckingham Palace confirm or deny the rumors
Saturday May 21, 1955 - London, England, United Kingdom

Falklands War-Leach sent orders to a Royal Navy force carrying out exercises
Thursday Apr 1, 1982 - United Kingdom

Albrecht Kossel-The Celebration
Apr, 1927 - London, England, U.K.

Severo Ochoa-Postdoctoral study at the London
1932 - London, England, United Kingdom

Angelina Jolie-A Visiting Professor
May, 2016 - London, England, United Kingdom

Bernard Arnault-Investments
1990s - London, England, U.K.

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth II attended Commonwealth Conference
1960 - London, United Kingdom

Angelina Jolie-An Honorary Dame Commander
Jun, 2014 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth addressed the UN General Assembly
2010 - London, United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher-She retired From The parliamentarian
Thursday Apr 9, 1992 - London, England

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Emergency COBRA meeting
Friday Jan 24, 2020 - London, United Kingdom

Prince William-Early statement
1989 - London, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle escaped to London
Monday Jun 17, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Prince Philip's death
Friday Apr 9, 2021 - London, United Kingdom

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-The Convention of London of 1840
Wednesday Jul 15, 1840 - London, United Kingdom

Mozart-Mozart meets J. C. Bach
1764 - London, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-The financial agreement between France and London after the war
Mar, 1941 - London, England, United Kingdom

Ellie Goulding-Marylebone Project
Thursday Dec 24, 2015 - London, United Kingdom

Jacinda Ardern-A toast to the Commonwealth
Friday Apr 20, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth undertook her first appearance
1943 - London, United Kingdom

Robin Williams-Singing for charity
Dec, 1999 - London, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's Appeal to continue to resist the occupation of France
Tuesday Jun 18, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Magdi Yacoub-Senior Surgical Registrar
1964 - London, England

Tony Blair-Blair the Leader of Opposition
Tuesday Jul 12, 1994 - England

Black History Month-Black History Month was first celebrated United Kingdom
Oct, 1987 - United Kingdom

Joseph Mallord Birth
Sunday Apr 23, 1775 - Covent Garden

April Fools' Day-"see the Lions washed"
Tuesday Apr 1, 1698 - London, England

The palace of Westminster England-Fenian bombs
Saturday Jan 24, 1885 - London, England, United Kingdom

Ellie Goulding-Winning Brit award
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014 - London, United Kingdom

Valentine's Day-A Farewell To Love by Charles, the Duke of Orléans
1415 - Tower of London, London, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Military Cross
1916 - United Kingdom

Heysel Stadium Events-Extradited and formally charged with manslaughter
Feb, 1987 - London, England, United Kingdom

Valentine's Day-Chaucer's poetry about "Valentine's Day"
1382 - Londen, United Kingdom

Joshua Barnes Birth
Saturday Jan 10, 1654 - London

Elizabeth Woodville-Retired
Saturday Feb 12, 1487 - London, England, United Kingdom

Elizabeth Woodville-Death
Wednesday Jun 8, 1492 - London, England, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle denied the legitimacy of the government at Bordeaux
Wednesday Jun 19, 1940 - London

Princess Diana-Second Baby
Saturday Sep 15, 1984 - London, England, United Kingdom

Princess Diana-Engagement
Tuesday Feb 24, 1981 - London, England, United Kingdom

April Fools' Day-Pranks (U.K.)
1957 - London, U.K.

Akio Morita-The First Japanese To Receive The Albert Medal
1982 - London, England

William Blake Birth
Monday Nov 28, 1757 - London

Charles de Gaulle-Jean Monnet broke with de Gaulle
Sunday Jun 23, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Magdi Yacoub-Moving to United Kingdom
1962 - United Kingdom

Richard Branson-Virgin purchased the gay nightclub "Heaven"
1982 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth's second son separated of his wife
Mar, 1992 - London, United Kingdom

Ben Jonson Birth
Sunday Jun 11, 1572 - London

Freddie Mercury-Hold On
1987 - England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth appointed as an honorary second subaltern
Feb, 1945 - London, United Kingdom

Valentine's Day-The publishment of The Young Man's Valentine Writer
1797 - London, United Kingdom

Prince William-Hosting World Cup Attempt
Dec, 2010 - London, United Kingdom

Freddie Mercury-Love Kills
Sep, 1984 - London, England, Unted Kingdom

Richard Branson-Branson was questioned in connection with the selling of records declared export stock
1971 - London, England, United Kingdom
On This Day - 20 September

The Wright brothers-The First complete circle in history
Tuesday Sep 20, 1904 - U.S.

Josip Broz Tito-Returned to his homeland
Monday Sep 20, 1920 - Vienna, Austria-Hungary

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-The Liberal Alliance Launched Their Candidates For The Presidential Elections
Friday Sep 20, 1929 - Brazil

World War II-Moscow Armistice
Wednesday Sep 20, 1944 - Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Algerian War-Granted French citizenship to all Algerian subjects
Saturday Sep 20, 1947 - Algeria

Neil Armstrong-Announcing the Crew assignments for Gemini 8
Monday Sep 20, 1965 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-Two for the Road
Wednesday Sep 20, 1967 - U.S.

The Beatles-Lennon Announced His Departure
Saturday Sep 20, 1969 - England

Apple Inc.-Macintosh Portable
Wednesday Sep 20, 1989 - U.S.

