Max Planck - Retirement
Time: Sunday Jan 10, 1926
Place: Berlin
Details: He retired from Berlin on 10 January 1926, and was succeeded by Erwin Schrödinger.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels and Quandt married
Saturday Dec 19, 1931 - Germany

The Holocaust-Jewish businesses closed
Thursday Apr 6, 1933 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Marriage
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Berlin Wall-Crossing points Closed
Saturday Aug 26, 1961 - Berlin, East Germany, Germany

Berlin Wall-Breaking the rules
Monday Oct 9, 1989 - Berlin, East Germany, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Reichstag building was set on fire
Monday Feb 27, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses
Saturday Apr 1, 1933 - Germany

Hirohito-The Tripartite Pact
Friday Sep 27, 1940 - Berlin, Germany

Rwandan genocide-Berlin Conference
Saturday Nov 15, 1884 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Kristallnacht
Thursday Nov 10, 1938 - Germany

The Holocaust-Approximately half the German Jewish population had left Germany
1938 - Germany

Berlin Wall-Concert close to the Wall
Saturday Jun 6, 1987 - Berlin, West Germany, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann Signed The Decree of 9 October 1942
Friday Oct 9, 1942 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Hitler removed Göring from all government positions
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-1940 Field Marshal Ceremony
Friday Jul 19, 1940 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Last trip from the Führerbunker
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

The Wright brothers-Wilbur never flew again
Jun, 1911 - Berlin, Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-A constitution took effect on December
Tuesday Dec 5, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Berlin, Germany)

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Eisenstuck representative of the central authority for the Palatinate
Monday May 7, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

World War II-Tripartite Pact
Saturday Sep 28, 1940 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-The Axis expanded
Nov, 1940 - Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Warnings by the police against public demonstrations
Monday Mar 13, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany)

Berlin Wall-Advance Warning Information
Wednesday Aug 9, 1961 - East Germany, Germany

Berlin Wall-John F. Kennedy supports
Wednesday Jun 26, 1963 - Berlin, West Germany, Germany

Max Planck-His Home was Destroyed
Feb, 1944 - Berlin, Germany

Albert Einstein-Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin
Thursday Jul 24, 1913 - Berlin, Germany

Adidas-The 1936 Summer Olympics
Saturday Aug 1, 1936 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Tripartite Pact
Friday Sep 27, 1940 - Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler's political Views
Saturday Jun 24, 1922 - Germany

Laser-Rudolf W. Ladenburg confirmed the existence of the phenomena of stimulated emission and negative absorption
1928 - Germany

Laser-Einstein established the theoretical foundations for the laser and the maser in the paper Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung (On the Quantum Theory of Radiation)
1917 - Germany

W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois received a fellowship to attend the University of Berlin
1892 - Berlin University, Germany

World War II-German Empire was dissolved
Monday Sep 9, 1918 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Death
Monday Apr 30, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Thanksgiving-German-American Day
Saturday Oct 6, 1883 - Germany

Armenian Genocide-The Treaty of Berlin
Saturday Jul 13, 1878 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-New Cabinet
Monday Jan 30, 1933 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Losing his seats
1912 - Leipziger Straße 4, Berlin, German Empire(Present Day Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Becoming a member in the Reichstag
1907 - Leipziger Straße 4, Berlin, German Empire(Present Day Germany)

Occupation of Berlin
Thursday Oct 9, 1760 - Berlin

Martin Bormann-Hitler Created a Three-man Committee
1943 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The first time that "Goebbels met Magda Quandt"
1930 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels killed himself
Tuesday May 1, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Negotiations with the western Allies
Saturday Apr 28, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed head of the newly created Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Tuesday Mar 14, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed newly created Air Raid Damage committee
Friday Jan 15, 1943 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Hitler married Eva Braun before his suicide
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Hitler signed a "euthanasia decree"
Oct, 1939 - Germany

The Holocaust-Hitler declared that the Jews would be exterminated
Friday Dec 12, 1941 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Hitler issued the directive to prepare for an invasion of the Soviet Union
Wednesday Dec 18, 1940 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Hitler Committed Suicide
Monday Apr 30, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
Monday Jan 30, 1933 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Reich chancellor
Monday Jan 30, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Benito Mussolini-The Pact of Steel
Monday May 22, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Hitler canceled the T4 program
Aug, 1941 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was depressed
Monday Apr 30, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Antibiotic-The Beginning Development of Antibacterials
1880s - Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler's SS representative was caught and brought back to the Führerbunker
Friday Apr 27, 1945 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels's speech to burning the Nazi book
Wednesday May 10, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Christoph Schultze Birth
Dec, 1606 - Berlin

