Brexit - The UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Time: Friday Sep 3, 1993
Place: United Kingdom
Details: The UK Independence Party (UKIP), a Eurosceptic political party, was formed in 1993. It achieved third place in the UK during the 2004 European elections, second place in the 2009 European elections and first place in the 2014 European elections, with 27.5% of the total vote. This was the first time since the 1910 general election that any party other than Labour or the Conservatives had taken the largest share of the vote in a nationwide election.
The Holocaust-Polish government-in-exile in London learned about Auschwitz from the Polish leadership in Warsaw
1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
David Cameron-Cameron resigning his seat in the Parliament
Monday Sep 12, 2016 - London, England
John Maynard Keynes-Civil Service career
Oct, 1908 - London, England
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned from Brussels
Wednesday Oct 12, 1955 - England, United Kingdom
Edward VIII-Most photographed celebrity of his time
1920s - United Kingdom
Richard Stevens Birth
Sunday Mar 27, 1757 - London
Michael Phelps-The Two-time defending Olympic champion
Saturday Jul 28, 2012 - London, England
Martin Bormann-Hess flew Solo to Britain
Saturday May 10, 1941 - United Kingdom
David Copperfield-The 64 chapters have all been published
Friday Nov 1, 1850 - England, United Kingdom
John Maynard Keynes-Baron Keynes, of Tilton, in the County of Sussex
Tuesday Jul 7, 1942 - England
Symbian OS-Symbian Origin
1990s - London, United Kingdom
Brexit-The UK joined the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), with the pound sterling pegged to the deutschmark
Oct, 1990 - United Kingdom
Edward VIII-King Edward VII planned to marry Simpson
Oct, 1936 - United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher-Thatcher's Husband died
Thursday Jun 26, 2003 - London, England
David Cameron-The Conservative Party's decisive win in the General Election
Thursday May 7, 2015 - England
David Cameron-Cameron submit his resignation to the Queen
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016 - London, England
Falklands War-War Cabinet
Tuesday Apr 6, 1982 - United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher-Death
Monday Apr 8, 2013 - the Ritz Hotel, London, England
Edward VIII-Letters Patent
Thursday May 27, 1937 - United Kingdom
Uber-Uber launches in London
Monday Jul 2, 2012 - London, England, United Kingdom
David Cameron-Cameron stepped down as patron of the Jewish National Fund
Sunday May 29, 2011 - London, England
Winston Churchill-Hugh Franklin attacked Churchill with a whip
Nov, 1910 - England, United Kingdom
John Roger was the first protestant martyr in London
Friday Feb 4, 1555 - London
Tony Blair-Blair as a Prime Minister
Friday May 2, 1997 - England
Brexit-21-month transition period
Mar, 2018 - United Kingdom
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower accompanied Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold
May, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom
Lothar Meyer-Meyer and Mendeleev received the Davy Medal
1882 - London, England, United Kingdom
Falklands War-Approval was given to form a task force to retake the islands
Friday Apr 2, 1982 - United Kingdom
Alan Turing-Turing Encountered Albert Einstein's Work
1928 - England
Audrey Hepburn-Father left
1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Edward VIII-Last act of his reign was the royal assent to His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936
Friday Dec 11, 1936 - England, United Kingdom
Alan Turing-The Queen Officially Pronounced Turing Pardoned
Aug, 2014 - London, England
Edward VIII-Worries
1920s - United Kingdom
Brexit-The second Margaret Thatcher government
1985 - United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher-The Funeral
Wednesday Apr 17, 2013 - St Paul's Cathedral, London, England
Marcus Garvey-Traveled to England
Apr, 1928 - England, United Kingdom
Edward VIII-The last royal ceremony the Duke attended
1968 - England, United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II-First British monarch to commemorate a Sapphire Jubilee
Monday Feb 6, 2017 - London, United Kingdom
John Maynard Keynes-Proposed to fill a vacancy in the Court of Directors of the Bank of England
Sep, 1941 - England
Margaret Thatcher-Closing Her Office
Saturday Jul 30, 2011 - London, England
David Cameron-Suffering From a Foreign-policy Defeat
Thursday Aug 29, 2013 - England
Edward VIII-Love Affair
1917 - United Kingdom
Edward VIII-Duke of Windsor
Saturday Dec 12, 1936 - England, United Kingdom
Uber-Uber begins mapping UK streets
Friday Sep 16, 2016 - United Kingdom
Edward VIII-A Pray
1920s - United Kingdom
1884 - Worldwide
Winston Churchill-Luftwaffe began bombing London
Saturday Sep 7, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Edward VIII-A Prince
Friday Dec 11, 1936 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Cameron announced in his Bloomberg speech that a Conservative government would hold an in-or-out referendum on EU membership
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Boris Johnson became prime minister
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019 - United Kingdom
Alan Turing-He Was Elected a Fellow of King's on The Strength of a Dissertation
1935 - England
Napoleon-Britain had also signed an alliance with Russia
Apr, 1805 - United Kingdom
Falklands War-War Cabinet dissolved
Thursday Aug 12, 1982 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Brexit postponed
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019 - United Kingdom
The Holocaust-Edward Raczyński addressed the fledgling United Nations on the killings
Thursday Dec 10, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Labour Party won the February 1974 general election
Thursday Feb 28, 1974 - United Kingdom
Vodafone-A British Company
Dec, 1982 - England, U.K.
