Napoleon - Britain declared the war
الزمان: May 1803
المكان: United Kingdom
التفاصيل: The peace with Britain proved to be uneasy and controversial. Britain did not evacuate Malta as promised and protested against Bonaparte's annexation of Piedmont and his Act of Mediation, which established a new Swiss Confederation. Neither of these territories were covered by Amiens, but they inflamed tensions significantly. The dispute culminated in a declaration of war by Britain in May 1803; Napoleon responded by reassembling the invasion camp at Boulogne.
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بالقرب من الحدث
Brexit-UK was required to leave the EU
Friday 12 Apr 2019 - United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Members' Lobby after bombing
1941 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Central Lobby
القرن الـ17 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The 1983 general election
Thursday 9 Jun 1983 - United Kingdom
Edward VIII-Memorandum Summarizing
Wednesday 14 Apr 1937 - London, Englad, United Kingdom
Brexit-Second reading in the House of Commons
Friday 20 Dec 2019 - United Kingdom
Great Depression-The United Kingdom General election 1931
Tuesday 27 Oct 1931 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Both the Lords and the Commons approved the statutory instrument changing the exit date
Wednesday 27 Mar 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
Diego Maradona-Maradona thanked Queen Elizabeth II and the Houses of Parliament
Oct 2015 - London, England, United Kingdom
Buckingham Palace-Destruction of the Palace of Westminster by fire
Thursday 16 Oct 1834 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The Worst Raid
Saturday 10 May 1941 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The palace complex was substantially remodeled
1824 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Four inner courtyards have been completed
Apr 2012 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Clipsham stone
1928 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Vacating the building for six years
2016 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II-Anglo-Soviet Agreement
Saturday 12 Jul 1941 - England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Attack treated by prosecutors as terrorism
Aug 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The Stone Building
1755 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-One bomb fell into Old Palace Yard
Thursday 26 Sep 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Spencer Perceval assassinated
Monday 11 May 1812 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Sir Walter Raleigh was executed
Monday 29 Oct 1618 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Fire destroyed the royal residential
1512 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Painted Chamber
القرن الـ13 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-White Chamber
1801 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Most of the work had been carried out
1860 - London, England
Elizabeth Woodville-Elizabeth was present at the birth of her granddaughter Margaret
Jun 1491 - Westminster Palace, London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Old Palace
1016 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Clear defects
1849 - London, England, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Woodville-Richard III's first Parliament
Jan 1484 - United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The Cost to restore the Palace of Westminster
Jun 2015 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II-Neville Chamberlain resignation
Friday 10 May 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Failed Gunpowder Plot
1605 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The Stonework had to be replaced
العقد الـ1 من القرن الـ19 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II-United Kingdom declaration of war on Japan
Monday 8 Dec 1941 - United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Works proceeded quickly
Feb 1835 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II-Churchill in the office
Friday 10 May 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-UK parliament passed the Early Parliamentary General Election Act that bypassed the Fixed-term Parliament Act 2011
Oct 2019 - United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II-Coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953
Tuesday 2 Jun 1953 - Westminster Abbey, London, United Kingdom
Libraries-Public Libraries Act 1850
Thursday 15 Aug 1850 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Lords relented and the People's Budget passed into law
Apr 1910 - United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The Gunpowder Plot
Saturday 5 Nov 1605 - London, England
The palace of Westminster England-The Lords Chamber was then renovated over the ensuing months
May 1951 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-House of Lords of the United Kingdom
Thursday 22 Jan 1801 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was introduced to the House of Lords
Wednesday 21 Jul 1948 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-A Fire
Thursday 16 Oct 1834 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Lords Chamber was completed
1847 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The new Pugin-Barry design
Monday 27 Apr 1840 - London, England, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Blackwell-Medical Act of 1858
1858 - London, England, United Kingdom
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Duke was commended by the Speaker of the British House of Commons for his role in supporting the Queen
2002 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Royal Assent
