Iran–Iraq War - Cabinet Meeting
Time: 1982
Place: Baghdad, Iraq
Details: At a cabinet meeting in Baghdad, Minister of Health Riyadh Ibrahim Hussein suggested that Saddam could step down temporarily as a way of easing Iran towards a ceasefire, and then afterwards would come back to power. Saddam, annoyed, asked if anyone else in the Cabinet agreed with the Health Minister's idea. When no one raised their hand in support, he escorted Riyadh Hussein to the next room, closed the door, and shot him with his pistol. Saddam returned to the room and continued with his meeting.
Iran–Iraq War-Saddam's Speech
Tuesday Jul 17, 1979 - Baghdad, Iraq
Iran–Iraq War-Air attacks
Wednesday Oct 1, 1980 - Baghdad, Iraq
Iran–Iraq War-Iranian delegation
1969 - Iraq
American Sniper: Christopher Scott Kyle-Defamation lawsuit
Friday Sep 29, 2006 - Iraq
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Scorch Sword
Tuesday Sep 30, 1980 - Baghdad, Iraq
Angela Merkel-1st Divorce
1982 - Germany
Garry Kasparov-First win in a Superclass-level international tournament
1982 - Bugojno, Yugoslavia (Present Day Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Nokia-Nokia's first mobile phone
1982 - Finland
Mother Teresa-37 children rescued
1982 - Beirut, Lebanon
Lula da Silva-First ran for office
1982 - São Paulo, Brazil