World War II-Anglo-German Naval Agreement
Tuesday Jun 18, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher-Collapsing at a House of Lords dinner
Friday Mar 7, 2008 - London, England
Black Friday-Retail sales in the UK grew faster in November than in December for the first time
2017 - United Kingdom
Brexit-The result was announced
Friday Jun 24, 2016 - United Kingdom
Edward VIII-The Centenary of Queen Mary's birth
1967 - London, England, United Kingdom
David Copperfield-Household Words
Sunday Mar 31, 1850 - United Kingdom
Penicillin-There had been many accounts by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds
19th Century - United Kingdom
Brexit-Tunnel Talks
Thursday Oct 17, 2019 - United Kingdom
John Maynard Keynes-Official government position at the Treasury
Jan, 1915 - England
Audrey Hepburn-Hepburn became engaged to industrialist James Hanson
1952 - London, England, United Kingdom
Magdi Yacoub-The Medical Research Team Led by Yacoub
Apr, 2007 - England
Ellie Goulding-Brightest Blue (album)
Friday Jul 17, 2020 - United Kingdom
Penicillin-William Roberts observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of Penicillium glaucum
1874 - United Kingdom
Thanksgiving-Reducing Church holidays
1536 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Prime Minister David Cameron initially rejected calls for a referendum
2012 - United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth opted to gave up drove on public roads
Mar, 2019 - London, United Kingdom
Freddie Mercury-Love of My Life
Friday Nov 21, 1975 - United Kingdom
Internet-Donald Davies became interested in data communications for computer networks
1965 - United Kingdom
Alan Turing-Turing started a relationship with Arnold Murray
Jan, 1952 - England
Brexit-67.2% of the electorate and all but two UK counties and regions voted to stay in
Thursday Jun 5, 1975 - United Kingdom
Dmitri Mendeleev-Davy Medal
1882 - London, United Kingdom
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Churchill discussed the marriage at the 1953 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference
Jun, 1953 - England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Brexit-related jargon entered popular use
Thursday Jun 23, 2016 - United Kingdom
Buckingham Palace-Battle of Britain Day
Sunday Sep 15, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Uncle Lord Milford Haven died
Friday Apr 8, 1938 - London, England, United Kingdom
Plague-Great Plague of London
1665 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Speaker of the House of Commons informed the House of Commons that a third meaningful vote could be held only on a motion that was significantly different from the previous one
Monday Mar 18, 2019 - United Kingdom
Nikola Tesla-Nobel Prize rumors
Saturday Nov 6, 1915 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill threatened to resign as First Lord of the Admiralty
Dec, 1913 - London, England, United Kingdom
Black Friday-Asda announced that it would not take part in the 2015 Black Friday
2015 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill assumed full responsibility for Britain's aerial defense
Sep, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher-The Last Sitting at The House of Lords
Monday Jul 19, 2010 - London, England
Winston Churchill-Churchill was tasked with overseeing Britain's naval effort when the First World War began
Aug, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Asquith appointed Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty
Oct, 1911 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-National Portrait Gallery
1856 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Harry-Staff Officer Role
Friday Jan 17, 2014 - Horse Guards, London, England
Prince William-Royal ranks
Friday Jan 1, 2016 - London, United Kingdom
Kobe Bryant-Second Olympic medal
2012 - London, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell met Elizabeth Cady Stanton
1883 - England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Negotiations commenced
Monday Jun 19, 2017 - United Kingdom
Penicillin-The idea of using mold as a form of medical treatment was recorded by apothecaries
1640 - England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The extension options were agreed between the UK government and the European Council
Friday Mar 22, 2019 - United Kingdom
Angelina Jolie-A Generous Donation
Sep, 2021 - London, England, U.K.