Gustav Stresemann-Joining the University of Berlin
Apr, 1897 - Kaiserswerther Str., Berlin, German Empire (Present day Germany)

Joseph Goebbels-The Reich Film Chamber was created
Jun, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels used provocation to bring attention to the NSDAP
Thursday May 5, 1927 - Germany

World War II-Hitler demanded that a Polish plenipotentiary immediately travel to Berlin
Wednesday Aug 30, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Public peace overture
Friday Oct 6, 1939 - Germany

The Holocaust-March 1933 Reichstag elections
Sunday Mar 5, 1933 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels continued his intensive antisemitic
Monday Jan 30, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Stormy meeting
Thursday Aug 31, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Pact of Steel
Monday May 22, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Hitler became the Chancellor
Monday Jan 30, 1933 - Germany

World War II-German declaration of war against the United States
Thursday Dec 11, 1941 - Berlin, Germany

Great Depression-German federal election (November 1932)
Sunday Nov 6, 1932 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Nuremberg Laws
Sunday Sep 15, 1935 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The ban on the NSDAP was lifted
Sunday May 20, 1928 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Germany began a genocide policy against Jews
Monday Jan 30, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Reichstag changed the immunity regulations
Feb, 1931 - Berlin, Germany

Great Depression-German federal election (July 1932)
Sunday Jul 31, 1932 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Hitler Transferred His Headquarters To The Führerbunker
Tuesday Jan 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels instigated the murder of Jews
Tuesday Nov 8, 1938 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels's speeches attacked the Catholic church as morally corrupt
Friday May 28, 1937 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels knew how to play on Hitler's fantasies
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels decreed that 20 per cent of the films should be propaganda and 80 per cent light entertainment
1942 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The Reichstag fire
Monday Feb 27, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Baden was the first state to have popular unrest
Feb, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Michael Ballack-Leaving the National Team
Thursday Jun 16, 2011 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Most of Hitler's inner circle to leave Berlin
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels converted the 1 May holiday from a celebration of workers' rights into a day celebrating the NSDAP
Monday May 1, 1933 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels were distributed Free radios
Saturday Oct 29, 1938 - Berlin, Germany

Armenian Genocide-Talaat Pasha assassination
Tuesday Mar 15, 1921 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed the Reich Defense Commissioner for his Gau
Monday Nov 16, 1942 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels composed the text of the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses
Saturday Apr 1, 1933 - Germany

World War II-Fall of Berlin
Monday Apr 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels wanted to expulsion Jews from Berlin
1935 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels and Bormann were witnesses to Hitlers
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels continued to press Hitler to bring the economy to a total war footing
Jul, 1944 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels and his wife discussed suicide
Saturday Jan 27, 1945 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was named Stadtpräsident of Berlin
Thursday Apr 1, 1943 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels wanted to eliminate the Protestant church
Feb, 1937 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels proclaimed it illegal to listen to foreign radio stations
Saturday Sep 2, 1939 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels had a lack of income from his literary works
1923 - Berlin, Germany
On This Day - 10 January

Holy Roman Empire-Golden Bull of 1356
Saturday Jan 10, 1356 - Nuremberg and Metz, Holy Roman Empire

Napoleon-Napoleon divorced Joséphine
Wednesday Jan 10, 1810 - France

World War II-League of Nations
Saturday Jan 10, 1920 - Geneva, Switzerland

United Nations-League of Nations
Saturday Jan 10, 1920 - Geneva, Switzerland

United Nations-First meetings of the General Assembly
Thursday Jan 10, 1946 - London, England, United Kingdom

Martin Luther King-SCLC
Thursday Jan 10, 1957 - Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

Algerian War-A "General Offensive"
Wednesday Jan 10, 1962 - Algeria

Nicaraguan Revolution-Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal was Murdered
Tuesday Jan 10, 1978 - Nicaragua

Slobodan Milošević-The Anti-bureaucratic Revolution continued in Montenegro
Tuesday Jan 10, 1989 - Montenegro

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret was hospitalized
Wednesday Jan 10, 2001 - England, United Kingdom

SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Another SARS infection found in china
Saturday Jan 10, 2004 - China

Apple Inc.-First Apple computers to use Intel's Core
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006 - U.S.

