Bosnian War - The JNA moved extra troops to the area around the city of Mostar
Time: Thursday Sep 19, 1991
Place: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Details: On 19 September 1991, the JNA moved extra troops to the area around the city of Mostar, which was publicly protested by the local government.

Bosnian War-The Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia
Monday Nov 18, 1991 - Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The JNA evacuated its personnel by helicopters from the barracks in Čapljina
Thursday Apr 23, 1992 - Čapljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Killings by the ARBiH in the village of Trusina
Friday Apr 16, 1993 - Trusina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Uzdol Killings
Tuesday Sep 14, 1993 - Uzdol, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The UN Security Council passed Resolution 836
Friday Jun 4, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A member State of the United Nations
Friday May 22, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Future requests for air strikes would be carried out immediately
Sunday Feb 6, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A no-fly zone over Bosnia-Herzegovina
Wednesday Mar 31, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Summer 95
Tuesday Jul 25, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Josip Broz Tito-The Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ)
Thursday Nov 26, 1942 - Bosnia and Herzegovina (Yugoslavia)

Bosnian War-The HVO held off an attack on Kreševo
Saturday Jul 3, 1993 - Kreševo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Croat civilians and POWs were killed by the mujahideen
Tuesday Jun 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Winter 94
Tuesday Nov 29, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Croatian War of Independence-The Croat-Bosniak conflict
Sunday Oct 18, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Serbs took 150 U.N. personnel hostage
Thursday Apr 14, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Military Cooperation
Tuesday Jul 21, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Serbs killed the deputy prime minister of the ARBiH Hakija Turajlić
Friday Jan 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-the North Atlantic Council approved the extension of Close Air Support to Croatia
Saturday Nov 19, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Independence
Tuesday Mar 3, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Resolution 808
Monday Feb 22, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Izetbegović and Boban signed a ceasefire agreement
Sunday Apr 25, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-the US Senate adopted S. 2042
Thursday May 12, 1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bosnian War-Operation Vrbas 92
Jun, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Neretva 93
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Storm
Friday Aug 4, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Vance-Owen Peace Plan
Jan, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Una
Monday Sep 18, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Full-scale hostilities had broken out by 6 April
Monday Apr 6, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Tuesday May 25, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The number of refugees
Jun, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The US unilaterally lifted the arms embargo
Saturday Nov 12, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-First request for NATO air support
Saturday Mar 12, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Bosnian government ordered the JNA
Monday Apr 27, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The NATO air strikes were suspended to allow the implementation of an agreement with Bosnian Serbs for the withdrawal of heavy weapons from around Sarajevo
Thursday Sep 14, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Boycott the referendums held on 29 February and 1 March 1992
Saturday Feb 29, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Serb forces began shelling Sarajevo
Monday Apr 6, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The ARBiH seized control of several villages in the area
Tuesday Jan 26, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Republic of the Serbian People in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Thursday Jan 9, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Vance-Owen peace plan was rejected
Saturday May 15, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Amanda
Tuesday Oct 25, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Corridor 92
Wednesday Jun 24, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The last JNA personnel left the city
Friday Jun 5, 1992 - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Sana
Wednesday Sep 13, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Byzantine Empire-Siege of Ragusa (866–868)
868 - Dubrovnik, Dalmatia

Bosnian War-An ARBiH defeat
Thursday Jun 24, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Čelebići prison
May, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Operation Deny Flight
Monday Apr 12, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Armed conflicts occurred in Busovača
Jun, 1992 - Busovača, Bosnia and Herz

Bosnian War-NATO aircraft carried out an air strike against a Bosnian Serb tank
Thursday Sep 22, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Clashes
Feb, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Battle of Kupres
Friday Apr 3, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Grabovica Killings
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Grabovica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-Ceasefire came into effect
Thursday Oct 12, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The HVO launched a spoiling attack on the village of Ahmići
Friday Apr 16, 1993 - Ahmići, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Outnumbered HVO in the Zenica municipality was quickly defeated
Thursday Apr 15, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-A Ceasefire in the area of central Bosnia
Saturday Jan 30, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-War in Bosnia escalated
Apr, 1992 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
On This Day - 19 September

Disasters with highest death tolls-1498 Meiō Nankaidō Earthquake
Monday Sep 19, 1498 at 11:00:00 PM - Japan

George Washington-Farewell Address
Monday Sep 19, 1796 - U.S.

