Vietnam War - Military Deaths In 1965
Time: 1965
Place: Vietnam
Details: In 1965, 1928 Americans and 11242 Vietnamese were killed.
Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1960
1960 - Vietnam
Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1974
1974 - Vietnam
Vietnam War-35,000 NVA troops were poised to attack the suburbs
Friday Mar 28, 1975 - South Vietnam
Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1972
1972 - Vietnam
Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1962
1962 - Vietnam
Xanana Gusmão-1st Marriage
1965 - Timor-Leste
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Joining the Muslim Brotherhood
1965 - Cairo, Egypt
Che Guevara-To Congo
1965 - Congo
Mobile Phones-IMTS
1965 - New York, U.S.
Communist insurgency in Sarawak-Federal Government had built three permanent settlements
1965 - Sarawak, Malaysia