Howard Hughes: The Aviator - Wealth
Time: 1966
Place: U.S.
Details: It isn't known exactly how much he was worth at the time of his death, but ten years before he died, he was forced to sell his shares in the airline company TWA. The payout? $546 million (about $3.8 billion today), estimated by some to have been about 1/3 of his net worth.

Dwayne Johnson-Rock and Mankind Won the Tag Titles for Final Time
Tuesday Oct 12, 1999 - U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Hospital Transportation
1961 - Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.

Nuclear Power-The world's first operational nuclear-powered submarine "USS Nautilus"
Thursday Jan 21, 1954 - U.S.

Incandescent light bulb-Edison filed his first patent Application for "Improvement In Electric Lights"
Monday Oct 14, 1878 - New Jersey, U.S.

Angelina Jolie-On Good Terms
Feb, 1999 - United States

Incandescent light bulb-Edison filed for a US Patent for an Electric Lamp using a Carbon Filament or Strip Coiled and connected to platina contact wires
Tuesday Nov 4, 1879 - New Jersey, U.S.

Gita Gopinath-Gita earned her Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University
2001 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Roman Republic-Mithridates ordered the killing of a majority of the Romans
88 BC - Turkey

Alan Turing-Turing Obtained His PhD From The Department of Mathematics
Wednesday Jun 1, 1938 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Bin Laden-Failed plan
Thursday Nov 8, 1990 - New Jersey, U.S.

Alan Turing-Studying Under Alonzo Church at Princeton University
Sep, 1936 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Jeff Bezos-Graduation
1986 - Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Great Appalachian Storm of 1950
1950 - U.S.

OnePlus-MKBHD phone of the year 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018 - New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-Unix Release
1971 - New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-Bell Labs began selling Unix as a proprietary product
1984 - New Jersey, U.S.

Benjamin Banneker-Ellicott brothers
1772 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Black Friday-Demond Cottman was shot and killed
Friday Nov 25, 2016 - New Jersey, U.S.

Lady Gaga-Gaga and Fusari relation
2006 - New Jersey, U.S.

Benjamin Banneker-George Ellicott loaned Banneker books and equipment to begin a more formal study of astronomy
1788 - U.S.

Battle of Princeton
Friday Jan 3, 1777 - New Jersey

Cameras-The First semiconductor image Sensor
1969 - New Jersey, U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Death
Saturday May 23, 2015 - Monroe Township, New Jersey, U.S.

SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through China: Closing entertainment venues
Friday Apr 25, 2003 - Beijing, China

Cameras-The discovery of digital Camera sensor Basis
1959 - New Jersey, U.S.

Halloween-Haunted Castle Fire
Friday May 11, 1984 - Jackson Township, New Jersey, U.S.

Incandescent light bulb-Edison's first Successful Test
Wednesday Oct 22, 1879 - New Jersey, U.S.

Albert Einstein-Death
Monday Apr 18, 1955 - New Jersey, United States

Atomic Bomb-The 1960 Fort Dix IM-99 accident
Tuesday Jun 7, 1960 - New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-Unix rewritten
1973 - New Jersey, U.S.

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski killed Burson-Marsteller
1994 - New Jersey, United States

Bicycle-American Star Bicycle
1880 - New Jersey, U.S.

Internet-Wide area networks emerged
1950s - World

The Province of New Jersey was an English colony in1664
Wednesday Mar 12, 1664 - New Jersey

Unification of Italy-Count Cavour provided critical leadership
1861 - Italy

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won AIEE Edison Medal
1917 - U.S.

Huawei-IEEE banned Huawei Employees
Thursday May 30, 2019 - Piscataway, New Jersey, U.S.

Huawei-Revoking IEEE ban For Huawei
Monday Jun 3, 2019 - Piscataway, New Jersey, U.S.

George Washington-Returned to New Jersey
Saturday Jan 4, 1777 - Delaware river, U.S.

George Washington-Washington crossed the Delaware River
Thursday Dec 26, 1776 - Delaware River, U.S.

Laser-Ali Javan, and William R. Bennett, and Donald Herriott, constructed the first gas laser
1960 - New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-The Unix operating system
1969 - New Jersey, U.S.

Mass Shootings in the United States-Camden Shootings
Tuesday Sep 6, 1949 - Camden, New Jersey, U.S.

Warren Buffett-Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
1947 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

X-ray-X-ray problems
Aug, 1896 - Columbia College, New York, U.S.

George Washington-Congress chose his primary staff officers
1775 - U.S.

George Washington-Washington appeared before Congress in uniform
Saturday Jun 17, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-The state electors under the Constitution voted for the president
Thursday Feb 5, 1789 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Flag Resolution
Saturday Jun 14, 1777 - U.S.

George Washington-Militia Act of 1792
1792 - U.S.

George Washington-Congress imposed an excise tax on distilled spirits to help curtail the national debt
Mar, 1791 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Declaration of Independence
Thursday Jul 4, 1776 - U.S.

