Charles de Gaulle - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Time: 1958
Place: Paris, France
Details: In 1958 Charles de Gaulle took the view that the organization was too dominated by the US and UK and that America would not fulfill its promise to defend Europe in the event of a Soviet invasion.

Louis XIV's death
Sunday Sep 1, 1715 - France

Cameras-First permanent Photo
1825 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle promoted to sergeant
Sep, 1910 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle hosted a superpower summit
Tuesday May 17, 1960 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle took up his place at St Cyr
Oct, 1910 - France

French Wars of Religion
Friday Sep 29, 1567 - France

Leopold I signed peace with France
Sunday Feb 5, 1679 - France

Napoleon-Grande Armée had grown to a force of 350,000 men
1805 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was given command of the 4th Armoured Division
Wednesday May 15, 1940 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle proposed to be appointed Secretary-General of the War Council
1940 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle mental adjutant
Dec, 1914 - France

Anne Henriette of France Birth
Thursday Aug 14, 1727 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Reynaud asked for a staff posting under De Gaulle
Oct, 1939 - France

Napoleon-Bonaparte had become engaged to Désirée Clary
1795 - France

Thursday Aug 14, 1727 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Thirty soldiers died
1929 - France

Statue of Liberty-Completing the Head and Raising Francs
1878 - France

Holy Roman Empire-Martel's son Pepin became King of the Franks
751 - (Present Day France)

Mona Lisa-France 24 article suggested that the painting could be sold to help ease the national debt
2014 - France

Cameras-Marc Antoine Gaudin Design
1841 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle and his supporters won a comfortable majority
Nov, 1958 - France

German revolutions of 1848–1849-The revolutions spread from France
Mar, 1848 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rank of the captain became permanent
Friday Sep 3, 1915 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Reynaud demanded that France be released from the agreement which he had made with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
Mar, 1940 - France

World War 1-France is in the war
Monday Aug 3, 1914 - France

Battle of Arnay-le-Duc
Saturday Jul 25, 1570 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle attended another Anglo-French
Thursday Jun 13, 1940 - France

Franois-Jean Birth
Monday Jun 30, 1755 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle formed the Free French National Council
Sep, 1941 - France

Charles VIII's death
Thursday Apr 7, 1498 - France

Madame de Pompadour's death
Sunday Apr 15, 1764 - France

Napoleon-Napoleon prepared for an offensive campaign against Russia
Wednesday Jun 24, 1812 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle sought a constitutional amendment
Sep, 1962 - France

Napoleon-Napoleon moved to the French mainland
1778 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle attended the meeting of the Anglo-French Supreme War Council at the Chateau
Tuesday Jun 11, 1940 - France

Napoleon-Napoleon wrote to Corsican leader Pasquale Paoli
1789 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Gaulle asserted again that he was at the disposal of the country
Monday May 19, 1958 - France

wedding of King Henry III of England and Louise de Lorraine-Vaudmont
Thursday Feb 13, 1575 - France

Marie-Anne de Mailly-Nesle's death
Tuesday Dec 8, 1744 - France

Statue of Liberty-The French Idea
1865 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle had been earmarked for command of an armored division
Feb, 1940 - France

Cameras-The First photographic Camera
1839 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle received the Croix de Guerre
Monday Jan 18, 1915 - France

The Reign of Louis XIV King of France started in 1654
Sunday Jun 7, 1654 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle created the Normandie-Niemen squadron
1942 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Joseph Paul-Boncour the first political patron
1925 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle wrote his youth dream
1930 - France

Claude-Louis-Hector de Villars's death
Thursday Jun 17, 1734 - France

Robert Fulton-Fulton met Robert R. Livingston
1801 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle targeted for death
Wednesday Aug 22, 1962 - France

Louis XII's death
Friday Jan 1, 1515 - France

Napoleon-Bonaparte and his family fled to the French mainland
Jun, 1793 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle made a renewed attempt to transform the politics in France
Wednesday Apr 9, 1947 - France

Joan Brith
Saturday Apr 23, 1464 - France

George Washington-The National Assembly of France granted Washington honorary French citizenship
Sunday Aug 26, 1792 - France

Statue of Liberty-Working on The Project
1870 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rejoined his regiment
1914 - France

Unification of Italy-King Louis Philippe of France was forced to flee Paris
Wednesday Feb 23, 1848 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rejoined the 33rd Infantry Regiment as a sous-lieutenant
Oct, 1912 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was promoted to the first lieutenant
Oct, 1913 - France

Igor Stravinsky-His Wife's Death
1939 - France

Charles de Gaulle-Philippe (The first De Gaulle child)
1921 - France

Napoleon-Napoleon expanded his Grande Armée to more than 450,000 men
1812 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle took on ministerial responsibilities
1940 - France