The Wright brothers-Tries
Friday Sep 19, 1902 - Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, U.S.

Josip Broz Tito-Tito held talks with Chetnik leader Draža Mihailović
Friday Sep 19, 1941 - Yugoslavia

United Nations-Dag Hammarskjöld death
Tuesday Sep 19, 1961 - Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (now Ndola, Zambia)

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-The official date of the formation of the party to coincide with the Pontianak Conference
Sunday Sep 19, 1971 - Malaysia

Hirohito-The Emperor suffered from continuous internal bleeding
Monday Sep 19, 1988 - Tokyo, Japan

Amazon-Amazon launches Fulfillment by Amazon
Tuesday Sep 19, 2006 - U.S.

Aaron Hernandez-Debut
Sunday Sep 19, 2010 - New England, North Dakota, U.S.

Google LLC-Google announced The Launch of Calico
Thursday Sep 19, 2013 - South San Francisco, California, U.S.

Lady Gaga-Til It Happens to You
Saturday Sep 19, 2015 - Santa Monica, California, U.S.

Lula da Silva-Money Laundering
Monday Sep 19, 2016 - Brazil

Charles Antetokounmpo-Antetokounmpo extended his contract with the Bucks
Monday Sep 19, 2016 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Cristiano Ronaldo-First Champions League match for Juventus
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018 - Mestalla Stadium, Valencia, Spain

Facebook, Inc.-News Distribution Outside The United States
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

iOS-Latest iOS
Thursday Sep 19, 2019 - U.S.
September 1991

Kosovo War-Kosovar Albanians held an unofficial referendum in which they voted overwhelmingly for independence
Sep, 1991 - Kosovo

Nelson Mandela-The Peace Accord
Sep, 1991 - Johannesburg , South Africa

Linux-Consenting to Linux
Sep, 1991 - Helsinki, Finland

First Chechen War-Militants of the All-National Congress of the Chechen People (NCChP) party
Friday Sep 6, 1991 - Chechnya, Russia

Slobodan Milošević-Seceding of the Republic of Macedonia
Sunday Sep 8, 1991 - Macedonia

Croatian War of Independence-Battle of the barracks
Saturday Sep 14, 1991 - Croatia

Bosnian War-Croatian National Guard (ZNG) raided Bosanski Brod
Sunday Sep 15, 1991 - Bosanski Brod, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Croatian War of Independence-Operation Coast-91
Monday Sep 16, 1991 - Croatia

Vodafone-Vodafone Group
Monday Sep 16, 1991 - Newbury, England, U.K.

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-General Assembly resolution numbers
Tuesday Sep 17, 1991 - Russia

Bosnian War-The JNA transferred troops to the front at Vukovar
Friday Sep 20, 1991 - Vokovar, Croatia

Bernard Arnault-Marry Again
Monday Sep 23, 1991 - France

Bosnian War-Imposing an arms embargo on all of the former Yugoslav territories
Wednesday Sep 25, 1991 - New York, U.S.

Ancient Egypt-Amenemhat I
1991 BC - Egypt

Mobile Phones-The First GSM Network
1991 - Finland

Garry Kasparov-The Keeper of the Flame award
1991 - Russia

Ayman al-Zawahiri-The Egyptian Islamic Jihadleader Leader
1991 - Egypt

Rwandan genocide-Kagame restarted the war
Jan, 1991 - Rwanda

Nokia-Selling its Computer Division
1991 - Espoo, Finland

David Cameron-Head of the political section of the Conservative Research Department
1991 - Downing Street, London, England

Christmas Island-Reopening The Phosphate Mine
1991 - Christmas Island

Pablo Escobar: Narcos-La Catedral prison
1991 - Medellín, Colombia

Linux-The Beginning of Linux
1991 - Helsinki, Finland

First Chechen War-Tens of thousands of people of non-Chechen ethnicity left the republic
1991 - Chechnya, Russia

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević Rejected The Independence of Croatia
1991 - Croatia

Cameras-Kodak DCS
1991 - U.S.

