Francisco Franco - Marriage
Time: Monday Oct 22, 1923
Place: Spain
Details: On 22 October 1923, Franco married María del Carmen Polo y Martínez-Valdès.

Sofia Kenin-First career top-ten victory
Friday Jun 22, 2018 - Mallorca, Spain

Pablo Picasso-Education
1897 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Various groups of officers got together to begin discussing the prospect of a coup
1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-French government declared that it would not send military aid
Monday Jul 27, 1936 - Spain

Carlos III Birth
Monday Jan 20, 1716 - Madrid

Spanish Civil War-Pro-Republican rally of 20,000 people confronted Blum
Saturday Aug 1, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-War in the North
Mar, 1937 - Spain

Bernard Arnault-Loewe
1996 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco proclaimed victory in a radio speech
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-The Republican government under Giral resigned
Friday Sep 4, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-The rebels failed to take any major cities
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-General Dámaso Berenguer
Sunday Apr 12, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Two government collapses
1934 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Unsuccessful Attempt
Jan, 1937 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-The provisional government
Apr, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Blum government provided aircraft to the Republicans
Friday Aug 7, 1936 - Spain

Félix Lpez Birth
Sunday Nov 18, 1742 - Madrid

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists occupied all Spanish territory
Friday Mar 31, 1939 - Spain

NATO Establishment-The Joining of Spain
1982 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Second Spanish Republic
Tuesday Apr 14, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Flu-The Flu Endpoint
1919 - Worldwide

Spanish Civil War-King Amadeo I of the House of Savoy
1873 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Manuel Azaña became prime minister of a minority government
Oct, 1931 - Spain

First Japanese Embassy to Europe
Friday Jan 30, 1615 - Madrid

Spanish Civil War-Casares Quiroga refused an offer of help from the CNT and Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT)
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spain was neutral in World War I
Saturday Jul 28, 1917 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Franco feared an immediate French intervention against a potential Nationalist victory in Spain
1938 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-1933 Spanish general election
Sunday Nov 19, 1933 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Popular uprisings led to the overthrow of Queen Isabella II
1868 - Spain

Simón Bolívar-Marriage
1802 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Falangists in Madrid killed police officer Lieutenant José Castillo of the Guardia de Asalto
Sunday Jul 12, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Flu-Struggling Against the Flu
1918 - Worldwide

Spanish Civil War-German involvement began days after fighting broke out
Jul, 1936 - Spain

Inca Empire-Royal approval
1529 - Spain

Simón Bolívar-Bolívar was sent to Spain to follow his military studies in Madrid
1800 - Madrid, Spain

Mona Lisa-"Woman by Leonardo da Vinci's hand" restoration
2012 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-An Incident
May, 1931 - Spain

Juan Carlos I-Church Ceremony
Tuesday Nov 25, 1975 - The Church of San Jerónimo el Real in Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon entered Madrid
Sunday Dec 4, 1808 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spanish Constitution of 1812
Thursday Mar 19, 1812 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Military coup brought Miguel Primo de Rivera
1923 - Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon appointed his brother as the new King of Spain
Monday Jun 6, 1808 - Spain

Kaká-To Madrid
Monday Jun 8, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Moving To Real Madrid
Tuesday Jul 10, 2001 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Government tried to assist rural Spain by instituting an eight-hour day and redistributing land tenure to farm workers
1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Spanish Constitution of 1931
Wednesday Dec 9, 1931 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Black two years
Nov, 1933 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Francoist troops launched a major offensive toward Madrid
Sunday Nov 8, 1936 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Prime Minister Casares Quiroga met General Juan Yagüe
Friday Jun 12, 1936 - Spain

Francesco Totti-Win against Real Madrid
Wednesday Oct 30, 2002 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Real Madrid Castilla
Jun, 2014 - Madrid, Spain

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Pact of Madrid
Wednesday Sep 23, 1953 - Madrid, Spain

Roman Empire-Augustus completed the conquest of Hispania
19 BC - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Retirement
Sunday May 7, 2006 - Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-The French arrived in Madrid
Thursday Mar 24, 1808 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-Spanish Citizenship
Thursday May 26, 2005 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-United Kingdom and France recognized the Franco regime
Sunday Feb 27, 1938 - Spain

Kaká-Supercopa de España
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Pact of Madrid
Wednesday Sep 23, 1953 - Madrid, Spain

World War II-Spanish Civil War ended
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 at 09 PM - Spain

International Monetary Fund-Former IMF Managing Director Rodrigo Rato was arrested
Thursday Apr 16, 2015 - Madrid, Spain

Napoleon-Napoleon announced that he would intervene to mediate between the rival political factions in the country
Tuesday Feb 16, 1808 - Spain

Kaká-Left knee injury
Thursday Aug 5, 2010 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-There were harsh reprisals against Franco's former enemies
1939 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Restoration of the Bourbons
Tuesday Dec 29, 1874 - Spain

Severo Ochoa-Spanish science policy authorities
1985 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Nationalists started a general offensive
Sunday Mar 26, 1939 - Spain

