Napoleon - Napoleon's remains
Time: 1861
Place: Les Invalides, Paris, France
Details: In 1861, Napoleon's remains were entombed in a porphyry stone sarcophagus in the crypt under the dome at Les Invalides.
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle wanted a teaching post at the École de Guerre
1929 - France
United Nations-Paris Peace Conference
Saturday Jan 18, 1919 - Paris, France
World War II-Paris Peace Conference
Saturday Jan 18, 1919 - Paris, France
1785 - École Militaire, Paris, France
Napoleon-Napoleon was admitted to the École Militaire
1784 - École Militaire, Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle studied at the École de Guerre
Oct, 1924 - France
Great Wall of China-Great Wall of China was designated by UNESCO
1987 - Paris, France
United Nations-Ronald Reagan withdrew his nation's funding from (UNESCO)
1984 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-Elections new Constituent Assembly in France
Oct, 1945 - France
Martial arts-UNESCO inscribed Taekkyon onto its Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List
Tuesday Nov 29, 2011 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's economic system caused economic growth in France
1962 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle dissolved the National Assembly
Thursday Oct 4, 1962 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle became Prime Minister
Sunday Jun 1, 1958 - France
Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle head of state
Jan, 1959 - France and Andorra
Charles de Gaulle-Elections new Constituent Assembly result
Oct, 1945 - France
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle head of the government
Tuesday Nov 13, 1945 - France
Charles de Gaulle-The Provisional Government of the French Republic
Sunday Sep 10, 1944 - France
W. E. B. Du Bois-Paris Exhibition of 1900
Saturday Apr 14, 1900 - Grand Palais, Petit Palais, Paris Métro in Paris, France
The Holocaust-Polish Jew shot the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in the German Embassy in Paris
Monday Nov 7, 1938 - Paris, France
The Holocaust-Ernst vom Rath died
Wednesday Nov 9, 1938 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-Temporarily became the richest man in the world
Monday May 24, 2021 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-LVMH has grown to become the largest company by market capitalization in the Eurozone
May, 2021 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-Tiffany and LVMH agreed to the original takeover plan
Oct, 2020 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-LVMH completed the purchase of Tiffany
Jan, 2021 - Paris, France
Bernard Arnault-Christian Dior
1984 - Avenue Montaigne, Paris, France
Falklands War-Conqueror
Sunday Apr 4, 1982 - France
Charles de Gaulle-General Charles de Gaulle and his entourage set off service of thanksgiving following the city's liberation
Aug, 1944 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Hundred Days
Monday Mar 20, 1815 - Paris, France
World War II-Paris is free
Saturday Aug 26, 1944 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-The bedroom of Napoleon
1821 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Napoleon abdicated on 22 June in favor of his son
Thursday Jun 22, 1815 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Napoleon II
Wednesday Mar 20, 1811 - Paris, France
Christine Lagarde-Birth
Sunday Jan 1, 1956 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-Germany and France signed a treaty of friendship
Jan, 1963 - Paris, France
Igor Stravinsky-The Stravinskys became French Citizens
1934 - Paris, France
Nikola Tesla-Tesla traveled to the 1889 Exposition Universelle in Paris
1889 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The south pillar was fitted with an electrically driven Otis lift to serve the Jules Verne restaurant
1983 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-1900 Exposition Universelle
1900 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Secret agreement
1967 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The tower was closed to the public during the occupation and the lifts were not repaired
Jun, 1940 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Eiffel was to be dismantled
1909 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Start of construction on the second stage
Tuesday May 15, 1888 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Countdown to the Year 2000
Friday Dec 31, 1999 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Construction of the legs with scaffolding
Wednesday Dec 7, 1887 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Franz Reichelt died after jumping from the first level of the tower
Sunday Feb 4, 1912 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The tower received its 200,000,000th guest on 28 November 2002
Thursday Nov 28, 2002 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The con artist Victor Lustig "sold" the tower for scrap metal
1925 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Eiffel Tower was officially declared to be a historical monument
1964 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Decorative arcade around the first level was removed
1938 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Tricolour up again
Friday Aug 25, 1944 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Construction of the cupola
Friday Mar 15, 1889 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Completion of the first level
Tuesday Mar 20, 1888 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Thierry Devaux performed a series of acrobatic figures while bungee jumping from the second floor of the tower
Sunday Oct 27, 1991 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Eiffel Tower began hosting a seasonal ice rink on the first level
2004 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The tower has operated at its maximum capacity of about 7 million visitors
2003 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The original lifts between the second and third levels were replaced after 97 years in service
1982 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Father Theodor Wulf measured radiant energy at the top and bottom of the tower
1910 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Lifts entered sevice
Sunday May 26, 1889 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Completion of the second level
Tuesday Aug 21, 1888 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Work on the foundations started
Friday Jan 28, 1887 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-The lights sparkled blue for several nights to herald the new millennium
Sunday Dec 31, 2000 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-An improved 180-line transmitter was installed
Sunday Nov 17, 1935 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Damage of the top of the tower
Tuesday Jan 3, 1956 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Illuminated signs for Citroën adorned three of the tower's sides
1925 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Robert Moriarty flew a Beechcraft Bonanza under the tower
Saturday Mar 31, 1984 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-A glass floor was installed on the first level during the 2014 refurbishment.