World Bank-The bank announced that to protect against deforestation
1991 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Virtual reality-The Cave automatic virtual environment
1991 - U.S.

Computer animation-Breakout Year
1991 - U.S.

Cinnabon-The First Cinnabon Store In SeaTac Mall
1991 - SeaTac, Washington, U.S.

Slobodan Milošević-The 1st President of The Republic of Serbia
Friday Jan 11, 1991 - Serbia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Vilnius TV Tower stormed
Sunday Jan 13, 1991 - Lithuania

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Chairman of the Council of Ministers resigned
Monday Jan 14, 1991 - Moscow, Russia

Gulf War-France propose
Monday Jan 14, 1991 - France

Gulf War-Extensive aerial bombing campaign
Wednesday Jan 16, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-The First shots of the war
Thursday Jan 17, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-The initial conflict to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began
Thursday Jan 17, 1991 - Kuwait

Harald V-His Father's Death
Thursday Jan 17, 1991 - Oslo, Norway

Gulf War-the Scud attacks
Tuesday Jan 22, 1991 - Ramat Gan, Israel

Gulf War-The Battle of Khafji
Tuesday Jan 29, 1991 - Khafji, Saudi Arabia

Zinedine Zidane-First Goal
Sunday Feb 10, 1991 - Cannes, France

Internet-People's Republic of China saw its first TCP/IP college network
1991 - Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Internet-NSFNET was upgraded to 45 Mbit/s
1991 - U.S.

Gulf War-The First coalition force to breach the Saudi Arabian border
Friday Feb 15, 1991 - Saudi Arabia

Gulf War-Few trucks fired
Friday Feb 15, 1991 - Iraq and Kuwait

Gulf War-Iraqi vehicles appeared to be performing reconnaissance
Saturday Feb 16, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-The Task Force took enemy mortar fire
Sunday Feb 17, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-Iraq agreed to a Soviet-proposed ceasefire agreement
Friday Feb 22, 1991 - Iraq

Gulf War-The Capture of 500 Iraqi soldiers
Saturday Feb 23, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-The 1st Cavalry Division conducted a couple artillery missions
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-1st Infantry Division rolled through the breach in the Iraqi defense
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Kuwait

Gulf War-the US VII Corps, in full strength and spearheaded by the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, launched an armored attack into Iraq
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Iraq

Gulf War-British and American armored forces crossed the Iraq–Kuwait border
Sunday Feb 24, 1991 - Iraq

Gulf War-Scud missile hit a US Army barracks
Monday Feb 25, 1991 - Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Gulf War-Saddam ordered a retreat from Kuwait
Wednesday Feb 27, 1991 - Kuwait

United Nations-UN authorized a US-led coalition that repulsed the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
1991 - Kuwait

Croatian War of Independence-Plitvice Lakes incident
Mar, 1991 - Croatia

Croatian War of Independence-The Serbs attacked Croatian police units
Mar, 1991 - Pakrac, Croatia

Slobodan Milošević-A 36-hour Blackout of Two Independent Media Stations
Mar, 1991 - Serbia

Prince William-First public appearance
Friday Mar 1, 1991 - Cardiff, United Kingdom

Gulf War-US troops began moving out of the Persian Gulf
Saturday Mar 9, 1991 - Persian Gulf

Croatian War of Independence-Attempt to convince them to declare a state of emergency
Tuesday Mar 12, 1991 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Gulf War-The US-led coalition restored to power Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah
Friday Mar 15, 1991 - Kuwait

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Union-wide referendum
Sunday Mar 17, 1991 - Russia

Audrey Hepburn-Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn
Mar, 1991 - U.S.