On This Day - 3 September
Crusades-Battle of Ain Jalut
Friday Sep 3, 1260 - Ayn Jalut, Galilee
Mamluks-Battle of Ain Jalut
Friday Sep 3, 1260 - Ayn Jalut
George Washington-Treaty of Paris
Wednesday Sep 3, 1783 - Paris, France
Frederick Douglass-Douglass successfully escaped by boarding a northbound train
Monday Sep 3, 1838 - Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Sojourner Truth-Truth sold all her possessions
Thursday Sep 3, 1857 - U.S.
Alfred Nobel-Shed used for preparation of nitroglycerin exploded at the factory
Saturday Sep 3, 1864 - Stockholm, Sweden
Second Boer War-Roberts declared the war
Monday Sep 3, 1900 - South Africa
The Wright brothers-Demonstrating another nearly identical Flyer to the United States Army
Thursday Sep 3, 1908 - Virginia, U.S.
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle rank of the captain became permanent
Friday Sep 3, 1915 - France
Adolf Hitler-Britain and France declared war on Germany
Sunday Sep 3, 1939 - United Kingdom and France
Winston Churchill-Winston is back
Sunday Sep 3, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom
Frank Sinatra-Leaving Dorsey's band
Thursday Sep 3, 1942 - U.S.
1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état-Beneš's Death
Friday Sep 3, 1948 - Sezimovo Ústí, Czechia (Then Czechoslovakia)
Neil Armstrong-Neil flew armed reconnaissance over the primary transportation and storage facilities
Monday Sep 3, 1951 - Wonsan, Kangwon, North Korea
Iranian Revolution-The large march of Eid-e-Fitr
Sunday Sep 3, 1978 - Tehran, Iran
Kosovo War-The Paraćin massacre
Thursday Sep 3, 1987 - Serbia
Iran–Iraq War-Clearing The Kurdish Resistance
Saturday Sep 3, 1988 - Iraq
Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The People's Great Khural (upper house) First Met
Monday Sep 3, 1990 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Mohamed Salah-International debut
Saturday Sep 3, 2011 - Egypt
Tuesday Sep 3, 2013 - Finland
Disasters with highest death tolls-Typhoon Haiyan
Tuesday Sep 3, 2013 - Philippines, Vietnam, China
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Opening the 2018 World Nomad Games
Monday Sep 3, 2018 - Cholpon Ata, Kyrgyzstan
Bitcoin-Frankfurt Stock Exchange admitted in its Regulated Market the quotation of the first Bitcoin exchange-traded note (ETN)
Thursday Sep 3, 2020 - Frankfurt, Germany
Lady Gaga-Dawn of Chromatica
Friday Sep 3, 2021 - California, U.S.
Paul Dudley Birth
Tuesday Sep 3, 1675 - Roxbury
September 1993
David Cameron-Appling to Go On (PPCs) List
Monday Sep 6, 1993 - London, England
Bosnian War-Operation Neretva 93
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-Grabovica Killings
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Grabovica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian War of Independence-Operation Medak Pocket
Thursday Sep 9, 1993 - Gospić, Croatia
Bosnian War-Uzdol Killings
Tuesday Sep 14, 1993 - Uzdol, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Disasters with highest death tolls-1993 Latur Earthquake
Thursday Sep 30, 1993 at 05:30:00 AM - Maharashtra, India
Huawei-The company's first major breakthrough
1993 - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Bosnian War-The Vance-Owen Peace Plan
Jan, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rwandan genocide-Several extremist Hutu groups formed
1993 - Rwanda
Diego Maradona-Back Home
1993 - Rosario, Santa Fe & La Boca. Argentina
Sooronbay Jeenbekov-Jeenbekov was elected Chairman of the Kashka-Zhol collective farm
1993 - Kara-Kulja District, Kyrgyzstan
Visa Inc.-Visa became Foster City's largest employer
1993 - Foster City, California, U.S.
