Alan Turing - Warsaw Meeting
Time: Jul, 1939
Place: Warsaw, Poland
Details: After the July 1939 Warsaw meeting at which the Polish Cipher Bureau had provided the British and French with the details of the wiring of Enigma rotors and their method of decrypting Enigma code messages, Turing and Knox started to work on a less fragile approach to the problem. Their approach was more general, using crib-based decryption for which he produced the functional specification of the bombe (an improvement of the Polish Bomba).
Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Warsaw Pact
Saturday May 14, 1955 - Warsaw, Poland
Marie Curie-Born
Thursday Nov 7, 1867 - Warsaw, Congress Poland, Russian Empire (Now Poland)
Marie Curie-Graduating From a Gymnasium For Girls
Tuesday Jun 12, 1883 - Congress Poland, Russian Empire (Now Poland)
World War II-German troops reached the suburbs of Warsaw
Friday Sep 8, 1939 - Warsaw, Poland
Marie Curie-She visited Poland
1913 - Warsaw, Poland
Computer-One of The Earliest Examples of an Electromechanical relay Computer.
1939 - Germany
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-His role in the invasion of Poland
Jan, 1939 - Ostrava, Czech Republic
Heinrich Himmler-Invasion of Poland
1939 - Germany
Alan Turing-Ludwig Wittgenstein's Lectures about The Foundations of Mathematics
1939 - Cambridge, England
Igor Stravinsky-His Wife's Death
1939 - France