United Nations-Sierra Leone Civil War
Saturday Mar 23, 1991 - Sierra Leone

Bosnian War-Karađorđevo meeting
Monday Mar 25, 1991 - Karađorđevo, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The Secret Karađorđevo agreement
Monday Mar 25, 1991 - Karađorđevo, Serbia

Croatian War of Independence-Croatian Army
Thursday Apr 11, 1991 - Croatia

Bart Millard-Millard's father death
1991 - U.S.

Popeyes-Company filed for bankruptcy protection
Apr, 1991 - U.S.

Garry Kasparov-Kasparov left the party
Sunday Apr 28, 1991 - Russia

Disasters with highest death tolls-1991 Bangladesh Cyclone
Monday Apr 29, 1991 - Bangladesh

Croatian War of Independence-A Croat policeman was killed
Thursday May 2, 1991 - Tovarnik, Croatia

Croatian War of Independence-A Serb civilian was killed
Sunday May 5, 1991 - Sotin, Croatia

Croatian War of Independence-The 1991 protest
Monday May 6, 1991 - Split, Croatia

Apple Inc.-System 7
Monday May 13, 1991 - U.S.

Croatian War of Independence-Blocked appointment
Wednesday May 15, 1991 - Yugoslavia

Croatian War of Independence-The Croatian authorities held a referendum on independence
Sunday May 19, 1991 - Croatia

Plane Accidents-Lauda Air Flight 004
Sunday May 26, 1991 - Phu Toei National Park, Suphan Buri, Thailand

Croatian War of Independence-A Military Parade and Review
Tuesday May 28, 1991 - Zagreb, Croatia

Michael Jordan-Bulls in the first Place
Thursday May 30, 1991 - U.S.

Prince William-Depressed fracture of the skull
Monday Jun 3, 1991 - Reading, England, United Kingdom

Bosnian War-A Weak Confederation
Thursday Jun 6, 1991 - Croatia

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Russia's President Boris Yeltsin
Wednesday Jun 12, 1991 - Russia

Java (programming language)-Oak
Jun, 1991 - Canada

Joe Biden-Biden co-taught a seminar on constitutional law at Widener University School of Law
1991 - Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.

Harald V-The consecration
Sunday Jun 23, 1991 - Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway

Shakira-Shakira's debut Album
Monday Jun 24, 1991 - Colombia

Croatian War of Independence-Croatia's independence
Tuesday Jun 25, 1991 - Croatia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Independence day
Tuesday Jun 25, 1991 - Slovenia

Bosnian War-Slovenia and Croatia declared independence
Tuesday Jun 25, 1991 - Croatia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Yugoslav People's Army's 13th Corps moved towards Slovenia's borders with Italy
Wednesday Jun 26, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Further YPA troop movements took place in the early hours
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Metlika, Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-a column of tanks and armoured personnel carriers of the YPA 1st Armoured Brigade left heading for the airport at Brnik
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Brnik, Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-A meeting of the Slovene presidency was hastily convened
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Shot down two YPA helicopters
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The YPA nonetheless successfully accomplished much of its military mission
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Croatian War of Independence-Slovenian Independence War
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The First shot
Thursday Jun 27, 1991 at 02:30:00 PM - Divača, Slovenia

Vladimir Putin-Head of the Committee for External Relations of the Mayor's Office
Friday Jun 28, 1991 - Saint Petersburg, Russia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The border crossing at Holmec was captured by Slovenian TO forces
Friday Jun 28, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Rapidly losing ground
Friday Jun 28, 1991 - Slovenia

Freddie Mercury-Mercury retired to his home
Jun, 1991 - Kensington, London, England, United Kingdom

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Skirmishing continued
Sunday Jun 30, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Slovenian TO forces taking over a YPA facility
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Nova vas, Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The YPA's first plan failed
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The YPA 306th Light Air Defence Artillery Regiment's column retreated
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Krško, Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The Slovenians successfully captured depots
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Slovenia

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-The YPA's ammunition dump caught fire
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Črni Vrh, Slovenia

Bosnian War-The Zulfikarpašić–Karadžić agreement
Jul, 1991 - Serbia

Nokia-The World's First GSM Call
Monday Jul 1, 1991 - Finland

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-TO mounted successful attacks on border crossings
Tuesday Jul 2, 1991 - Slovenia