George Washington-Washington sworn into office by Associate Justice William Cushing
Monday Mar 4, 1793 - Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress created the Continental Army
Thursday Jun 15, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Flag of the United States-Secretary of the Board of War Richard Peters expressed concern
Monday May 10, 1779 - U.S.

George Washington-He was commissioned on June 19 and was roundly praised by Congressional delegates
Tuesday Jun 20, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Library of Congress-Idea
1783 - U.S.

George Washington-Congress created executive departments
1789 - U.S.

George Washington-Congress agreed to a Constitutional Convention
1787 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Flag of the United States-Drafts of a Standard
Wednesday Nov 3, 1779 - U.S.

Dollar Tree-Dollar Tree acquired Dollar Express
2000 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Black Friday-The earliest known published reference to this explanation occurs
Saturday Nov 28, 1981 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-WrestleMania XV
Sunday Mar 28, 1999 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

First Continental Congress (1774)
Monday Sep 5, 1774 - Philadelphia

John Morgan Birth
Friday Jun 10, 1735 - Philadelphia

George Washington-Congress appointed Washington General & Commander in chief of the army of the United Colonies
1775 - U.S.

George Washington-Joined the Continental Congress in Philadelphia
Friday May 5, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Unforgiven (2000)
Sunday Sep 24, 2000 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-National Militia
Aug, 1783 - U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin Hart: I'm a Grown Little Man
Tuesday Feb 3, 2009 - U.S.

George Washington-Congress ratified the Articles of Confederation
Friday Mar 2, 1781 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-June 1856 Republican National Convention
Wednesday Jun 18, 1856 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress allowed free blacks to serve in the militia
Wednesday Jan 17, 1776 - U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell left Charleston for Philadelphia and New York
1847 - Philadelphia and New York, U.S.

Mother's Day-Protesting "Philadelphia"
1923 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Robert Fulton-Early life
1770s - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

George Washington-Letter to General Moses Hazen
Sunday May 19, 1782 - U.S.

Kobe Bryant-Birth and Early Life
Wednesday Aug 23, 1978 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Farewell Address
Monday Sep 19, 1796 - U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Philadelphia's black neighborhoods had a negative reputation
1890s - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Flag of the United States-Betsy Ross story
1780s - U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin began pursuing a career in stand-up comedy
1980s - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin and Torrei Hart married
2003 - U.S.

George Washington-Treaty of Alliance
Feb, 1778 - U.S.

Kevin Hart-Birth
Friday Jul 6, 1979 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Royal Rumble (2015)
Sunday Jan 25, 2015 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Libraries-Library Company of Philadelphia
1731 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Washington arrived in Philadelphia
Thursday May 10, 1787 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Robert Fulton-Marble statue of Fulton
1909 - Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress ordered an invasion of Canada
Jun, 1775 - U.S.

Black Friday-Big Friday
1961 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Incandescent light bulb-Ebenezer Kinnersley's Discovery
1761 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Richard founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Thursday Feb 14, 1760 - Philadelphia

Nikola Tesla-Tesla met with patent attorney Lemuel W. Serrell
Mar, 1885 - U.S.

Spanish Flu-Philadelphia's October
Oct, 1918 - Philadelphia, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won John Scott Medal
1934 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla told onlookers that he was sure a system like his could eventually conduct "intelligible signals or perhaps even power to any distance without the use of wires"
1893 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Letter to Charles Asgill
Thursday Nov 14, 1782 - U.S.

George Washington-Newburgh Conspiracy
Mar, 1783 - U.S.

Ted Bundy-First Years
1949 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Xanana Gusmão-Gusmão obtained a position with the public service
1966 - Timor-Leste

Mao Zedong-The Split From Soviet Union
1966 - China

Mobile Phones-OLT System
1966 - Norway

Amancio Ortega-Marriage
1966 - Spain

Warren Buffett-Buffett Closed the Partnership
1966 - U.S.

Visa Inc.-BofA began to sign licensing agreements with a group of banks outside of California
1966 - California, U.S.

NATO Establishment-The Withdrawal of France From NATO's Military Structure
1966 - France

Slobodan Milošević-Graduation
1966 - Belgrade, Serbia (then Yugoslavia)

Carlos Slim-Inmobiliaria Carso
1966 - Mexico City, Mexico

World Bank-International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
1966 - Washington D.C., U.S.

DC Comics-Batman TV show on the ABC network sparked a temporary spike in comic book sales
1966 - U.S.

Nike, Inc.-The First Retail Store
1966 - Santa Monica, California, U.S.

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Later years as a Las Vegas recluse
1966 - Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.

New York Stock Exchange-Common Stock Index
1966 - U.S.

