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Bosnian War - The Bosnian government lines around Goražde broke

Time: Friday Apr 15, 1994

Place: Goražde, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Details: On 15 April, the Bosnian government lines around Goražde broke.



Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-The first time in NATO's history it had conducted air strikes
Sunday Apr 10, 1994 - Goražde, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Units of the Partisans were responsible for atrocities after the repatriations of Bleiburg
May, 1945 - Yugoslavia
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Tito signed an agreement with the Soviet Union allowing "temporary entry" of Soviet troops into Yugoslav territory
Thursday Sep 28, 1944 - Yugoslavia
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-The Second Proletarian Brigade
Sunday Mar 1, 1942 - Yugoslavia
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Tito dispatched a telegram to the supreme headquarters Slovene Partisan Army prohibiting the execution of prisoners of war
Monday May 14, 1945 - Yugoslavia

On This Day - 15 April

Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Henry VI
Monday Apr 15, 1191 - Holy Roman Empire
Civil War USA Coll
USA civil war-Invitations to recapture the fort and other federal properties
Monday Apr 15, 1861 - U.S
Abraham Lincoln
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Monday Apr 15, 1861 - U.S.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving-The first official Canadian Thanksgiving
Monday Apr 15, 1872 - Canada
Hungarian–Romanian War (Romanian Cavalry in Budapest during the Hungarian-Romanian War of 1919) Image
Hungarian–Romanian War-The Hungarians Launched a Preemptive Attack.
Tuesday Apr 15, 1919 - Romania

15 April 1994

The headquarters of the World Trade Organization
World Trade Organization-Marrakesh Agreement
Friday Apr 15, 1994 - Marrakesh, Morocco

April 1994

Garry Kasparov Image
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Apr, 1994 - Russia
Rwandan genocide
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Rwandan genocide
Rwandan genocide-A Crisis Committee
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Rwandan genocide
Rwandan genocide-The ICTR prosecution was unable to prove that a conspiracy to commit genocide
Thursday Apr 7, 1994 - Rwanda
Rwandan genocide
Rwandan genocide-Paul Kagame warned the crisis committee and UNAMIR that he would resume the civil war if the killing did not stop
Thursday Apr 7, 1994 - Rwanda


Map of conflict zones in Myanmar (Burma) - image
Conflict in Myanmar-A Ceasefire
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George Weah in Milan AC 1996 - image
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Hugo Chávez
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Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
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1994 - U.S.
1997 Asian financial crisis
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