Richard Branson-Virgin Healthcare announced that it would open a chain of health care clinics
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - United Kingdom

Colombian conflict-FARC released Rojas and Gonzalez
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - Colombia

Disasters with highest death tolls-2008 Afghanistan Blizzard
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - Afghanistan

Lionel Messi-2010 FIFA Ballon d'Or
Monday Jan 10, 2011 - Zürich, Switzerland

Qaboos bin Said al Said-Death
Friday Jan 10, 2020 - Beit al-Baraka, Seeb, Oman

Roman Republic-Caesar with his army crossed the river Rubicon
Sunday Jan 10, 49 BC - Bellaria-Igea Marina, Rimini, Italy

Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Xuan died
Friday Jan 10, 48 BC - Chang'an, China

James Varicick Birth
Sunday Jan 10, 1768 - Newburgh

Joshua Barnes Birth
Saturday Jan 10, 1654 - London

Salvador Dali-Left the academy
1926 - Figueres, Catalonia, Spain

Harry S. Truman-National Old Trails Road Association
1926 - U.S.

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler's first leadership position in the SS
1926 - Munich, Germany

Edward VIII-President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
1926 - Oxford, England, United kingdom

Weimar Republic- Germany was accepted as a member of the League of Nations
1926 - Germany

Brazilian Revolution of 1930-The Fourth and Final dissent Arose Within The Paulista Republican Party (PRP)
1926 - São Paulo, Brazil

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower served as a battalion commander at Fort Benning
1926 - Fort Benning, Georgia, U.S.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels published a pamphlet titled Nazi-Sozi
1926 - Germany

Disasters with highest death tolls-1926 Victorian Bushfires
1926 - Victoria, Australia

Francisco Franco-Promoted to brigadier general
Wednesday Feb 3, 1926 - Morocco

Black History Month-Negro History Week
Feb, 1926 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels speech titled "Lenin or Hitler?"
Feb, 1926 - Germany

Marcus Garvey-Dissatisfaction with Sherrill's leadership
Feb, 1926 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Eiffel Tower-Leon Collet was killed trying to fly under the tower
Feb, 1926 - Paris, France

Benito Mussolini-First assassination was failed
Wednesday Apr 7, 1926 - Italy

Penicillin-Paul de Kruif's 1926 Microbe Hunters describes this incident as contamination by other bacteria rather than by mold
1926 - U.S.

Anna May Wong-Wong put the first rivet into the structure of Grauman's Chinese Theatre
1926 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Weimar Republic-Increased unemployed in the Weimar Republic
1926 - Germany

Winston Churchill-General Strike of 1926
May, 1926 - United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth's II baptized
Saturday May 29, 1926 - York, England, United Kingdom

Marilyn Monroe-Born
Tuesday Jun 1, 1926 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

League of Nations-Mosul issue
1926 - Mosul, Iraq

W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois visited the Soviet Union
1926 - U.S.S.R.

Flag of the United States-Battle of White Plains Issue
1926 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sava
1926 - Yugoslavia

Carter G. Woodson-Woodson would later promote the first Negro History Week
Jul, 1926 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Fidel Castro-Born
Friday Aug 13, 1926 - Birán, Cuba

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was first offered the position of party Gauleiter
1926 - Germany

Chichen Itza-Accusing Edward Thompson with theft
1926 - Yucatán, Mexico

Audrey Hepburn-Joseph and Ella married
Sep, 1926 - Batavia, Dutch East Indies (Present-Day Jakarta, Indonesia)

Yasunari Kawabata-The Dancing Girl of Izu
1926 - Japan

Yasunari Kawabata-Marriage
1926 - Tokyo, Japan

Josip Broz Tito-Work in a railway works
Oct, 1926 - Smederevska Palanka, Serbia

Ho Chi Minh-Marriage
Monday Oct 18, 1926 - China

Benito Mussolini-Second assassination was failed
Sunday Oct 31, 1926 - Italy

Audrey Hepburn-Parents moved to England
1926 - London, England, United Kingdom

Joseph Goebbels-Strasser disagreed with Hitler on many parts of the party platform began working on a revision
Nov, 1926 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Nobel Prize
Friday Dec 10, 1926 - Oslo City Hall, Oslo, Norway

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini plans to get ready for war
1926 - Italy

Queen Elizabeth II-The first official portrait of Elizabeth
1926 - London, United Kingdom

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels spoke at party meetings in Munich and at the annual Party Congress
1926 - Weimar, Germany

Hirohito-Hirohito assumed the Throne
Saturday Dec 25, 1926 - Tokyo, Japan