Spanish Civil War-Popular front alliance was organised
Jan, 1936 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-The Manager of Real Madrid
Monday Jan 4, 2016 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Madrid fell to the Nationalists
Tuesday Mar 28, 1939 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Iliotibial band syndrome
Mar, 2011 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Getting married
1932 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-First goal for Madrid
Wednesday Aug 19, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Flu-The "Spanish" Flu
May, 1918 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Ochowa's death
Monday Nov 1, 1993 - Madrid, Spain

Joanna Brith "Princess of Portugal"
Monday Jun 24, 1535 - Madrid

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-The Spanish High Court Sentenced Abu Dahdah
Monday Sep 26, 2005 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-League Debut
Saturday Aug 29, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Returning to Madrid
1933 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Spanish Civil War
1935 - Madrid, Spain

Francisco Franco-Victory was proclaimed
Saturday Apr 1, 1939 - Spain

FIFA World Cup-First Expansion
Tuesday Jul 13, 1982 - Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Real Madrid's New sporting director
Jul, 2011 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Biochemistry career beginning
1927 - Madrid, Spain

Zinedine Zidane-Assistant Coach
2013 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Franco gives full control to Juan Carlos
Thursday Oct 30, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-MD thesis research
1930 - Madrid, Spain

Spanish Civil War-Peace deal
Sunday Mar 5, 1939 - Spain

Francisco Franco-Death
Thursday Nov 20, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Kaká-Real Madrid Player
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-The Spanish Parliament ratifie on Juan as The Prince of Spain
Tuesday Jul 22, 1969 - Madrid, Spain

Juan Carlos I-Juan Carlos King of Spain
Saturday Nov 22, 1975 - Madrid, Spain

Amancio Ortega-Torre Picasso
Dec, 2011 - Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Isolating creatinine
1920s - Madrid, Spain

Severo Ochoa-Joining University of Madrid
1923 - Madrid, Spain

Diego Maradona-Three-day World Cup of Indoor Football tournament
Sep, 2006 - Spain

Lionel Messi-All-time top scorer in El Clásico
Sunday Mar 23, 2014 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-First Clásico
Saturday Nov 19, 2005 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-Team's greatest-ever score at Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
Saturday May 2, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Lionel Messi-Champions league Clásico
Wednesday Apr 27, 2011 - Madrid, Spain
On This Day - 22 October

Roman Empire-Valerian's first act as emperor
Saturday Oct 22, 253 - Rome

Incandescent light bulb-Edison's first Successful Test
Wednesday Oct 22, 1879 - New Jersey, U.S.

Xinhai Revolution-Shaanxi Uprising
Sunday Oct 22, 1911 - Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

Xinhai Revolution-Changsha Restoration
Sunday Oct 22, 1911 - Changsha, Hunan, China

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Resurrect MEFESZ Student Union
Monday Oct 22, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Sir Hugh Mackintosh Foot replaced Sir John Harding as the British Governor of Cyprus
Tuesday Oct 22, 1957 - Cyprus

Cuban Missile Crisis-Kennedy announced the missles' discovery
Monday Oct 22, 1962 at 07 PM - Cuba

Iranian Revolution-The death of Mostafa Khomeini
Saturday Oct 22, 1977 - Najaf, Iraq

Pope John Paul II-A Pope
Sunday Oct 22, 1978 - Vatican City

Garry Kasparov-Deep Thought
Sunday Oct 22, 1989 - Russia

Disasters with highest death tolls-Hurricane Mitch
Thursday Oct 22, 1998 - Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico

Dwayne Johnson-No Mercy (2000)
Sunday Oct 22, 2000 - Albany, New York, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-The Rock Teamed with Jericho
Monday Oct 22, 2001 - Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.

Google LLC-Google Was then reincorporated
Tuesday Oct 22, 2002 - Delaware, U.S.

Microsoft-Window 7
Thursday Oct 22, 2009 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

Robin Williams-Third Marriage
Saturday Oct 22, 2011 - Sea Cliff, San Francisco, California, U.S.

MacOS-OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013 - Cupertino, California, U.S.

Lady Gaga-The second Artpop single
Tuesday Oct 22, 2013 - Record Plant, Hollywood, California, U.S.

Justin Trudeau-Would end Canada's airstrike mission against ISIS
Thursday Oct 22, 2015 - Canada

Lady Gaga-Joanne album
Saturday Oct 22, 2016 - U.S, United Kingdom and Australia

Cloudesley Shovell's death
Saturday Oct 22, 1707 - Scilly Naval

Portuguese interregnum
Wednesday Oct 22, 1383 - Portugal
October 1923

Walt Disney-Founding the Disney Brothers Studio
Tuesday Oct 16, 1923 - 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California, U.S.

Gustav Stresemann-Removing SPD/KPD governments
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Ottoman Empire-Republic of Turkey was established
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Turkey

BMW-First successful motorcycle after the failed Helios and Flink
1923 - Munich, Germany

Hirohito-The Rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the army
1923 - Tokyo, Japan

Chinese Civil War-Membership base
1923 - China

Harry S. Truman-County Court judge
1923 - Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.

