Joseph Goebbels - Goebbels and his wife discussed suicide
Time: Saturday Jan 27, 1945
Place: Germany
Details: He and Magda may have discussed suicide and the fate of their young children in a long meeting on the night of 27 January.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels proclaimed it illegal to listen to foreign radio stations
Saturday Sep 2, 1939 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels had a lack of income from his literary works
1923 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels were distributed Free radios
Saturday Oct 29, 1938 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels and Bormann were witnesses to Hitlers
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

German revolutions of 1848–1849-A delegation of the National Assembly met with King Frederick William IV
Saturday Apr 21, 1849 - Central Europe (Present-Day Berlin, Germany)

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels converted the 1 May holiday from a celebration of workers' rights into a day celebrating the NSDAP
Monday May 1, 1933 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was involved in planning the staging of the 1936 Summer Olympics
Friday Dec 25, 1936 at 12:05:00 AM - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels decreed that 20 per cent of the films should be propaganda and 80 per cent light entertainment
1942 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels wanted to eliminate the Protestant church
Feb, 1937 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels wanted to expulsion Jews from Berlin
1935 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels gained control of radio stations nationwide
Jul, 1934 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Hitler named Bormann Reichsleiter
Tuesday Oct 10, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels organized Potsdam celebration
Tuesday Mar 21, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels's speeches attacked the Catholic church as morally corrupt
Friday May 28, 1937 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The Reichstag fire
Monday Feb 27, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Most of Hitler's inner circle to leave Berlin
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels used provocation to bring attention to the NSDAP
Thursday May 5, 1927 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The Reich Film Chamber was created
Jun, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Berlin surrendered
Wednesday May 2, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was named Stadtpräsident of Berlin
Thursday Apr 1, 1943 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels redirected his propaganda machine against Poland
1938 - Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler's SS representative was caught and brought back to the Führerbunker
Friday Apr 27, 1945 - Germany

Napoleon-Berlin Decree
Friday Nov 21, 1806 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-The Machtergreifung (NSDAP Seizure of Power)
Jan, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Hitler's 56th Birthday
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Vice-Admiral Voss saw Goebbels for the last time
Tuesday May 1, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Stab-in-the-back myth
1918 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels announced that the offices of president and chancellor had been combined
Thursday Aug 2, 1934 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels knew how to play on Hitler's fantasies
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Becoming Chancellor and Foreign Minister
Monday Aug 13, 1923 - Wiemar Republic (Present Day Germany)

Martin Bormann-Bormann was named as Party Minister
Monday Apr 30, 1945 - Germany

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Germans finally surrendered
Monday May 7, 1945 - Germany

Martin Bormann-The Chief of Staff In The Office of Rudolf Hess
Saturday Jul 1, 1933 - Germany

Martin Bormann-The Battle of Berlin
Monday Apr 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-He Joined The 55th Field Artillery Regiment
Jun, 1918 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann Set Up The Hilfskasse der NSDAP
1930 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann was Granted SS Number 555
1938 - Germany

Max Planck-Marie Planck's Death
Jul, 1909 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Hitler married Eva Braun before his suicide
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Death
Wednesday May 2, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

IBM-Hitler's Third Reich
1937 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels noted in his diary millions of Germans were fleeing westward
Sunday Jan 21, 1945 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann Joined The National Socialist German Workers Party
1927 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels composed the text of the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses
Saturday Apr 1, 1933 - Germany

World War II-Fall of Berlin
Monday Apr 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-The Battle In Berlin Ended
Wednesday May 2, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-The Volkssturm
Wednesday Oct 18, 1944 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann was Gaining Acceptance Into Hitler's Inner Circle
Jun, 1934 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels continued to press Hitler to bring the economy to a total war footing
Jul, 1944 - Berlin, Germany