First Chechen War-Chechnya declared full independence from Moscow
1993 - Chechnya, Russia
Lacoste-Lacoste Regained Exclusive U.S. Rights To distribute Shirts Under Its Own Brand
1993 - Troyes, France
Bernard Arnault-La Tribune
1993 - Paris, France
Microprocessor-The 32-bit x86 Architectures became Increasingly Dominant In The Markets
1993 - U.S.
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Schindler's List
1993 - U.S.
Tony Hawk-First Divorce
1993 - U.S.
Computer animation-Babylon 5
1993 - U.S.
Computer animation-Jurassic Park
1993 - U.S.
Windows-Windows NT 3.1
1993 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.
Marvel Studios-Film based on the X-Men
1993 - U.S.
Marvel Studios-Marvel had licensed out the film rights to many of their characters to other studios in the 1990s, starting with the X-Men
1993 - U.S.
Jeff Bezos-Marriage
1993 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Bosnian War-Bratunac Killings
Thursday Jan 7, 1993 - Kravica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The Serbs killed the deputy prime minister of the ARBiH Hakija Turajlić
Friday Jan 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The ARBiH attacked the Bosnian Serb village of Skelani
Saturday Jan 16, 1993 - Skelani, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret experienced a mild stroke
Jan, 1993 - The Grenadines
Audrey Hepburn-Death
Wednesday Jan 20, 1993 - Tolochenaz, Vaud, Switzerland
Croatian War of Independence-Operation Maslenica
Friday Jan 22, 1993 - Croatia
Audrey Hepburn-Funeral
Sunday Jan 24, 1993 - Tolochenaz, Vaud, Switzerland
Bosnian War-The ARBiH seized control of several villages in the area
Tuesday Jan 26, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Donald Trump-Trump and Marla Maples married
1993 - U.S.
Bosnian War-A Ceasefire in the area of central Bosnia
Saturday Jan 30, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Shakira-Chile's Viña del Mar International Song Festival
Feb, 1993 - Viña del Mar, Chile
Croatian War of Independence-A Secret agreement
Thursday Feb 18, 1993 - Croatia
Bosnian War-Resolution 808
Monday Feb 22, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski mailed a bomb to the home of Charles Epstein
1993 - California, United States
Rwandan genocide-Hutu Power began compiling lists of "traitors" whom they planned to kill
Mar, 1993 - Rwanda
Shakira-Shakira's second studio album
Thursday Mar 25, 1993 - Colombia
Francesco Totti-First appearance for Roma's senior side in Serie A
Sunday Mar 28, 1993 - Rome, Italy
Bosnian War-A no-fly zone over Bosnia-Herzegovina
Wednesday Mar 31, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Shaquille O'Neal-Rookie Season
1993 - U.S.
Shaquille O'Neal-Shaq was named the 1993 NBA Rookie of the Year
1993 - U.S.
IBM-The Biggest Loss
Thursday Apr 1, 1993 - U.S.
Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal began to compose rap music
1993 - U.S.
Bosnian War-Operation Deny Flight
Monday Apr 12, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The Outnumbered HVO in the Zenica municipality was quickly defeated
Thursday Apr 15, 1993 - Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-Killings by the ARBiH in the village of Trusina
Friday Apr 16, 1993 - Trusina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The HVO launched a spoiling attack on the village of Ahmići
Friday Apr 16, 1993 - Ahmići, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Joe Biden-Biden spent a week in the Balkans
Apr, 1993 - Then Yugoslavia
Bosnian War-Mujahideen forces attacked the village of Miletići
Saturday Apr 24, 1993 - Miletići, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-Izetbegović and Boban signed a ceasefire agreement
Sunday Apr 25, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Xanana Gusmão-Gusmão's Trial
May, 1993 - Timor-Leste
Shaquille O'Neal-"Shaq Diesel"
1993 - RIAA, Washington D.C., U.S.
Bosnian War-The Vance-Owen peace plan was rejected
Saturday May 15, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian War of Independence-The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Tuesday May 25, 1993 - The Hague, the Netherlands
Bosnian War-The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Tuesday May 25, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Garry Kasparov-Choice of Russia
Jun, 1993 - Russia
Croatian War of Independence-Merging Referendum
Jun, 1993 - Serbia
First Chechen War-Dudayev dissolved the Chechen parliament
Jun, 1993 - Chechnya, Russia
Shaquille O'Neal-The Magic finished 41–41
1993 - U.S.