Fidel Castro-The Tri-Continental Conference of Africa, Asia and Latin America
Monday Jan 3, 1966 - Havana, Cuba

Qaboos bin Said al Said-Arrested by father
1966 - Salalah, Dhofar, Oman

Atomic Bomb-The 1966 Palomares B-52 Crash
Monday Jan 17, 1966 - Mediterranean Sea

Indira Gandhi-The Prime Minister of India
Sunday Jan 23, 1966 - New Delhi, India

Donald Trump-Wharton School
1966 - Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-North American Blizzard of 1966
Saturday Jan 29, 1966 - U.S. and Canada

Thanksgiving-Law 5110
1966 - Brazil

Bob Marley-Marriage
Thursday Feb 10, 1966 - Kingston, Jamaica

Charles de Gaulle-France withdrew from the NATO
Feb, 1966 - Brussels, Belgium

Internet-Merit Network was formed
1966 - Michigan, U.S.

Nuclear Power-USS Queenfish (SSN-651)
Friday Feb 25, 1966 - U.S.

The Beatles-Lennon's comment
Friday Mar 4, 1966 - England

Father's Day-First presidential proclamation honoring fathers
1966 - U.S.

Neil Armstrong-The Launching of Gemini 8
Wednesday Mar 16, 1966 - Launch Complex 19 - Titan rocket, Gemini program, Cape Kennedy, Florida, U.S.

Memorial day-Waterloo proclamation
Thursday May 26, 1966 - Waterloo, New York, U.S.

Richard Nixon-Retirement
Monday Jun 6, 1966 - U.S.

Internet-Three network terminals had been installed
Jun, 1966 - U.S.

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret had her first extramarital affair
1966 - England, United Kingdom

James Bond-Octopussy and The Living Daylights was published
Thursday Jun 23, 1966 - United Kingdom

Audrey Hepburn-How to Steal a Million
Wednesday Jul 13, 1966 - U.S.

Frank Sinatra-3rd Marriage
Tuesday Jul 19, 1966 - U.S.

Che Guevara-To Cuba
Thursday Jul 21, 1966 - Cuba

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman estimated that there were approximately 700 Communists
Friday Jul 22, 1966 - Kalimantan, Indonesia

The Beatles-The Datebook magazine Publish Lennon's comment
Aug, 1966 - U.S.

Mass Shootings in the United States-University of Texas Tower Shooting
Monday Aug 1, 1966 - Austin, Texas, U.S.

Martin Luther King-Chicago open housing movement
Friday Aug 5, 1966 - Chicago, U.S.

Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan-Emir of Abu Dhabi
Saturday Aug 6, 1966 - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Best Buy-Richard M. Schulze and a business partner opened Sound of Music
Monday Aug 22, 1966 - St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.

Joe Biden-Biden married Neilia Hunter
Saturday Aug 27, 1966 - Skaneateles, New York, U.S.

The Beatles-The last commercial concert a four-year period
Monday Aug 29, 1966 - Candlestick Park, San Francisco, California, USA

Johan Cruyff-International Official debut
Wednesday Sep 7, 1966 - Netherlands

Stan Lee-The Amazing Spider-Man
1966 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's speech in Phnom Penh in Cambodia expressed France's disapproval of the US involvement in the Vietnam War
Sep, 1966 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia

1966 - Washington, DC, U.S.

Neil Armstrong-The Final assignment for Armstrong in the Gemini Program
Monday Sep 12, 1966 - Launch Complex 19 - Titan rocket, Gemini program, Cape Kennedy, Florida, U.S.

George Weah-Born
Saturday Oct 1, 1966 - Monrovia, Liberia

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-"hot pursuit" operations
Oct, 1966 - Sarawak, Malaysia

David Cameron-Born
Sunday Oct 9, 1966 - Marylebone, London, England

Richard Branson-Richard attended Stowe School
1966 - Stowe, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom

Richard Branson-Branson launched a magazine named Student
1966 - London, England, United Kingdom

Bank of America-Master Charge
1966 - New York, U.S.

Kroger-All chains adopted the Kroger banner
1966 - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Che Guevara-To La Paz
Thursday Nov 3, 1966 - La Paz, Bolivia

FIFA World Cup-Stolen one
Monday Nov 7, 1966 - England

Jimmy Carter-1966 Georgia gubernatorial election
Tuesday Nov 8, 1966 - Georgia, U.S.

Ronald Reagan-A Governor
Tuesday Nov 8, 1966 - California, U.S.

Xerox-Xerox 2400
1966 - U.S.

Muhammad Ali Clay-Mohammad Ali vs Williams
Monday Nov 14, 1966 - Houston Astrodome, Houston, U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower underwent surgery
Monday Dec 12, 1966 - U.S.

Walt Disney-Death
Thursday Dec 15, 1966 - St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, California, U.S.

Jimmy Hoffa-President of the IBT for the Third Time
1966 - U.S.

Richard Jewell-Divorce of His Mother
1966 - Danville, Virginia, U.S.

Richard Jewell-Adoption
1966 - Danville, Virginia, U.S.

Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1966
1966 - Vietnam

Conflict in Myanmar-The Cultural Revolution
1966 - Myanmar