2014 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Construction of the upper stage
Wednesday Dec 26, 1888 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Leon Collet was killed trying to fly under the tower
Feb, 1926 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-A.J. Hackett made one of his first bungee jumps from the top of the Eiffel Tower
1987 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Alberto Santos-Dumont, flying his No.6 airship, won a 100,000-franc prize
Saturday Oct 19, 1901 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Opened to public
Monday May 6, 1889 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Von Choltitz disobeyed the order
Aug, 1944 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-Additional lift system was installed
1965 - Paris, France
Eiffel Tower-A bust of Gustave Eiffel by Antoine Bourdelle was unveiled
Thursday May 2, 1929 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Bonaparte was elected a member of the French Academy of Sciences
May, 1798 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Description de l'Égypte
1809 - France
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle wrote an essay imagining
1905 - France
Algerian War-The Évian Accords
Sunday Apr 8, 1962 - France
1973 oil crisis-International Energy Agency was formed
Nov, 1974 - Paris, France
Tuesday Dec 15, 1840 - Paris, France
World War II-Surrender of Paris
Friday Jun 14, 1940 - Paris, France
NATO Establishment-The Withdrawal of France From NATO's Military Structure
1966 - France
Alfred Nobel-Nobel signed his last will
Wednesday Nov 27, 1895 - Paris, France
Francesco Totti-ESM European Golden Shoe award
Sunday Jun 17, 2007 - Paris, France
United Nations-Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Friday Dec 10, 1948 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-The vessel shattered against the glass enclosure
Sunday Aug 2, 2009 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Conspiration des poignards
Friday Oct 10, 1800 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle-Pétain did not used de Gaulle's draft text
1929 - France
Libraries-Bibliothèque Mazarine
1643 - Paris, France
World Bank-First country to receive a World Bank loan
Friday May 9, 1947 - France
Christine Lagarde-Graduated
1973 - Paris, France
Napoleon-Alexander addressed the Sénat conservateur
Friday Apr 1, 1814 - Luxembourg Palace, Paris, France
Napoleon-Acte de déchéance de l'Empereur
Saturday Apr 2, 1814 - Luxembourg Palace, Paris, France
Mona Lisa-9.3 million people visited the Louvre
2014 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-The first and most extensive recorded cleaning
1809 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-Salle des États
Wednesday Apr 6, 2005 - Paris, France
Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo
Nov, 2019 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-The painting has been temporarily moved to accommodate renovations to the Louvre on three occasions
1992 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-On the 500th anniversary of the master's death
Thursday Oct 24, 2019 - Paris, France
Mona Lisa-A new insect infestation was discovered in the back of the panel
1977 - Paris, France
Xinhai Revolution-The Self-Strengthening Movement
1861 - China
1905 Russian Revolution-Emancipation reform
1861 - Russian Empire
Unification of Italy-Count Cavour provided critical leadership
1861 - Italy
Unification of Italy-The depictions of southern Italy
1861 - Italy
Abraham Lincoln-Secessionists implemented plans to leave the Union before he took office
1861 - U.S.
