Xanana Gusmão - Gusmão Was arrested and Imprisoned by The UDT
Time: 1975
Place: Timor-Leste
Details: During most of 1975 a bitter internal struggle occurred between two rival factions in Portuguese Timor. Gusmão became deeply involved with the Fretilin faction, and as a result he was arrested and imprisoned by the rival faction the Timorese Democratic Union (UDT) in mid-1975.
Xanana Gusmão-National Service
1968 - Timor-Leste
Xanana Gusmão-International Peace-Keeping Force (INTERFET) Entered East Timor
Monday Sep 20, 1999 - Timor-Leste
Xanana Gusmão-Gusmão's Trial
May, 1993 - Timor-Leste
Xanana Gusmão-Gusmão obtained a position with the public service
1966 - Timor-Leste
Xanana Gusmão-The Independence Referendum
Monday Aug 30, 1999 - Timor-Leste
Xanana Gusmão-The Fretilin Faction Had Gained Control of Portuguese Timor
1975 - Timor-Leste
Vladimir Putin-Graduation
1975 - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Vladimir Putin-Joined the KGB
1975 - Okhta, Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Russia
Sepp Blatter-Technical Director
1975 - FIFA headquarters, Zurich, Switzerland
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1975 - Munich, Germany