Monday 9 Sep 2019 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill voted in support of the Representation of the People Act 1918
1918 - England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill defected from the Conservatives
1904 - England, United Kingdom
Brexit-UK would trigger Article 50
Mar 2017 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill convinced the House of Commons to authorize the government purchase of a 51 percent share in the profits of oil produced by the Anglo-Persian Oil Company
Jun 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-"blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech
Monday 13 May 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-European Union Referendum Act 2015
2015 - United Kingdom
Brexit-Chequers plan
Thursday 12 Jul 2018 - United Kingdom
Buckingham Palace-House of Commons backed funding for the project
Mar 2017 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Partial agreement was reached
Dec 2017 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Real division between Churchill and the Conservatives
1903 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill introduced the second reading of the Coal Mines Bill in parliament
Mar 1911 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-India Bill entered Parliament
Dec 1934 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Commons debated Dominion Status for India
Thursday 3 Dec 1931 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill took his seat in the House of Commons
Feb 1901 - London, England, United Kingdm
Winston Churchill-Norway Debate
Tuesday 7 May 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-UK and EU negotiators agreed the text of a draft withdrawal agreement
Tuesday 13 Nov 2018 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Lloyd George introduced the National Insurance Act 1911
Apr 1911 - England, United Kingdom
World War II-The Norway Debate
Tuesday 7 May 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-House of Commons voted 432 to 202 against the deal
Tuesday 15 Jan 2019 - United Kingdom
The Holocaust-United Nations objected "bestial policy of cold-blooded extermination"
Thursday 17 Dec 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Bomb hit the chamber of the House of Commons
1941 - London, England, United Kingdom
Marcus Garvey-Marcus sailed to England
1912 - England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The House of Commons
1547 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The second alternative offered was that if MPs approved May's deal
Wednesday 22 May 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Commons Chamber was rebuilt
العقد الـ4 من القرن الـ19 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Theresa May called a snap general election
Apr 2017 - United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The Chamber of the House of Commons reopened
1950 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill crossed the floor
Tuesday 31 May 1904 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Commons Chamber was completed
1852 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The House of Commons voted for both houses to vacate the Palace of Westminster to allow for a complete refurbishment of the building
Jan 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The first alternative offered was that if MPs rejected May's deal in the next week
Friday 12 Apr 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill called the Munich Agreement "a total and unmitigated defeat"
Wednesday 5 Oct 1938 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Asquith's government introduced the Home Rule Bill
1912 - England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Opening Speech
Feb 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-The Withdrawal Agreement was brought back to the House
Friday 29 Mar 2019 - London, England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Liberals won general election in January 1906
Jan 1906 - United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill lost his Dundee seat
Nov 1922 - United kingdom
Winston Churchill-Churchill opposed the government's proposed Aliens Bill
May 1904 - England, United Kingdom
Winston Churchill-1923 United Kingdom general election
Thursday 6 Dec 1923 - United kingdom
Brexit-Cameron announced a referendum date
Thursday 23 Jun 2016 - London, England, United Kingdom
Brexit-Prime Minister postponed the vote in the House of Commons on her Brexit deal
Monday 10 Dec 2018 - United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Model Parliament
1295 - Westminster Hall, London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-British Parliaments
1707 - Westminster Hall, London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The new roof was commissioned
1393 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Simon de Montfort's parliament
Tuesday 20 Jan 1265 - Westminster Hall, London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-King George VI opened the new chamber in a ceremony which took place in Westminster Hall
Thursday 26 Oct 1950 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Bomb planted by the Provisional IRA
Monday 17 Jun 1974 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Westminster Hall erected
1097 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-The North Wall of Westminster Hall is undergoing restoration
Oct 2012 - London, England, United Kingdom
The palace of Westminster England-Parliament acquired office space in the nearby Norman Shaw Building
1975 - London, England, United Kingdom
1803 - Vienna, Austria
Napoleon-Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States
1803 - U.S.
Beethoven-Writing the Erocia
1803 - Vienna, Austria