Louis XIV was appointed as King of France in 1643
Thursday May 14, 1643 - France

Henry II of England
Monday Mar 31, 1547 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was promoted to corporal
Apr, 1910 - France

Battle at La Hogue
Thursday May 29, 1692 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle became a disciple of Émile Mayer
1938 - France

Joan of Arc's death
Monday May 30, 1431 - France

King James II escaped to France
Thursday Dec 23, 1688 - France

The Great Pyramid-Joseph Davidovits
1974 - France

Charles de Gaulle-The growth of socialism and syndicalism, the legal separation of Church and State in 1905 De unwelcome to the De Gaulle family
1905 - France

Claude-Joseph Birth
Saturday May 10, 1760 - France

The second Fronde ended in 1650
Thursday Sep 29, 1650 - France

Sofia Kenin-Ranked 4th worldwide
Monday Mar 9, 2020 - France

Computer animation-NFB's French-language animation studio
1980 - France

Bicycle-The Olivier Brothers
1865 - France

Statue of Liberty-Statue was complete up to the Waist
1882 - France

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers-Out of Court
Dec, 2010 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle returned to command of the 10th company again
Oct, 1915 - France

Napoleon-The 1804 French referendum
Nov, 1804 - France

Kingdom of the Lombards-Agilulf and Theodelinda developed a policy of strengthening their hold on Italian territory
594 - France

Christine Lagarde-The Court found Lagarde guilty of negligence
Dec, 2016 - France

Napoleon-Napoleon sailed for France
Saturday Aug 24, 1799 - France

Treaty of Versailles-Versailles Peace Treaty Signing
Saturday Jun 28, 1919 - France

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-French numbers
Thursday Mar 26, 2020 - France

Escaping of Hugo Grotius to France
Thursday Apr 15, 1621 - France

Christine Lagarde-Lagarde's apartment in Paris was raided by French Police
Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 - France

Plague-French novelist Albert Camus publishes The Plague
1947 - France

Gulf War-France propose
Monday Jan 14, 1991 - France

King Francis I's death
Monday Mar 31, 1547 - France

Henry IV's death
Friday May 14, 1610 - France

Henry V's death
Saturday Aug 31, 1422 - France

Napoleon-The father was an attorney who went on to be named Corsica's representative to the court of Louis XVI
1777 - France

Disasters with highest death tolls-French Famine
1690s - France

Statue of Liberty-Early work Announcement
Sep, 1875 - France

World War 1-USA reinforcement
1918 - France

Chocolate-The Chocolate Lombart
1760 - France

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-France state on April 23
Thursday Apr 23, 2020 - France

Sony Corporation-Changing The Name To Sony
Jan, 1958 - Tokyo, Japan

Mao Zedong-The Great Leap Forward
Jan, 1958 - China

IKEA-The First Möbel-IKÉA Store
1958 - Älmhult, Småland, Sweden

Akio Morita-Renaming The Company
1958 - Tokyo, Japan

First Sudanese Civil War-The Coup d'état of Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Abboud
1958 - Southern Sudan

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Signs of dissatisfaction with the British increased on both sides with Turkish Cypriots now forming Volkan
1958 - Cyprus

Algerian War-The French Army shifted its tactics
1958 - Algeria

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Screening room incident
1958 - U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski entered Harvard on a scholarship
1958 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.

Visa Inc.-Test at first went smoothly, but then BofA panicked when it confirmed rumors that another bank was about to initiate its own drop
1958 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Frank Sinatra-Releasing The Album "Come Fly with Me"
Monday Jan 6, 1958 - U.S.

Malcolm X-Marriage
Jan, 1958 - Detroit, Michigan, U.S.

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Turkish Cypriot response to this plan was a series of anti-British demonstrations in Nicosia
Monday Jan 27, 1958 - Nicosia, Cyprus

Cypriot intercommunal violence-British soldiers opened fire against a crowd of Turkish Cypriot rioters
Monday Jan 27, 1958 - Cyprus

The Beatles-The Joining of George Harrison
Feb, 1958 - Liverpool, England

Che Guevara-Radio Rebelde
Feb, 1958 - Cuba

Harald V-The oath To the Constitution of Norway
Friday Feb 21, 1958 - Oslo, Norway

Raúl Castro-Commander in the Cuban Revolution
Thursday Feb 27, 1958 - Oriente Province, Cuba

Nelson Mandela-1st Divorce
Mar, 1958 - South Africa

Che Guevara-United States to stop selling arms to the Cuban government
Mar, 1958 - Cuba

Pope Francis-Society of Jesus
Tuesday Mar 11, 1958 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned United Kingdom
Mar, 1958 - United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher-Conservative safe seat
Apr, 1958 - Finchley, London, England

Richard Nixon-The Goodwill Tour of South America
Sunday Apr 27, 1958 - Montevideo, Uruguay