Marie Curie-She Wrote a Biography of Her Late Husband
1923 - Paris, France

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Foundation of the Republic of Turkey
1923 - Turkey

Irish War of Independence-Irish Civil War Ended
1923 - Ireland

Weimar Republic-The government defaulted on some payments
1923 - Germany

Ho Chi Minh-Quốc (Ho) left Paris for Moscow
1923 - Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Winston Churchill-Churchill spent much of the next six months at the Villa Rêve d'Or
1923 - Cannes, France

League of Nations-Klaipėda Revolt
Jan, 1923 - Klaipėda, Lithuania

New York Stock Exchange-Poor's Publishing introduced their "Composite Index"
1923 - U.S.

Vladimir Lenin-Retirement
Thursday Jan 4, 1923 - U.S.S.R.

Weimar Republic-French and Belgian occupied the Ruhr region
1923 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Bank clerk in Cologne
1923 - Cologne, Germany

Treaty of Versailles- American forces were withdrawn from the Rhineland
Wednesday Jan 24, 1923 - Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Chinese Civil War-Joint statement by Sun and Soviet representative Adolph Joffe in Shanghai pledged Soviet assistance to China's unification
Friday Jan 26, 1923 - China

Donald Trump-E. Trump & Son
1923 - Queens and Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Irish War of Independence-British were detaining 263 men on Argenta, which was moored in Belfast Lough
Feb, 1923 - Belfast, Northern Ireland

Spanish Civil War-Military coup brought Miguel Primo de Rivera
1923 - Spain

Weimar Republic-Gustav Stresemann was appointed Chancellor of Germany
1923 - Germany

Louis Armstrong-His first studio recordings were with Oliver for Gennett Records on April 5–6, 1923.
Thursday Apr 5, 1923 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

Marcus Garvey-The trial finally came to court
May, 1923 - U.S.

Mao Zedong-The Third Congress of the Communist Party
Tuesday Jun 12, 1923 - Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Marcus Garvey-The jurors found Garvey himself guilty
Monday Jun 18, 1923 - New York City, New York, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-The circulation of The Crisis had declined to 60,000
1923 - U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Du Bois described Garvey as "a little fat black man"
1923 - U.S.

Walt Disney-Moving To Hollywood
Jul, 1923 - Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to Hotel Pennsylvania
1923 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Mexican Revolution-Villa's Assassination
Friday Jul 20, 1923 - Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico

Heinrich Himmler-Joining The Nazi Party
1923 - Munich, Germany

Shimon Peres-Birth
Thursday Aug 2, 1923 - Wiszniew, Poland (now Vishnyeva, Belarus)

Gustav Stresemann-Becoming Chancellor and Foreign Minister
Monday Aug 13, 1923 - Wiemar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Chichen Itza-Excavation and restoration of Chichen Itza
1923 - Yucatán, Mexico

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was dismissed from the bank
Aug, 1923 - Cologne, Germany

Disasters with highest death tolls-1923 Great Kantō Earthquake
Tuesday Sep 11, 1923 at 02:58:00 AM - Japan

Severo Ochoa-Joining University of Madrid
1923 - Madrid, Spain

Albrecht Kossel-The Honorary Degree
1923 - Edinburgh, Scotland

Marcus Garvey-Judge Martin Manton awarded Garvey bail for $15,000
Sep, 1923 - U.S.

Gustav Stresemann-The passive resistance against the Occupation
Wednesday Sep 26, 1923 - Wiemar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Bank of America-Bank of America name first appeared
1923 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Walt Disney-Founding the Disney Brothers Studio
Tuesday Oct 16, 1923 - 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Envoy Extraordinary
1923 - Liberia

Gustav Stresemann-Removing SPD/KPD governments
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Ottoman Empire-Republic of Turkey was established
Monday Oct 29, 1923 - Turkey

Gustav Stresemann-Hyperinflation and a new currency
Nov, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Adolf Hitler-Bürgerbräukeller
Thursday Nov 8, 1923 - Munich, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Hitler's trial for treason began in the wake of his failed attempt to seize power
Thursday Nov 8, 1923 - Munich, Germany

Saturday Nov 10, 1923 - Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, Japan

Adolf Hitler-Arrested
Sunday Nov 11, 1923 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Stresemann's cabinet resignation
Nov, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Assuming the position as Foreign Minister
Friday Nov 30, 1923 - Weimar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Winston Churchill-1923 United Kingdom general election
Thursday Dec 6, 1923 - United kingdom

Mother's Day-Protesting "Philadelphia"
1923 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Mother's Day-Mother's Day (Czech Republic)
1923 - Czech Republic

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini sent Italian forces to invade Corfu
1923 - Greece

Joseph Goebbels-Diary entries of mid-December 1923 forward show Goebbels was moving towards the Völkisch nationalist movement
Dec, 1923 - Rheydt, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels had a lack of income from his literary works
1923 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels began his diaries
1923 - Germany

Hirohito-Daisuke Namba attempted to assassinate Hirohito
Thursday Dec 27, 1923 - Tokyo, Japan