Bosnian War-The UN Security Council passed Resolution 836
Friday Jun 4, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mongolian Revolution of 1990-The First Election Win For The Democrats
Sunday Jun 6, 1993 - Mongolia
Bosnian War-Croat civilians and POWs were killed by the mujahideen
Tuesday Jun 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The ARBiH attacked HVO units positioned east of the town
Wednesday Jun 9, 1993 - Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The ARBiH offensive continued east of Travnik
Monday Jun 14, 1993 - Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-The ARBiH secured the area northwest of the town
Tuesday Jun 15, 1993 - Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-Operation Sharp Guard
Tuesday Jun 15, 1993 - Adriatic Sea
Sony Corporation-SDDS Format
Thursday Jun 17, 1993 - U.S.
David Cameron-Special Adviser to the Home Secretary
Tuesday Jun 22, 1993 - London, England
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Righteous Among the Nations
Thursday Jun 24, 1993 - Jerusalem, Israel
Bosnian War-An ARBiH defeat
Thursday Jun 24, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hugo Chávez-Breaking Up With Herma
Jul, 1993 - Yare Prison, San Francisco de Yare, Venezuela
World Trade Organization-Founding Director-General of the World Trade Organization
Thursday Jul 1, 1993 - Geneva, Switzerland
Bosnian War-The HVO held off an attack on Kreševo
Saturday Jul 3, 1993 - Kreševo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
James Bond-Never Send Flowers was published
Friday Jul 16, 1993 - United Kingdom
Microsoft-Easier Windows
Wednesday Jul 21, 1993 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.
Trivial Pursuit-A version of Trivial Pursuit hosted by Wink Martindale
1993 - U.S.
Nintendo-Project Reality
1993 - Kyoto, Japan
Xanana Gusmão-The Sentence Was Commuted
Aug, 1993 - Timor-Leste
KFC-KFC Israel
1993 - Israel
Angelina Jolie-Cyborg 2
1993 - California, United States
David Cameron-Appling to Go On (PPCs) List
Monday Sep 6, 1993 - London, England
Bosnian War-Operation Neretva 93
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnian War-Grabovica Killings
Wednesday Sep 8, 1993 - Grabovica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian War of Independence-Operation Medak Pocket
Thursday Sep 9, 1993 - Gospić, Croatia
Bosnian War-Uzdol Killings
Tuesday Sep 14, 1993 - Uzdol, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Disasters with highest death tolls-1993 Latur Earthquake
Thursday Sep 30, 1993 at 05:30:00 AM - Maharashtra, India
Rwandan genocide-The assassination of Melchior Ndadaye
Oct, 1993 - Burundi
Dollar Tree-Only $1.00 was changed to Dollar Tree Stores
1993 - Virginia, U.S.
Michael Jordan-1st Retirement
Wednesday Oct 6, 1993 - U.S.
PlayStation-Green light
1993 - Tokyo, Japan
Nelson Mandela-The Nobel Peace Prize
Friday Oct 15, 1993 - Oslo, Norway
United Nations-United Nations Commission on Human Rights was formed
1993 - U.S.
River Phoenix-Phoenix had returned to Los Angeles
1993 - California, United States
Bosnian War-Stupni Do Massacre
Saturday Oct 23, 1993 - Stupni Do, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3D printing-Start of an inkjet 3D printer company
1993 - Wilton, New Hampshire, U.S.
River Phoenix-Phoenix was to perform with the band P
Saturday Oct 30, 1993 - Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
Garry Kasparov-Producing video material for the computer game Kasparov's Gambit
Nov, 1993 - Russia
Brexit-EC became the EU
Monday Nov 1, 1993 - Maastricht, Netherlands
Severo Ochoa-Ochowa's death
Monday Nov 1, 1993 - Madrid, Spain
River Phoenix-The cause of death
Monday Nov 15, 1993 - West Hollywood, California, U.S.
Martial arts-First Pancrase event was held in Japan
1993 - Japan
PlayStation-Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI)
Tuesday Nov 16, 1993 - Tokyo, Japan
Diving horse-Shut Down Again
1993 - New Jersey, U.S.