George Washington - National Militia
Time: Aug, 1783
Place: U.S.
Details: Washington advised Congress in August 1783 to keep a standing army, create a "national militia" of separate state units, and establish a navy and a national military academy. He circulated his "Farewell" orders that discharged his troops, whom he called "one patriotic band of brothers". Before his return to Mount Vernon, he oversaw the evacuation of British forces in New York and was greeted by parades and celebrations, where he announced that Knox had been promoted commander-in-chief.
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Mother's Day-Protesting "Philadelphia"
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Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell left Charleston for Philadelphia and New York
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George Washington-Congress allowed free blacks to serve in the militia
Wednesday Jan 17, 1776 - U.S.
Beethoven-First Three Piano Sonatas
1783 - Bonn, Germany
Beethoven-First Printed Reference
1783 - Bonn, Germany
Mozart-A visit to Salzburg with his wife
1783 - Salzburg, Austria
1783 Calabrian earthquakes-The Earthquake
Wednesday Feb 5, 1783 - Southern Italian peninsula and Sicily
1783 Calabrian earthquakes-This magnitude 6.2 event
Thursday Feb 6, 1783 - Southern Italian peninsula and Sicily