Ebola Most Major Outbreaks - The Nzara and Maridi Outbreak in 1979
Time: Aug, 1979
Place: South Sudan
Details: This outbreak occurred in Nzara and Maridi. This was a recurrent outbreak at the same site as the 1976 Sudan epidemic. This outbreak had 34 infections and 22 deaths.
August 1979
Sony Corporation-Sony Life
Aug, 1979 - Tokyo, Japan
Johan Cruyff-To Los Angeles
Monday Aug 20, 1979 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Robin Williams-Second appearance on Time's cover
Thursday Aug 23, 1979 - New York, U.S.
Bin Laden-Soviet–Afghan War
1979 - Pakistan
Bin Laden-Education
1979 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia K.S.A.
Visa Inc.-Banco de Bilbao
1979 - Spain
Stephen Hawking-Elected Lucasian Professor of Mathematics
1979 - Cambridge, England
Microsoft-Microsoft Moved Its Headquarters To Bellevue
Jan, 1979 - Bellevue, Washington, U.S.