Edward VIII-Edward visit to Nazi Germany
Oct, 1937 - Germany

Martin Bormann-The Red Army started to Encircle Berlin
Thursday Apr 19, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels pressured Hitler to announce "total war"
Wednesday Jan 13, 1943 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels speech titled "Lenin or Hitler?"
Feb, 1926 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels instigated the murder of Jews
Tuesday Nov 8, 1938 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels urged to produce inexpensive home receivers, called Volksempfänger
1938 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels continued his intensive antisemitic
Monday Jan 30, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

Great Depression-German federal election (July 1932)
Sunday Jul 31, 1932 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Nuremberg Laws
Sunday Sep 15, 1935 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-Germany began a genocide policy against Jews
Monday Jan 30, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-German declaration of war against the United States
Thursday Dec 11, 1941 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Pact of Steel
Monday May 22, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Hitler became the Chancellor
Monday Jan 30, 1933 - Germany

World War II-Stormy meeting
Thursday Aug 31, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

Great Depression-German federal election (November 1932)
Sunday Nov 6, 1932 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The ban on the NSDAP was lifted
Sunday May 20, 1928 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Reichstag changed the immunity regulations
Feb, 1931 - Berlin, Germany

The Holocaust-March 1933 Reichstag elections
Sunday Mar 5, 1933 - Germany

Martin Bormann-The Personal Secretary to Rudolf Hess
Tuesday Jul 4, 1933 - Germany

World War II-Hitler demanded that a Polish plenipotentiary immediately travel to Berlin
Wednesday Aug 30, 1939 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Public peace overture
Friday Oct 6, 1939 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The Nazi Party's control of the popular press
Wednesday Oct 4, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The defeat of the Nazis at the end of the Second World War
Sunday Mar 5, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Libraries-Thirty Years War
1648 - Europe

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Baden was the first state to have popular unrest
Feb, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Germany)

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was appointed the second-highest political rank in the Nazi Party
Friday Jun 2, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Armenian Genocide-Talaat Pasha assassination
Tuesday Mar 15, 1921 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels declared that Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself
1935 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann Joined The Schutzstaffel (SS)
Friday Jan 1, 1937 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels arranged to eliminate his children by injected morphine
Tuesday May 1, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Last Meeting
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Libraries-Prussian State Library
1661 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels's speech to burning the Nazi book
Wednesday May 10, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War
Sunday Jul 23, 1944 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed newly created Air Raid Damage committee
Friday Jan 15, 1943 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Hitler Transferred His Headquarters To The Führerbunker
Tuesday Jan 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Gustav Stresemann-Becoming a member in the Reichstag
1907 - Leipziger Straße 4, Berlin, German Empire(Present Day Germany)

Gustav Stresemann-Losing his seats
1912 - Leipziger Straße 4, Berlin, German Empire(Present Day Germany)

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed the Reich Defense Commissioner for his Gau
Monday Nov 16, 1942 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels appointed head of the newly created Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Tuesday Mar 14, 1933 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels was first offered the position of party Gauleiter
1926 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels' letter informed Chuikov of Hitler's death
Tuesday May 1, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Max Planck-Becomeing a Full Professor
1892 - Friedrich Wilhelms University, Berlin, Germany

Max Planck-Graduation
Oct, 1878 - Friedrich Wilhelms University, Berlin, Germany

Albrecht Kossel-Director of the Chemistry Division
1883 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-The first time that "Goebbels met Magda Quandt"
1930 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels burned his private papers
Wednesday Apr 18, 1945 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels planned the staging Olympics
1936 - Berlin, Germany

League of Legends-2015 Finals
Thursday Oct 1, 2015 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels's next speech was a passionate demand for his audience to commit to total war
Thursday Feb 18, 1943 - Germany

Adolf Hitler-Death
Monday Apr 30, 1945 - Berlin, Germany
On This Day - 27 January

Roman Empire-Nerva died
Monday Jan 27, 98 - Gardens of Sallust, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire

Mozart-Mozart's birth
Tuesday Jan 27, 1756 - No. 9 Getreidegasse, Salzburg, Austria

Adolf Hitler-Industry Club speech
Wednesday Jan 27, 1932 - Düsseldorf, Germany

World War II-Siege of Leningrad ended
Thursday Jan 27, 1944 - Leningrad, U.S.S.R. (Present Day Saint Petersburg, Russia)