Freddie Mercury-The Hectics
1958 - Panchgani, Mumbai, India

Warren Buffett-Third Child
Sunday May 4, 1958 - Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Algerian War-May 1958 crisis
Tuesday May 13, 1958 - France

Christmas Island-The United Kingdom's Christmas Island Act Was Given Royal assent
Wednesday May 14, 1958 - Christmas Island

Charles de Gaulle-Gaulle asserted again that he was at the disposal of the country
Monday May 19, 1958 - France

Conflict in Myanmar-Armed Resistance Movement
Tuesday May 20, 1958 - Shan State, Myanmar

Algerian War-French paratroopers from the Algerian corps landed on Corsica
Saturday May 24, 1958 - Corsica, France

Cypriot intercommunal violence-The British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan was expected to propose a plan to resolve the Cyprus issue
Jun, 1958 - Cyprus

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle became Prime Minister
Sunday Jun 1, 1958 - France

Algerian War-I have understood you
Wednesday Jun 4, 1958 - Algeria

Cypriot intercommunal violence-A bomb exploded at the entrance of the Turkish Embassy in Cyprus
Saturday Jun 7, 1958 - Cyprus

Fido (dog)-Fido died still waiting for his master
Monday Jun 9, 1958 - Borgo San Lorenzo, Tuscany, Italy

Cypriot intercommunal violence-The crisis reached a climax
Thursday Jun 12, 1958 - Cyprus

Nelson Mandela-2nd Marriage
Saturday Jun 14, 1958 - Bizana, South Africa

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy was Executed
Monday Jun 16, 1958 - Budapest, Hungary

W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois visited Russia and China
1958 - Russia and China

Fido (dog)-La Domenica del Corriere commemorated Fido with a poignant cover story
Sunday Jun 22, 1958 - Milan, Italy

Raúl Castro-Kidnapping 36 hostages
Thursday Jun 26, 1958 - The North Coast of Oriente Province, Cuba

Pelé-1958 World Cup
Sunday Jun 29, 1958 - Stockholm, Sweden

Laser-Bell Labs filed a patent application for their proposed optical maser
1958 - U.S.

Pope John Paul II-Youngest bishop in Poland
Friday Jul 4, 1958 - Lakes region of northern Poland, Poland

James Bond-Casino Royale comic book was published
1958 - London, England, United Kingdom

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower sent 15,000 Marines and soldiers to Lebanon
Jul, 1958 - Lebanon

Buckingham Palace-Queen abolished the presentation parties for débutantes
1958 - London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Charles-The Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester
Saturday Jul 26, 1958 - Wales, UK

Neil Armstrong-The ARPA canceled its funding to "Man In Space Soonest"
Friday Aug 1, 1958 - Arlington, Virginia, U.S.

Algerian War-All Algerians including women were registered for the first time on electoral rolls to participate in a referendum to be held on the new constitution
Sep, 1958 - Algeria

Visa Inc.-Bank of America (BofA) launched its BankAmericard credit card program
Sep, 1958 - Fresno, California, U.S.

Nuclear Power-USS Bainbridge
Monday Sep 1, 1958 - U.S.

Laser-Prokhorov independently proposed using an open resonator, the first published appearance (in the USSR) of this idea
1958 - U.S.S.R.

Christmas Island-The Commonwealth Cabinet Decision 1573
Tuesday Sep 9, 1958 - Christmas Island

Computer-The First working integrated example
Friday Sep 12, 1958 - Texas, U.S.

Christmas Island-The Island was Officially Placed Under The Authority of The Commonwealth of Australia
Wednesday Oct 1, 1958 - Christmas Island

Neil Armstrong-Neil became an Employee of NASA
Wednesday Oct 1, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Algerian War-De Gaulle visited Constantine
Oct, 1958 - Algeria

Bank of America-BankAmericard
1958 - U.S.

James Bond-Moonraker was adapted for broadcast on South African radio
1958 - South Africa

Juan Trippe-Pan Am's First Scheduled Jet Flight
Sunday Oct 26, 1958 - Paris, France

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower created NASA as a civilian space agency
Wednesday Oct 29, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Neil Armstrong-Project "Mercury"
Wednesday Nov 5, 1958 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Charles De Gaulle and his supporters won a comfortable majority
Nov, 1958 - France

Xerox-The Name
1958 - New York, U.S.

Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Born
Sunday Nov 16, 1958 - Biy-Myrza, Kirghiz SSR, Soviet Union (now Kyrgyzstan)

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret met the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones
1958 - United Kingdom

Raúl Castro-Capturing Maffo
Tuesday Dec 30, 1958 - Maffo, Contramaestre, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Batista Resigned and Fled into Exile
Wednesday Dec 31, 1958 - Cuba

Fidel Castro-Batista's Escape
Wednesday Dec 31, 1958 - Cuba

Indira Gandhi-The President of The Congress
1958 - New Delhi, India