USA civil war-General Winfield Scott had devised the Anaconda Plan
Jan, 1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln-Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas followed
Saturday Feb 2, 1861 - U.S.
USA civil war-A pre-war February Peace Conference of 1861 met in Washington
Monday Feb 4, 1861 - Washington, United States
Abraham Lincoln-Confederate States of America
Saturday Feb 9, 1861 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-The Confederacy selected Jefferson Davis
Sunday Feb 10, 1861 - The Confederacy (Present Day U.S.)
Unification of Italy-Victor Emmanuel assembled the deputies of the first Italian Parliament
Monday Feb 18, 1861 - Italy
USA civil war-The primary Confederate force in the Eastern theater
Wednesday Feb 20, 1861 - Virginia, United States
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln arrived in disguise in Washington, D.C.
Sunday Feb 24, 1861 - Washington D.C., U.S.
USA civil war-Eastern Theater of the American Civil War
1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln-Corwin Amendment
Sunday Mar 3, 1861 - U.S.
USA civil war-Abraham Lincoln was president of the United States
Monday Mar 4, 1861 - U.S
USA civil war-Lincoln's Inaugurations
Monday Mar 4, 1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln-A President
Monday Mar 4, 1861 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address
Tuesday Mar 5, 1861 - U.S.
Unification of Italy-Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy
Sunday Mar 17, 1861 - Rome, Italy
Unification of Italy-The Parliament proclaimed Victor Emmanuel King of Italy
Sunday Mar 17, 1861 - Italy
Unification of Italy-Rome was declared Capital of Italy
Wednesday Mar 27, 1861 - Rome, Italy
USA civil war-Rejection of joined the Confederacy
Thursday Apr 4, 1861 - U.S
USA civil war-Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America for almost the whole of the American Civil War
Friday Apr 12, 1861 - U.S
USA civil war-Battle of Fort Sumter
1861 - U.S
Elizabeth Blackwell-American Civil War broke out
Saturday Apr 13, 1861 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-Civil War Begin
Saturday Apr 13, 1861 - Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.
USA civil war-Invitations to recapture the fort and other federal properties
Monday Apr 15, 1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln called on the states to send detachments totaling 75,000 troops
Monday Apr 15, 1861 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-Baltimore riot of 1861
Friday Apr 19, 1861 - Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Unification of Italy-Cavour died unexpectedly
Jun, 1861 - Italy
Memorial day-First civil war grave decorated
Monday Jun 3, 1861 - Warrenton, Virginia, U.S.
Library of Congress-Abraham Lincoln appointed John G. Stephenson as librarian of Congress
1861 - Washington D.C., U.S.
USA civil war-Lincoln announced the Union blockade of all Southern ports
Jun, 1861 - U.S
Juneteenth-Granger’s men marched to the 1861 Customs House and Courthouse
1861 - Galveston, Texas, U.S.
Flag of the United States-Star for Kansas
Thursday Jul 4, 1861 - U.S.
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Chemist
1861 - Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Nikola Tesla-Primary school in Smiljan
1861 - Smiljan, Austrian Empire (Present day Smiljan, Croatia)
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln professed to friends in 1861 to be "an old line Whig, a disciple of Henry Clay"
1861 - Illinois, U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-Trent Affair
1861 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-First Battle of Bull Run
Sunday Jul 21, 1861 - Fairfax County and Prince William County, Virginia, U.S.
Buckingham Palace-Left Buckingham Palace
1861 - London, England, United Kingdom
USA civil war-First Battle of Bull Run
Jul, 1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act
Tuesday Aug 6, 1861 - U.S.
Frederick Douglass-Douglass published an account of the First Battle of Bull Run
Aug, 1861 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-John C. Frémont issued a martial edict freeing slaves of the rebels
Aug, 1861 - U.S.
Dmitri Mendeleev-The Demidov Prize
1861 - Sverdlovsk Oblast, in Yekaterinburg, Russia
Dmitri Mendeleev-Back Home
1861 - Saint Petersburg, Russia