The Holocaust-Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets
Saturday Jan 27, 1945 - Poland

Cypriot intercommunal violence-Turkish Cypriot response to this plan was a series of anti-British demonstrations in Nicosia
Monday Jan 27, 1958 - Nicosia, Cyprus

Cypriot intercommunal violence-British soldiers opened fire against a crowd of Turkish Cypriot rioters
Monday Jan 27, 1958 - Cyprus

Che Guevara-Significant Speeches
Tuesday Jan 27, 1959 - Cuba

Neil Armstrong-The Signing of the United Nations Outer Space Treaty, and The Apollo 1 Fire
Friday Jan 27, 1967 - Washington D.C., London and Moscow

Vietnam War-Paris Peace Accords
Saturday Jan 27, 1973 - Paris, France

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-The Senate voted in Public Session
Wednesday Jan 27, 1999 - Senate, Washington D.C., U.S.

Angelina Jolie-Mother's Death
Saturday Jan 27, 2007 - California, United States

Apple Inc.-iPad
Wednesday Jan 27, 2010 - U.S.

Java (programming language)-Oracle
Wednesday Jan 27, 2010 - California, U.S.

Muhammad Yunus-Yunus appeared In Court In a Food-adulteration Case
Thursday Jan 27, 2011 - Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dwayne Johnson-Royal Rumble (2013)
Sunday Jan 27, 2013 - Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.

Justin Trudeau-The House of Commons
Monday Jan 27, 2014 - Ottawa, Canada

Donald Trump-Trump signed Executive Order 13769
Friday Jan 27, 2017 - U.S.

IKEA-Founder's Death
Saturday Jan 27, 2018 - Älmhult, Småland, Sweden

Atari, Inc.-Atari Hotels
Monday Jan 27, 2020 - Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.

Frank Fritz -Sued for negligence
Monday Jan 27, 2020 - USA

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-CDC updated travel guidance
Monday Jan 27, 2020 - Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
27 January 1945

The Holocaust-Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets
Saturday Jan 27, 1945 - Poland
January 1945

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Bribes for Lives
Jan, 1945 - Brünnlitz, Czech Republic

The Holocaust-Death marches to camps in Germany and Austria
Jan, 1945 - Poland

Heinrich Himmler-Operation North Wind
Monday Jan 1, 1945 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Hitler Transferred His Headquarters To The Führerbunker
Tuesday Jan 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Pope John Paul II-Germans fled the City
Wednesday Jan 17, 1945 - Karkow, Poland

Harry S. Truman-A Vice President
Saturday Jan 20, 1945 - U.S.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels noted in his diary millions of Germans were fleeing westward
Sunday Jan 21, 1945 - Germany

Max Planck-Erwin (His son) was hanged
Tuesday Jan 23, 1945 - Plötzensee Prison, Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Commander of the Hastily formed Army Group Vistula
Thursday Jan 25, 1945 - Pomerania, Poland

The Holocaust-Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets
Saturday Jan 27, 1945 - Poland

Winston Churchill-Malta Conference
Tuesday Jan 30, 1945 - Malta

First Indochina War-The Provisional Government of the French Republic wanted to restore its colonial rule in French Indochina
1945 - French Indochina (Now Vietnam)

First Indochina War-The Vietnamese Famine
1945 - Vietnam

Shimon Peres-Marriage
1945 - Israel

Harald V-The First Member of The Royal Family To attend Public School
1945 - Smestad Skole, Konventveien, Oslo, Norway

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Bribes for Lives
Jan, 1945 - Brünnlitz, Czech Republic

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-After the war
1945 - Czech Republic

Harald V-Returning to Norway
1945 - Norway

Chinese Civil War-Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation
1945 - Japan

Computer-The First Electronic Programmable Computer built In The U.S.
1945 - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Chinese Civil War-Communist Party Liberated Zone
1945 - China

Hirohito-Emperor Hirohito began a series of individual meetings to consider the progress of the war
1945 - Tokyo, Japan

Hirohito-The Cabinet had agreed on a Negotiated Surrender
1945 - Tokyo, Japan

The Holocaust-Death marches to camps in Germany and Austria
Jan, 1945 - Poland

Heinrich Himmler-Operation North Wind
Monday Jan 1, 1945 - Germany

Alan Turing-Working on The Design of The ACE
1945 - Hampton, London, England

Rosa Parks-Rosa succeeded in registering to Vote
1945 - U.S.

Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky became a Naturalized United States Citizen
1945 - West Hollywood, California, U.S.

Nuclear Power-Little Boy
1945 - U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Winston Churchill made his first visit to France since the liberation
1945 - Paris, France

Martin Bormann-Hitler Transferred His Headquarters To The Führerbunker
Tuesday Jan 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Pope John Paul II-Germans fled the City
Wednesday Jan 17, 1945 - Karkow, Poland

Harry S. Truman-A Vice President
Saturday Jan 20, 1945 - U.S.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels noted in his diary millions of Germans were fleeing westward
Sunday Jan 21, 1945 - Germany

Max Planck-Erwin (His son) was hanged
Tuesday Jan 23, 1945 - Plötzensee Prison, Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Commander of the Hastily formed Army Group Vistula
Thursday Jan 25, 1945 - Pomerania, Poland

The Holocaust-Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets
Saturday Jan 27, 1945 - Poland

Winston Churchill-Malta Conference
Tuesday Jan 30, 1945 - Malta

Hirohito-The First Private audience with The Emperor
Feb, 1945 - Tokyo, Japan

Heinrich Himmler-Planning secret Peace Negotiation
1945 - Germany

World War II-Vistula–Oder Offensive ended
Friday Feb 2, 1945 - Poland and Eastern Germany

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth appointed as an honorary second subaltern
Feb, 1945 - London, United Kingdom

World War II-Yalta Conference
Sunday Feb 4, 1945 - Yalta, Crimea, U.S.S.R.

Winston Churchill-Yalta Conference
Sunday Feb 4, 1945 - Yalta, Crimea

Bob Marley-Born
Tuesday Feb 6, 1945 - Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica

Benito Mussolini-The Porzûs massacre
Wednesday Feb 7, 1945 at 08:38:00 PM - Italy

Winston Churchill-Bombing of Dresden
Tuesday Feb 13, 1945 - Dresden, Germany

World War II-Fall of Budapest
Tuesday Feb 13, 1945 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

World War II-Gothic Line
Mar, 1945 - Northern Italy

John F. Kennedy-Kennedy Retired
Thursday Mar 1, 1945 - U.S.

World War II-U.S. forces recaptured Manila
Mar, 1945 - Manila, Philippines

Josip Broz Tito-The provisional government of the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia (Demokratska Federativna Jugoslavija, DFY) was assembled in Belgrade
Wednesday Mar 7, 1945 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

World War II-The Allied advance from Paris to the Rhine
Thursday Mar 8, 1945 - France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Germany

World War II-Bombing of Tokyo
Thursday Mar 8, 1945 - Tokyo, Japan

First Indochina War-The Second French Indochina Campaign
Friday Mar 9, 1945 - French Indochina (Now Vietnam)

Penicillin-Australia was the first country to make the drug available for civilian use
Thursday Mar 15, 1945 - Australia

Edward VIII-Resignation
Friday Mar 16, 1945 - Nassau, Bahamas

Itzak Stern-Marriage
1945 - Poland

Winston Churchill-Churchill decided to restrict area bombing and sent a memorandum to General Ismay
Wednesday Mar 28, 1945 - United Kingdom

World War II-Battle of Northern Burma and Western Yunnan
Mar, 1945 - Northern Burma and Western Yunnan, China

World War II-Upper Silesian Offensive
Saturday Mar 31, 1945 - Upper Silesia, Germany

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-Gandhi's letter to Birla
Apr, 1945 - India

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Separation and reunion
1945 - Germany