Bosnian War-The JNA transferred troops to the front at Vukovar
Friday Sep 20, 1991 - Vokovar, Croatia

Xanana Gusmão-International Peace-Keeping Force (INTERFET) Entered East Timor
Monday Sep 20, 1999 - Timor-Leste

Dwayne Johnson-The Rock 'n' Sock Connection won back
Monday Sep 20, 1999 - Houston, Texas, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Domestic Reactions
Thursday Sep 20, 2001 - United States Capitol, Washington D.C., U.S.

Jacinda Ardern-Auckland Central 2014 general election
Saturday Sep 20, 2014 - Auckland Central, Auckland, New Zealand

MacOS-MacOS 10.12 Sierra
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016 - Cupertino, California, U.S.

OnePlus-OnePlus first collaboration
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017 - Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Benedict Schultheiss Birth
Saturday Sep 20, 1653 - Nuremberg

Prince Charlie escaped to France
Tuesday Sep 20, 1746 - France

Pierre Verdier's death
Monday Sep 20, 1706 - Sweden
20 September 1929

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-The Liberal Alliance Launched Their Candidates For The Presidential Elections
Friday Sep 20, 1929 - Brazil
September 1929

Martin Bormann-Marriage
Monday Sep 2, 1929 - Germany

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-The Liberal Alliance Launched Their Candidates For The Presidential Elections
Friday Sep 20, 1929 - Brazil

Marcus Garvey-People's Political Party
Sep, 1929 - Kingston, Jamaica

Mao Zedong-Mao and Zhu evacuated The Base
Jan, 1929 - Jiangxi, China

BMW-BMW became an automobile manufacturer
1929 - Munich, Germany

Louis Armstrong-Returned to New York
1929 - New York, U.S.

Franklin D. Roosevelt-A Governor
Tuesday Jan 1, 1929 - New York, U.S.

Brunei revolt-Discovering Oil
1929 - Seria, Brunei

Ho Chi Minh-Leaving Thailand
1929 - Thailand

Marie Curie-Her Second American Tour
1929 - U.S.

Statue of Liberty-The only successful Suicide
1929 - New York, U.S.

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-Washington Luís Indicated Júlio Prestes To be His Successor
1929 - Brazil

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-The Greatest sign of wear of the Old Republic
1929 - Brazil

Great Depression-Surplus
Jan, 1929 - U.S.

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Divorce and early romance
1929 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Thirty soldiers died
1929 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Pétain did not used de Gaulle's draft text
1929 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle wanted a teaching post at the École de Guerre
1929 - France

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower served as executive officer to General George V. Moseley
1929 - U.S.

Edward VIII-Queen Elizabeth
1929 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-A Three-day visit to the County Durham and Northumberland coalfields
1929 - County Durham and Northumberland coalfields, England, United Kingdom

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini signed a concordat and treaty with the Roman Catholic Church
Monday Feb 11, 1929 - Italy

Great Depression-Mini-stock market crash occurs
Monday Mar 25, 1929 - U.S.

Hot Dog-Skinner's Restaurant
1929 - Lockport, Manitoba, Canada

Eiffel Tower-A bust of Gustave Eiffel by Antoine Bourdelle was unveiled
Thursday May 2, 1929 - Paris, France

Audrey Hepburn-Birth
Saturday May 4, 1929 - Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium

Great Depression-Uninterrupted gains
May, 1929 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Winston Churchill-Churchill retained his Epping seat
Thursday May 30, 1929 - England, United Kingdom

Anna May Wong-Piccadilly
Saturday Jun 1, 1929 - United Kingdom

Great Depression-Federal Reserve continues with its plan to raise interest rates
1929 - Eccles Building, Washington D.C., U.S.

Great Depression-Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929
Saturday Jun 15, 1929 - U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Debate with Lothrop Stoddard
1929 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

Library of Congress-Congressman Ross Collins of Mississippi successfully proposed the $1.5 million purchase of Otto Vollbehr's collection of incunabula
1929 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Severo Ochoa-Otto Meyerhof's laboratory
1929 - Dahlem, Berlin, Germany

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-Forming The Liberal Alliance
Aug, 1929 - Brazil

Great Depression-Minor recession begins
Aug, 1929 - U.S.

Martin Bormann-Marriage
Monday Sep 2, 1929 - Germany

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-The Liberal Alliance Launched Their Candidates For The Presidential Elections
Friday Sep 20, 1929 - Brazil

Marcus Garvey-People's Political Party
Sep, 1929 - Kingston, Jamaica

Gustav Stresemann-Stresemann's death
Thursday Oct 3, 1929 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Bank of America-The Bank had 453 banking offices in California
1929 - California, U.S.

Adolf Hitler-U.S. Stock Market crashed
Thursday Oct 24, 1929 - Germany

New York Stock Exchange-Black Thursday crash
Thursday Oct 24, 1929 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Great Depression-Wall Street Crash of 1929 begins
Thursday Oct 24, 1929 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Kroger-Safeway may be merge with Kroger
1929 - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Great Depression-Brief recovery
Sunday Oct 27, 1929 - U.S.

Great Depression-Black Tuesday
Tuesday Oct 29, 1929 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Great Depression-One day recovery
Wednesday Oct 30, 1929 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Great Depression-Federal Reserve begins lowering the discount rate
Friday Nov 1, 1929 - Eccles Building, Washington D.C., U.S.

Great Depression-Stock market bottoms out at 198.60
Wednesday Nov 13, 1929 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Adolf Hitler-German referendum
Sunday Dec 22, 1929 - Germany

Benito Mussolini-The 1929 treaty
1929 - Italy

Salvador Dali-Thrown out
Saturday Dec 28, 1929 - Cadaqués, Catalonia, Spain

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-The Indian Flag in Lahore
Tuesday Dec 31, 1929 - Lahore, Pakistan