Gary Webb - Webb married Susan
Time: 1979
Place: Kentucky, United States
Details: In 1979, Webb married Susan Bell; the couple eventually had three children.
Abraham Lincoln-Birth
Monday Feb 13, 1809 - Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.
KFC-The Official Name
1991 - Worldwide
Abraham Lincoln-Thomas Lincoln bought or leased farms in Kentucky
1800s - Kentucky, U.S.
Abraham Lincoln-Parents moved to Elizabethtown
1806 - Elizabethtown, Kentucky, U.S.
Gary Webb-Webb worked as a reporter at the Kentucky Post
1978 - Kentucky, United States
Bin Laden-Soviet–Afghan War
1979 - Pakistan
Bin Laden-Education
1979 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia K.S.A.
Visa Inc.-Banco de Bilbao
1979 - Spain
Stephen Hawking-Elected Lucasian Professor of Mathematics
1979 - Cambridge, England
Microsoft-Microsoft Moved Its Headquarters To Bellevue
Jan, 1979 - Bellevue, Washington, U.S.