Ho Chi Minh-Ho met with the OSS agent Archimedes Patti
Apr, 1945 - Vietnam

Hirohito-The Soviet Union issued notice that it would not renew its neutrality agreement
Apr, 1945 - Moscow, Russia (then Soviet Union)

World War II-East Pomeranian Offensive
Wednesday Apr 4, 1945 - Pomerania, Danzig-West Prussia inside Germany

Second Sino-Japanese War-Battle of West Hunan
Friday Apr 6, 1945 - Zhijiang, Huaihua, Hunan, China

Penicillin-Florey and Chain shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Medicine
1945 - Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

World War II-Fall of Königsberg
Sunday Apr 8, 1945 - Königsberg, East Prussia (Present Day Kaliningrad, Russia)

The Holocaust-Buchenwald was liberated
Wednesday Apr 11, 1945 - Weimar, Germany

Harry S. Truman-A President
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - U.S.

Harry S. Truman-Truman's brief vice-presidency was relatively uneventful
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - U.S.

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels knew how to play on Hitler's fantasies
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - Germany

World War II-Roosevelt death
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - U.S.

Franklin D. Roosevelt-Death
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 at 03:35:00 PM - Warm Springs, Georgia, U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Roosevelt died
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - U.S.

World War II-Operation Spring Awakening - Last German major offensive
Sunday Apr 15, 1945 - Lake Balaton, Kingdom of Hungary

The Holocaust-Bergen-Belsen was liberated
Sunday Apr 15, 1945 - Germany

Martin Bormann-The Battle of Berlin
Monday Apr 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Fall of Berlin
Monday Apr 16, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Ruhr Pocket
Wednesday Apr 18, 1945 - Ruhr Area, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels burned his private papers
Wednesday Apr 18, 1945 - Germany

World War II-Air raids on Japan
Wednesday Apr 18, 1945 - Japan

The Holocaust-Belsen report "Victims of The Holocaust on Belsen"
Thursday Apr 19, 1945 - United Kingdom

Martin Bormann-The Red Army started to Encircle Berlin
Thursday Apr 19, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Last trip from the Führerbunker
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Last Meeting
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Hitler's 56th Birthday
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Most of Hitler's inner circle to leave Berlin
Friday Apr 20, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Battle of the Seelow
Saturday Apr 21, 1945 - Seelow Heights, Province of Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Release of Jewish Concentration Camp
Saturday Apr 21, 1945 - Germany

Martin Bormann-Albert Bormann Left The Bunker complex and flew to the Obersalzberg
Monday Apr 23, 1945 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels made the last proclamation to the people of Berlin
Monday Apr 23, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler met directly with Bernadotte
Monday Apr 23, 1945 - Germany

World War II-East Prussian Offensive
Wednesday Apr 25, 1945 - East Prussia (Present Day in Poland)

W. E. B. Du Bois-United Nations Conference on International Organization
Wednesday Apr 25, 1945 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Martin Bormann-Gerda Bormann and the Children fled Obersalzberg for Italy
Wednesday Apr 25, 1945 - Italy

Benito Mussolini-Escaping to Spain
Wednesday Apr 25, 1945 - Spain

United Nations-United Nations Conference on International Organization
Wednesday Apr 25, 1945 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler's SS representative was caught and brought back to the Führerbunker
Friday Apr 27, 1945 - Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Negotiations with the western Allies
Saturday Apr 28, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-Benito Mussolini was killed
Saturday Apr 28, 1945 - Italy

Benito Mussolini-Mussolini's death
Saturday Apr 28, 1945 - Italy

Adolf Hitler-Hitler removed Göring from all government positions
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Marriage
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Martin Bormann-Bormann was Named Executor of The Estate
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Heinrich Himmler-Himmler and Göring are traitors
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels and Bormann were witnesses to Hitlers
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

World War II-German forces surrender
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Joseph Goebbels-Hitler married Eva Braun before his suicide
Sunday Apr 29, 1945 - Berlin, Germany

Adolf Hitler-Death
Monday Apr 30, 1945 - Berlin, Germany